
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Adasbridal pink lace dress, faux fur, and beautiful collar necklace!

ENG: This post is long overdue! I was waiting for the perfect occasion to show you this dress, but it was too cold to wear it outside, and I didn't feel like shooting outfit photos inside of the house, as the lighting wasn't very flattering...
But, this morning, we've had sun, and it wasn't that cold at all! Very strange for the end of November, I have to say... My hubby came home for luch and we quickly organised this "photoshoot"!
I hope you'll like the photos :-)

This beautiful lace dress is from Adasbridal web store. They're specialized in selling beautiful dresses for any type of special occasions. Each dress is custom made, and the quality is amazing.
It will take them about 20 to 25 days to finish tailoring the clothes you ordered. Then plus 5-10 days for delivery, so it will take about 25-35 days for your order to arrive. But it's definitely worth the wait, as the result is an incredibly beautiful dress that fits perfectly to your proportions!
Also, you can always count on the Adasbridal friendly customer's service that is always ready to help you out and aswer any of the questions you might have.

I wish I had received this dress in summer time! I would have worn it many times already! Now it'll just need to wait for the warmer season to come back I paired it with my faux fur jacket and I actually liked the whole styling, even though the colour of this dress screams summer, I still felt it wasn't totally inappropriate for the cold season!

HR: Napokon sam uhvatila priliku za fotografiranje ove haljine! Na pravu trenutak cekam vec par mjeseci, buduci da mi je haljina stigla na kraju ljeta, u Italiji je postajalo sve hladnije i hladnije i jednostavno se nisam usudila izaci tako "oskudno" obucena vani. A svi znamo da pri umjetnom svijetlu rezultati nisu bas nesto, tako da fotografiranje u mojoj sobi nije bila opcija...
Ali, ovog jutra sve se nekako poklopilo...imali smo suncano vrijeme, vani uopce nije bilo hladno, a moj muzic- fotograf, dosao je doma za rucak...Na brzinu smo organizirali ovaj mali "photoshoot"!
Nadam se da ce vam se fotografije svidjeti :-)

Ova prekrasna cipkana haljina je sa Adasbridal web ducana. Oni su specijalizirani za prodaju svecanih haljina za vjencanja i evente. Svaka haljina rucno je radjena po vasoj mjeri, tako da je i sama kvaliteta odlicna! Nakon sto predate narudzbu, cekati cete oko 20 do 25 dana na izradu haljine, a dodatnih 5-10 dana na isporuku. Racunajte da ce vam haljina stici za otprilike 25-35 dana od predaje narudzbe. Ali, vrijedno je cekanja jer rezultat je zaista divna haljina, sivana po vasoj mjeri, koja savrseno stoji na vasem tijelu!
U svakom trenutku na raspolaganju vam je i prijateljsko osoblje sa Adasbridal sluzbe za klijente, koje ce vam dati podrsku u svakom trenutku i odgovoriti na sva vasa pitanja.

Da mi je bar haljina stigla dok smo jos bili u ljetnoj sezoni! Vec bih ju puno puta nosila! Ovako mora cekati toplije dane u mom ormaru...Danas sam ju iskombinirala sa bundicom iz Zare i rezultat mi se svidio! Iako je boja haljine takva da "vristi" ljetoooo, u ovom stylingu mislim da ipak nije bila totalno neodgovarajuca za ove hladnije dane!

DRESS: Adasbridal
NECKLACE: Happiness Boutique
SHOES: Emporio Armani
BAG: Fendi
WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Watch my video review of this dress here:

(Pogledajte video recenziju haljine, ovdje:)


  1. Goes to the oscar. xo

  2. Goes to the oscar. xo

  3. beautiful! lovely shoes! :)

  4. So glad the weather was nice enough for you to shoot this! I adore the dress. The colour is PERFECT on you. I absolutely love the lace as well. That is such a gorgeous party dress :)

  5. Es un vestido precioso!

  6. Predivna haljina i jako si je lepo iskombinovala, bundica je vrlo lepa :)

  7. Izgledas prekrasno :D

  8. OMG look at you! You look totally FABULOUS my dear! ♥
    Love the dress and your hair is to die for!

    xoxo Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥


  9. The dress looks amazing on you, happy it fits you so well! All the colors can be custom made.
    Here is the dress:

  10. So beautiful dress!
    You look so amazing.

  11. amazing dress! lovely look!

  12. Your dress is so amazing! Love it! <3

    Kindly visit my blog,
    Thank you :)


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