
Tuesday 13 October 2015

You have to believe, sometimes life will point you in the right direction...

ENG: I was in Croatia this weekend! It was a short, but (always) nice stay. I thought of doing great things for my blog while I was there (I had a whole suitcase of Fall clothes & outfits ready), but at the end I did nothing! I wasn't even vlogging. Not even one status update on my facebook, or instagram.
And you know what? I felt good. I didn't even care to see what other people who I follow, were doing. Usually I get pretty upset when things get in a way and I don't manage to do anything for my blog/ youtube...but this weekend was different. It was like I was back in my childhood, when all the social medias and the life as we know it now was just a sci-fi, kids were constantly playing outside, running on our bikes, climbing up the trees, playing all sorts of non- computer games, and really living our lives, not in a virtual world, but outside, on the streets, in the nature...
I did many things these past few days, but I didn't feel the need to constantly share on my social medias where am I going, who am I going with, how am I dressed for the occasion...
I scratched the surface, this surface of superficiality of our beauty / fashion blogger world, and all of a sudden it didn't really matter what was I doing every single second of every single day, and you know what? It didn't really matter what you guys were doing either!
It's nice to have these kind of days and I can only wish you the same...that there are days when you couldn't care less about what am I doing and that you feel so caught up in the moment with whatever you're doing, that you just don't feel like sharing it on your social medias....
It's the inner child of '80.-ies in me that has spoken :-)

HR: Ovaj vikend bila sam u Hrvatskoj! Bio je to vrlo kratak, ali (uvijek) ugodan boravak. Imala sam u planu napraviti velike stvari za blog (cijeli kofer sa jesenskom robom i razradjenim outfitima vec je bio spreman), ali na kraju nisam napravila nista! Nisam cak ni vlogala. Niste od mene mogli vidjeti niti jedan jedini status update na face-u, ili brzinski foto post na instagramu.
I znate sto? Bas sam se dobro osjecala. Nije me bilo briga ni sto rade drugi ljudi koje inace volim pratiti na blogu / youtube-u. Obicno se znam uzrujati kada mi se ne podje za rukom napraviti novi materijal za blog, ili youtube...ali ovaj vikend situacija je bila drugacija. Bilo je to kao da sam se vratila u djetinjstvo, kada su sve te drustvene mreze i zivot iza kompjutera, kakav nam je danas znan, bile samo sci- fi price, haha...mi djeca non-stop smo se igrali vani, vozili nase bicikle, pentrali se po drvecu, igrajuci sve moguce igre koje nisu imale veze sa kompjuterima, vec sa stvarnim zivotom...Nismo zivjeli virtualno, vec stvarno djetinjstvo, vani, na ulicama nasih kvartova i u prirodi...
U proteklih par dana radila sam puno stvari, i ugodnih i manje ugodnih, ali nisam imala potrebu stalno updatati moje drustvene mreze o tome cime se bavim, gdje idem, sa kim i kako sam obucena za tu priliku...
Zagrebala sam ispod povrsine, ove povrsnosti naseg beauty / modnog bloger svijeta, i odjednom nije vise bilo vazno sto sam radila svake sekunde svakoga dana, a znate li jos nesto? Uopce mi nije bilo vazno ni sto ste vi radili!
Otkrila sam da je bas super imati takve opustene dane, kad vas jednostavno "nema", a u biti zivite stvarni zivot vise nego kada ste non-stop prisutni na drustvenim mrezama...Jedino sto u ovom trenutku zelim napraviti jest pozeljeti i vama isto...da imate takvih dana kada vas boli briga sto ja radim i kako sam obucena, i da ste toliko uhvaceni u trenutku zivota, da ste uopce zaboravili da imate neke tu drustvene mreze...
To iz mene progovara glas unutarnjeg djeteta 80.-tih :-)

Dress: H&M Conscious Collection // Sunglasses: Ray Ban // Sandals: H&M // Hat: INA market, Italy // Necklace: H&M // Bag: H&M //Cuff bracelet: H&M // other bracelets: Accessorize & my neighbour's handmade gift // Watch: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green


  1. Wow! What a lovely dress :) it looks in croatia is still summer weather! How many degrees was there?:)

    1. Hi! Thanks, I love this dress too! Unfortunately it's quite chilly in Croatia these days :-( These photos were taken at the end of my summer vacations (end of August), so it was still beautiful, sunny weather! Now it's more of a sweater weather!

  2. Very beautiful pictures ! I really love your dress :)


  3. so beautyful =)

  4. El bolso naranja me encanta!

  5. Croatia seems awesome:) I love your outfit & sunglasses!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Such sunny and lovely pics!))
    Kisses from

  8. You look so beautiful in this outfit!
    Love your style! :)

  9. Potpuno se slažem s tobom, ponekad se u potpunosti treba maknuti od društvenih mreža, koje koliko god da su korisne, mogu biti i štetne i navesti nas da živimo za dojam, a ne suštine. Divno ti stoji ova maksi haljina, prekrasna kombinacija sve skupa.

  10. Beautiful dress! I love your necklace also <3

    Kindly visit my blog,
    Thank you :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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