
Sunday 4 October 2015

Rijeka. Boardwalk. Summer.

ENG: It's almost midnight on a Sunday night and I have a long day at work behind me, but I wanted to sit down and write this post, before I unwind and relax on my sofa, watching a good TV show...
These photos were taken when I was on my summer vacations in Croatia, and this is my hometown Rijeka. We took a lot of outfit photos while I was in Croatia, and as I wasn't able to post from there as frequently as I normally do, now on my computer files I still have a lot of outfit photos from this summer. I hope you're still going to enjoy them, even though chillier days are here already!
Also, when I have a moment free, I tend to shoot as many outfit posts as I can, so I can later on post them with regular frequency.

HR: Skoro je pola noci, a ja u nedjelju navecer imam iza sebe dosta dug i naporan dan na poslu. Ipak prije nego sto se krenem opustati na kaucu uz neku dobru TV seriju, htjela sam vam postaviti ovaj post na blog...
Fotografije su snimljene ovog ljeta kada sam boravila u Hrvatskoj, a ovo je riva mog grada, Rijeke. Puno smo outfit fotki snimili dok sam boravila u Rijeci, a buduci da nisam imala mogucnosti od tamo postati svaki dan, ili toliko cesto, koliko inace to cinim, desila se situacija da sada na fileovima kompjutera imam jos puno ljetnih fotki za objaviti!
Nadam se da ce vam se svejedno svidjeti, iako su vec hladniji dani pred nama.
Isto tako, htjela sam vam reci da kada uhvatim slobodni trenutak, nastojim uvijek fotkati vise outfita, kako bih ih poslije mogla redovito objavljivati na blogu. Zbog mog i muzevog posla nismo uvijek u mogucnosti snimati svaki tjedan, a buduci da ne zelim da gap izmedju postova bude prevelik, nastojim uvijek napraviti "malu zalihu za susne dane", ili kako bih se vec izrazila haha... Bez daljnjeg duljenja, evo fotki s rijecke rive ;-)

TOP: H&M // NECKLACE: Pull & Bear // JEANS: Hollister // ESPADRILLES: Bata // BRACELET: H&M // SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban // BAG: Nico fashion store, Italy // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green


  1. You look stylish, classic and beautiful. Sonia Crotia is a good city. I hope, i can go one day. xo

  2. Me encantan las zapatillas!

  3. I must say that I love all of your outfits and your beautiful face!

  4. You're so pretty! :)

    Kindly visit my blog,
    Thank you :)

  5. i ja volim imati zalihu postova:) sada sam ih nakupila toliko da ne znam gdje ću sa svima....nego, ove riječke fotografije su famozne...prava si ljepotica!


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