
Monday 27 July 2015

If I could turn back time...

ENG: Standing by the river, looking at it how it runs wild and unstoppable, always moving forward, I find myself wondering what would I change in my life if I could turn back time...
Actually there aren't many things, not even my first big heartbreak, that brought me many years of tears...I think everything that happened led me to the person who I am today. However, I would be tempted to go way back in time to when I was a teenager and try to change one thing: I would not let my parents get a divorce. I would be a better daughter to my Dad, I would spend so much more time with him, enjoying doing father- daughter things...
But, there is no turning back time. There is only one life to live and I'm pretty sure you don't get a "repeat & try again" option with it. At last, everything comes down to this Bil Keane's quote:

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why it's called a present."

So let's try to live our todays the way we won't have any regrets in the future, nor any desires to change something in our past.

HR: Stojim uz rijeku, gledam ju kako tece, divlja, nezaustavljiva i uvijek naprijed te pocinjem razmisljati sto bih promijenila u svom zivotu kada bih imala priliku vratiti vrijeme... U biti, nema puno toga, cak ne bih promijenila niti svoju prvu nesretnu ljubav koja mi je donijela mnogo godina suza i patnje...jer sve to su neka zivotna iskustva koja su me dovela do osobe koja jesam danas. Ipak, jedna je stvar kojoj ne bih mogla odoljeti i napravila bih tu promjenu, pa sto god da se poslije desilo izazvano njome...Vratila bih se daleko u vrijeme kada sam bila tinejdzerica i ucinila bih sve kako se moji roditelji ne bi razveli. Bila bih bolja kcer svome tati i puno bih vise vremena provela sa njim u bezbriznim i radosnim "tata- kcer" trenucima...
Ali, povratak vremena nije opcija. Imamo taj dar zivota koji je samo jedan i prilicno sam sigurna da ne dolazi sa opcijom "ponovi i pokusaj ponovno".
Naposljetku, jedan je Bil Keanov citat poanta moje price:

 "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why it's called a present." 

Stoga zivimo danas na nacin da sutra necemo imati nikakvih zaljenja za ucinjenim i nikakvih zelja za povratkom vremena.

Sunglasses: Nau!, Top: Hollister, Skirt: H&M, Sneakers: All Star Converse, Socks: Oviesse, Bag: Nico fashion store, Italy, Necklace: Accessorize, random bracelets

OOTD video:



  1. Nice look! So pretty:)
    Have a nice week dear,

  2. Nice outfit !

    I don't know the main reason why your parents divorced but don't think that everything is your fault. Even if they are not together, they still love you.. Good Luck Swetie ! :)


    1. Thank you dear Hekyma!
      I know it's not my fault at all, but I wish I had done at least something to prevent them from taking that decision. At the end of the day, they were perfect for eachother. Family is the most important thing in this life and what makes me sad is that they never found hapiness after they divorced. My Dad is gone now, but I'll always treasure their love story in my heart, from the period when they were truly happy! xo

  3. Hello from Spain: fabulous look. Great pics. keep in touch

  4. Beautiful casual look!

  5. So beautifull style, in love! ♥
    xoxo, Sofia Pinto
    Morning Dreams | Facebook | Instagram

  6. beautiful place for your pics
    perfect session

  7. amazing outfit:) I love your beautiful hair:)
    kisses from Poland!

  8. You look great. I think that your parents didn't divorce because of you, I don't know your family but you seem a great girl. xoxo

  9. You look amazing!! Great outfit, my dear :-)
    Have a lovely day, kisses :*


  10. Beautiful outfit, your top is very pretty :)

  11. This is so well written, my parents also got a divorce and it was a really tough time I wish I could change, but as you said,
    there is no turning back time, and everything happens for a reason, maybe it is better this way, we can never so, lets just enjoy right now, because truly it is a present.
    I must also say that the pictures and the outfit are really great :)

  12. Stunning look and great outfit dear Sonia.
    Smart combination all in black,love the top with the backless.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Kisses xoxo

  13. You look adorable, dear, I really love your outfit and such beautiful photos. What I can see through you is that you´re such a lovely person, don´t ever think your parents took such hard decision because of you, this life is going to test us once and again, and we can´t change the past, but we can keep the good things from it!
    I´m sure you´ve been such a sweet child and you have such beautiful memories!
    love your quote and wise thoughts, dear!
    have a wonderful week!
    xx, Natali

    sano sanisimo

  14. So awesome) Your sweater is absolutely cool and impressive)

  15. Jako lepa kombinacija, suknjica je predivna :)

  16. Ne bih puno toga promijenila, jer me sve nečemu naučilo. Zapravo, ono što bih promijenila je provođenje više vremena s obitelji jer sada nemam toliko prilike.

    Jako lijepo izgledaš!


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