
Thursday 22 October 2015

In the park of Delnice...

ENG: When I was in Croatia, one day I went to the town in the mountain region of Gorski kotar, called Delnice... Of course I went to Delnice! Basically all my family comes from that little town, and my uncle still lives there with his family. I have only the nicest childhood memories when I think of Delnice. I decided to shoot an outfit post in the park of Delnice, which is a really beautiful location and certainly a refreshment on my blog!
These heels I'm wearing on the photos tied in perfectly with the rest of the outfit, but needless to say, as soon as the photo shoot was over, I switched into my cozy flats :-) I was in the middle of the wood, after all...who can be spotted wearing heels? Only a fashion blogger, lol ;-)

HR: Dok sam boravila u Hrvatskoj, jedan dan "skoknula" sam do Delnica...naravno da sam otisla do Delnica! Gotovo cijela moja obitelj dolazi bas iz tog malog grada u srcu Gorskog kotra, a moje najljepse uspomene iz djetinjstva vezane su i uz Delnice. Moj stric jos uvijek tamo zivi sa obitelji, tako da uvijek imam razloga za posjet!
Odlucila sam snimiti outfit post u Delnickom parku, to je zaista predivna lokacija i pravo osvjezenje na mom blogu!
Sandale na visoku petu posluzile su samo kao "rekvizit" za potrebe slikanja, nakon sto je "session" bio gotov, vratila sam se svojim udobnim cipelicama na ravnu petu! Ipak smo bili usred sume! Tko ce biti vidjen da na takvom mjestu nosi visoke pete? To moze biti samo modna blogerica! ;-)

JUMPSUIT: H&M // BELT: H&M // SANDALS: Zara // BAG: H&M // CARDIGAN: Francomina
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear // EARRINGS: Zara // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green


  1. Izgledas fenomenalno, takoder i mjesto slikanja je famozno

  2. Odlican outfit, kombinezon je predobar i jako je cool print.

  3. I love the pattern and shoes!<3

  4. Hi Sonia, Thanks For stopping by my blog. Sure, I'd like to follow each other ^^

    Follow you on GFC #777. Please Follow back ^^

    Official Seol ♥

  5. oh my this is really nice! I totally love it! :) nice photos as well..

    Rica |

  6. This post is worthy of appreciation, looking forward to more exciting! Swarovski Store

  7. Very interesting blog, looking forward to more wonderful!

  8. Love the color of your bag!

  9. Lepo izgledas, imaš mail ljubim te.

  10. wow i love this jumpsuit so much!
    amazing look :)

    with love your AMELY ROSE

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. you look amazing and am in love with your shoes


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