
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Colorful jumpsuit

ENG: These photos were taken the day we arrived to the island of Rab. This location is very close to Misnjak, where the ferry takes off for the mainland. It's also the part of the island that isn't populated, so I could say that we were in the middle of nowhere when taking these outfit photos...just beaches and the sea surrounding us :-)
For travelling to the island I chose to wear this lightweight, colorful jumpsuit from Hollister. I don't often wear heels, but these wooden sandals were actually very light and comfy to walk in!

HR: Ove fotke nastale su na sam dan naseg dolaska na otok Rab. Cim smo sisli sa trajekta, malo iznad Misnjaka, naisli smo na ovu lokaciju "usred nicega", okruzivali su nas samo plaze i more :-)
Za putovanje odabrala sam ovaj lagani kombinezon sarenih boja iz Hollistera, a iako ne nosim cesto pete, ove drvene sandale bas su se uklopile u outfit! Dodatni bonus je i to sto su vrlo lagane i udobne!

JUMPSUIT: Hollister // HAT: Ina market, Italy // SANDALS: Original Marines // BAG: Nico fashion store, Italy // SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban Aviators // NECKLACE: Pull & Bear // BRACELETS: Zara // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Before the storm...

ENG: The day of our arrival to the island of Rab, the weather got really crazy! It got very chilly, cloudy and windy! We took these shots just before going to our friend's place, and then it started pouring down rain!

HR: Na dan naseg dolaska na otok Rab, vrijeme se naglo pogorsalo! Pocelo je puhati, zamracilo se i postalo prilicno prohladno! Nismo mogli na plazu, vec smo se brze- bolje pokupili kod prijatelja. Ove fotke nastale su bas prije naseg odlaska prijateljima, a nakon toga pocela je padati kisa koja je potrajala cijelu noc.

Vlogice sa otoka Raba mozete pogledati ovdje:

CROCHET SWEATER: H&M // BASIC TOP: H&M // SHORTS: H&M // SANDALS: Pull & Bear // NECKLACES: Pull & Bear // BAG: Nico fashion stores, Italy, WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green // BRACELET: Zara

Thursday 24 September 2015

My Kostrena (trendy overalls & espadrilles OOTD)

ENG: Hi guys! In this post I'm presenting you one of my favourite places to go when I'm at home in Croatia! I'm talking about Kostrena, a small place situated close to Rijeka, with great beaches and long coastal walk! I have many memories from Kostrena: From my childhood memories and numerous walks I did there with my Dad and Grandfather, to my own little trips to Kostrena with friends in high-school days...
I love going to Kostrena not only in summertime, but all year round. When it's too cold to go to the beach, then it's nice to just be close to the sea and take long walks...Yup, I love it here!

This summer, I lived in my overalls, and a part of my signature beach look was this cool backpack from Accessorize! So ideal for the beach as it fits just about everything I needed, without putting too much weight on my shoulders!

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! U ovom postu govorim vam o Kostreni, jednom od mojih omiljenih destinacija kada boravim doma u Hrvatskoj! Neki od vas mozda ne znaju, Kostrena je malo mjesto smjesteno vrlo blizu Rijeke, a posebna je po lijepim plazama i dugackom obalnom setalistu. Ja imam puno lijepih uspomena vezanih za Kostrenu: Od mojeg ranog djetinjstva i divnih setnji sa mojim tatom i dedom, do mojih samostalnih malih "izleta" do Kostrene sa prijateljicama u srednjoskolskim danima...
Volim odlaziti na Kostrenu ne samo u ljetne mjesece, vec tijekom cijele godine. Kada je prehladno za ici na plazu, tada je opet lijepo barem biti samo uz more i setati, setati i udisati fini morski zrak...Da, volim Kostrenu!

Ovo ljeto, moj zastitni znak bio je ovaj sareni ruksak iz Accessorize-a! Uvijek sam ga nosila sa sobom na plazu, u njemu je stalo bas sve sto mi je bilo potrebno, a nije mi previse opterecivao ramena! 

Napravila sam i mali video u kojem vam pokazujem sto nosim u svom ruksaku za plazu, a mozete ga pogledati ovdje:

BIKINI TOP: Hollister
HAT: Promod
BACKPACK: Accessorize
RINGS: H&M and other asian web stores
WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural green 

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Summer photos

ENG: Beautiful summer season of carefree life and long, sunny days, you're already gone! How I wish I lived somewhere where there's endless summer! My hubby and friends always tell me I'd regret that, and that it's nice having all four seasons, and being able to enjoy the snow too...but I'm like..."Noooo, I'd never regret living the endless summer, trust me! I hate cold and what's so fun about the snow?! I'm always freezing my a.. off most of the year here in Italy, I really feel that I'm living the life to the fullest only when it's summertime!"

Here are a few photos from my summer vacations in Croatia! These are taken at Uvala Scott in Kraljevica, one of our fave spots! I'm also posting loads of holiday pics on my instagram, so make sure to check it out & say "hello!" :-)

HR: Predivna ljetna sezono bezbriznih toplih dana, vec si za nama! Moja zelja oduvijek je bila zivjeti negdje gdje je uvijek ljeto! Moj muz i prijatelji uvijek mi govore da bih takvu odluku pozalila i da bi mi pocela nedostajati sva cetiri godisnja doba i cari zime i snijega, ali ja ih uvijek zbunjeno gledam, kao..."Hellooou, da li vi mene uopce poznajete?! Ne, nikada ne bih pozalila zivjeti u vjecnom ljetu! Kakve cari ima u hladnoci i snijegu?! Ionako mi se guz... smrzava vecinu godine u Italiji, a osjecam da zivim punim plucima samo kada je ljeto i kada su dani dugi, suncani i topli!"

Ovdje je par fotki sa mojeg godisnjeg odmora u Hrvatskoj! Ove fotografije nastale su u Uvali Scott u Kraljevici, a to nam je jedna od omiljenih destinacija! Puno zabavnih fotki stavljam i na instagram ovih dana, pa obavezno svratite i recite "Bok!" :-)

BIKINI TOP: Hollister
WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green
HAT: Jennifer
BRACELETS: Accessorize and a handmade (gift) from my neighbour! 


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Looking pretty in dress ♥

ENG: I ordered this dress from web store as my friend's wedding is coming up in October! I love it and I'll wear it if the weather allows me! October in Italy can be quite tricky...sometimes it's nice, sunny and warm, but sometimes it can be quite cold actually!
I paired this dress with my vintage Fendi purse and Stradivarius sandals, Mikey London dainty necklaces and my new diva style shades from the look is completed!

My doggy Lancia wanted to participate in this photo shoot as well! She's such a cutie :-)

HR: Narucila sam ovu haljinu sa web ducana i drago mi je da je stigla na vrijeme, jer pocetkom listopada imam vjencanje prijatelja. Haljina mi se jako svidja, ali ne znam hocu li se za nju odluciti jer u listopadu vrijeme zna biti prevrtljivo i moze biti lijepo, toplo i suncano, ali isto tako i hladno, kisno i tmurno!
Ja sam haljinu iskombinirala sa mojom vintage Fendi torbicom i Stradivarius sandalama. Sto se asesoara tice, delikatne Mikey London ogrlice i moje nove suncane naocale u "diva" stilu, sa stranice...kompletirali su ovaj svecani look!

Moja curica Lancia opet je htjela sudjelovati u photo shootingu! Preslatka je! :-)

NECKLACES: Mikey London
BAG: Fendi
SANDALS: Stradivarius
WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green