
Thursday 29 October 2015

It's shopping o'clock!

ENG: Another outfit post taken in the Croatian mountain region of Gorski Kotar, in a little town Delnice. I wore my H&M jumpsuit, but because it was quite chilly over there, I put my floral print sweater from Bershka on top. I'm looking forward to visiting Delnice again very soon, but my outfit is going to have to be much warmer now that we're almost in November! I'm already thinking about what to pack for my trip!

You can see this outfit post in my Glam Express' article!

HR: Jos jedan outfit post iz Delnica! Nosila sam H&M-ov kombinezon, a buduci da je gore u planinama bilo prohladno, povrh sam stavila ovu slatku majicu iz Bershke. Mislim da se dobro uklopila sa kombinezonom! Veselim se skorom posjetu Delnicama, ali buduci da smo skoro vec u Studenom, morati cu se puno toplije obuci, tako da vec sada razmisljam o tome!

Ovaj outfit mozete vidjeti i u mom clanku za Glam Express!

SWEATER: Bershka // JUMPSUIT: H&M // SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban // BAG: Nico fashion store, Italy // FLATS: Zara // SOCKS: Golden Point // NECKLACE: Pull & Bear // EARRINGS: Zara // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The taste of freedom at Bakar

ENG: I found this cool spot to take outfit photos at the industrial zone of the town Bakar in Croatia.
I loved this location so much, I said to my hubby that we have to return here again!
Bakar is a little town situated on the coast of the Adriatic sea, in the big bay of Bakar, close to my hometown Rijeka. In the 80.-ies the infamous coke plant was destroying the environment and completely stopped any possibility of tourism in Bakar.
The plant was closed for good in 1994. and since then you can taste the freedom of this little town again.

HR: Ovu odlicnu lokaciju pronasli smo u gradicu Bakru, u industrijskoj zoni, prema strani na kojoj je nekad bila smjestena zloglasna tvornica koksa, Koksara.
Lokacija mi se toliko svidjela za snimanje outfit posta, da sam napomenula muzicu kako se moramo ovdje vratiti!
Bakar je mali gradic smjesten u bakarskom zaljevu, koji je 80.-tih godina patio zbog nezdrave tvornice Koksare koja je unistavala okolis, a s time i svu mogucnost razvoja turizma. Sjecam se, dok sam bila dijete, kada smo magistralom prolazili iznad Bakra, nastojala sam zadrzati dah sve dok nismo prosli Bakar, buduci da je zrak bio toliko oneciscen i toliko smrdljiv da je bilo nepodnosljivo udisati ga. Na srecu, promijenom vlasti, donesene su i nove odluke, te je 1994. god Koksara zauvijek zatvorena i sloboda se konacno vratila u ovaj mali primorski gradic.

Top, skirt, bag & bracelets: H&M // Sandals: ZARA // Sunglasses: Ray Ban // Necklace: PULL & BEAR // Watch: JORD, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Monday 26 October 2015

How to pick out the right shade of hair extensions?

Hi guys!

I often get questions on how to pick out the right shade of the hair extensions, since I have two sets of hair extensions and they blend perfectly with my hair colour.

I don't wear hair extensions on daily basis, as my hair is naturally quite long, but I do like to play with hair extensions when I'm filming youtube videos, or hair tutorials. I often like to braid my hair into a voluminous side fishtail, and for that, I need a lot of hair!
With hair extensions my hair gains on volume, and this is exactly what I need when creating cute hairstyles!

I'm pretty lucky that, since I have highlighted hair, it's not that difficult for me to pick out the matching shade of hair extensions, as my hair colour is in different shades of blonde and brown (highlights and lowlights).

Before making your purchase, make sure to consult well the colour chart, and, if you need to ask for an advice, send an e-mail to a customer's service.
Even if the colour of your extensions  slightly differs from your hair colour, you can always colour your extensions to perfectly match your natural hair.

I was looking at 16 inch clip in hair extensions and I particularly love this ombre effect!

Clip in hair extensions are easy to clip in your hair and easy to take off at the end of the day. They're the perfect solution if you already have long hair, but occasionally you like to play with different hairstyles, and you need more volume to work with (that's exactly what I like to use my hair extensions for.)

Then, there are 16 inch remy hair extensions and I think those are perfect for anyone who likes to wear hair extensions on a daily basis, because this way you don't have the hassle of having to put them in every day and take them off, so you'll basically save up some time in your hair care routine.

Again, I'm loving this ombre effect:

Make sure to buy good quality hair, as it'll last you longer, look more natural and blend better with your own hair!

I hope you liked these few tips on hair extensions! If you have any more questions regarding this topic, you can leave them to me in the comments!

* sponsored post

Thursday 22 October 2015

In the park of Delnice...

ENG: When I was in Croatia, one day I went to the town in the mountain region of Gorski kotar, called Delnice... Of course I went to Delnice! Basically all my family comes from that little town, and my uncle still lives there with his family. I have only the nicest childhood memories when I think of Delnice. I decided to shoot an outfit post in the park of Delnice, which is a really beautiful location and certainly a refreshment on my blog!
These heels I'm wearing on the photos tied in perfectly with the rest of the outfit, but needless to say, as soon as the photo shoot was over, I switched into my cozy flats :-) I was in the middle of the wood, after all...who can be spotted wearing heels? Only a fashion blogger, lol ;-)

HR: Dok sam boravila u Hrvatskoj, jedan dan "skoknula" sam do Delnica...naravno da sam otisla do Delnica! Gotovo cijela moja obitelj dolazi bas iz tog malog grada u srcu Gorskog kotra, a moje najljepse uspomene iz djetinjstva vezane su i uz Delnice. Moj stric jos uvijek tamo zivi sa obitelji, tako da uvijek imam razloga za posjet!
Odlucila sam snimiti outfit post u Delnickom parku, to je zaista predivna lokacija i pravo osvjezenje na mom blogu!
Sandale na visoku petu posluzile su samo kao "rekvizit" za potrebe slikanja, nakon sto je "session" bio gotov, vratila sam se svojim udobnim cipelicama na ravnu petu! Ipak smo bili usred sume! Tko ce biti vidjen da na takvom mjestu nosi visoke pete? To moze biti samo modna blogerica! ;-)

JUMPSUIT: H&M // BELT: H&M // SANDALS: Zara // BAG: H&M // CARDIGAN: Francomina
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear // EARRINGS: Zara // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green