
Tuesday 27 October 2015

The taste of freedom at Bakar

ENG: I found this cool spot to take outfit photos at the industrial zone of the town Bakar in Croatia.
I loved this location so much, I said to my hubby that we have to return here again!
Bakar is a little town situated on the coast of the Adriatic sea, in the big bay of Bakar, close to my hometown Rijeka. In the 80.-ies the infamous coke plant was destroying the environment and completely stopped any possibility of tourism in Bakar.
The plant was closed for good in 1994. and since then you can taste the freedom of this little town again.

HR: Ovu odlicnu lokaciju pronasli smo u gradicu Bakru, u industrijskoj zoni, prema strani na kojoj je nekad bila smjestena zloglasna tvornica koksa, Koksara.
Lokacija mi se toliko svidjela za snimanje outfit posta, da sam napomenula muzicu kako se moramo ovdje vratiti!
Bakar je mali gradic smjesten u bakarskom zaljevu, koji je 80.-tih godina patio zbog nezdrave tvornice Koksare koja je unistavala okolis, a s time i svu mogucnost razvoja turizma. Sjecam se, dok sam bila dijete, kada smo magistralom prolazili iznad Bakra, nastojala sam zadrzati dah sve dok nismo prosli Bakar, buduci da je zrak bio toliko oneciscen i toliko smrdljiv da je bilo nepodnosljivo udisati ga. Na srecu, promijenom vlasti, donesene su i nove odluke, te je 1994. god Koksara zauvijek zatvorena i sloboda se konacno vratila u ovaj mali primorski gradic.

Top, skirt, bag & bracelets: H&M // Sandals: ZARA // Sunglasses: Ray Ban // Necklace: PULL & BEAR // Watch: JORD, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green


  1. I really love the shirt :)
    kisses ♥

  2. Love the photos, so beautifull look and place! Good choice!

    xoxo, Sofia Pinto
    Last Post ♥

  3. I really love your fashion sense.
    you always look amazing so all of your outfits are lovely.

  4. Predivan outfit, lokacija mi se jako svidja :)

  5. Amazing outfit

  6. Just beautiful. <3

  7. visit and follow here...from malaysia with love


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