
Monday 7 September 2015

What if it rains?

ENG: Hi guys! Here's a little story behind this outfit post...When we first arrived to Croatia back in August, the weather wasn't cooperating with us at all!
I wore this outfit with the intention of going to the beach...I thought the seaside would be a perfect environment for shooting this tribal print dress! But no, the minute we walked outside of the house, the sky became all cloudy. I was like: "Oh, never mind, we can still take good outfit photos, let's just go to the beach!"
But after a couple of minutes it started pouring down rain! We needed a plan C!
This was a random spot we came across in the industrial part/ port of my town. It was covered and protected from the rain, it was unusual, so it was perfect for a quick, little photo session :-)
Afterwards we ended up having coffee with our friends at the local Mall! No shopping was taking place from my side, as Choies had me fully equipped for this summer! I really didn't need anything else besides the sunny weather!
I'm loving this tribal print dress that you can now find on sale for only $ 16.90! I got it in a size M (I like to go for a size up when ordering from asian websites, but this time, a size S would have been a better choice! Anyway, I added a thin, braided, brown belt, that made this dress a bit more flattering as it accentuated my waist line.)

Do you like how I added this Zara necklace to the dress? I feel it almost looks as if it was a part of it! Let me know your opinions!

HR: Pozdrav drustvo! Evo male price vezane uz ovaj outfit post...Kada smo tek stigli u Hrvatsku, prosloga kolovoza, vrijeme bas nije suradjivalo sa nama!
Ovaj outfit obukla sam sa namjerom odlaska na plazu...zamisljala sam kako ce plaza i more biti savrsena sredina za prezentaciju ove ljetne haljinice! Ali stvari bas i nisu isle po planu, jer trenutak kada smo izasli iz kuce, nebo se naoblacilo i smrknulo. Ja sam i dalje navijala za odlazak na plazu, jer oblacno vrijeme nije prepreka nastajanju dobrih fotki, ali, nakon nekoliko minuta, obrusila se kisa koja vise nije imala namjere prestati padati! Bilo je vrijeme za plan C!
Ovu lokaciju pronasli smo na "random", u industrijskoj zoni/ luci moga grada. Mjesto je natkriveno, neobicno, stoga pogodno za jedan brzinski foto session :-)
Na kraju smo zavrsili sa prijateljima na kavi u obliznjem Tower centru. Sa moje strane nije pao nikakav shopping, jer Choies me je velikodusno opremio za ljeto, tako da mi zaista nista osim lijepog vremena nije bilo potrebno!
Obozavam ovu haljinicu etnickog uzorka, a sada je na snizenju mozete naruciti za samo $ 16.90! Ja sam ju narucila u velicini M (kod narucivanja sa azijskih web ducana imam obicaj naruciti velicinu do dvije vecu od one koju inace nosim. No ovoga puta mogla sam komotno naruciti velicinu S, jer haljinica se pokazala dosta velikom. Kako bih ju bolje prilagodila tijelu, ukrasila sam ju sa ovim tankim, smedjim remenom koji mi je istaknuo struk.) 

Da li vam se svidja kako sam dodala ovu Zarinu ogrlicu haljini? Meni se cini da ovako izgleda kao da je ogrlica dio nje! Javite mi vasa misljenja u komentarima!

DRESS: Choies 
BELT: taken from another dress 
HAT: Jennifer
WATCH: Jord mod. Sully in "Natural Green" 


  1. Me encantan las sandalias!

  2. Super mi je ova šarena haljinica :)

  3. I love that dress.

  4. Nice dress!

  5. Your outfit looks stunning! :)

  6. OMG that fringe bag is to die for! ♥
    Looking awesome, lovely lady!

    Happy Tuesday!
    With love,
    Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥


  7. Beautyful Background ! Really good Pictures !♥

    Was hältst du davon, wenn wir uns gegenseitig folgen ? Mir gefällt dein Blog richtig gut ! ♥

    Auf meinem Blog läuft gerade ein Gewinnspiel, schau doch mal vorbei !
    Hier geht's zum Gewinnspiel auf meinem Blog ( Prall gefüllter Beautybeutel )

    Hier geht's zu meinem Blog ♥ Würde mich wahnsinnig freuen, wenn du mal vorbeischaust !

    xoxo Laura ♥

  8. i absolutely love this style, this dress is so cute and also the shoes!!! u look amazing darling!!!!!!

  9. Wow your outfit is so amazing!! I love it. <3

  10. You looks fabulous dear,and love the dress and bag.They are so gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful day.Kisses

  11. prekrans haljinica, jako mi se sviđa uzorak!
    fenomenalno izgledaš!


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