
Wednesday 15 July 2015 Sunglasses Review

ENG: Hi guys! Today I'd like to share with you my recent find from is a web store specialized in selling sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses and they have a big offer of frames, based on latest trends, but they also offer classic, timeless pieces.
I picked out a pair of trendy sunglasses and I'm in love with them! 
The shipping was very fast (it took less than one week for the package to arrive to Italy!) and I have only the best things to say about their customer's service. Ordering from their web site is super easy, as they'll guide you through every step that you need to make to complete your order.
After placing my order, they kept me updated on every single step (they e-mailed to let me know that my order was processing, then again, they e-mailed me to say my order was shipped, they supplied me with a tracking number...) they made me feel very important and secure about placing my order at their web store.
If you're unsure about what frame suits your face shape the best, they can help you out with that too! You can actually upload  your photo on their website and see how that particular frame will look like on you!
They have a section with new arrivals that they update everyday, so take a look! I also recommend you to check their 15% OFF page, where new customers get cupon code on frames sitewide.

Today I prepared a quick ootd post with my new shades! I hope you like it!

HR: U danasnjem postu predstavljam vam moje nove naocale koje sam narucila sa web ducana, koji je specijalizirana optika i u svojoj ponudi imaju puno zanimljivih modela suncanih naocala, kao i okvira ukoliko nosite naocale za vid. Ovisno o vasoj dioptriji, oni ce vam izraditi stakla, a vi sami mozete izabrati okvir koji vam se najvise svidja i najvise odgovara vasoj formi lica. 
Njihova ponuda prati najnovije trendove, ali isto tako nude i klasicne, bezvremenske modele!
Dostava paketa bila je izuzetno brza (naocale su mi stigle na kucnu adresu u roku kracem od tjedan dana!), a rijeci hvale imam i za njihovu korisnicku sluzbu. Narucivanje sa njihove stranice bilo je vrlo lagano, jer jednostavne upute vode vas kroz svaki korak koji morate napraviti kako biste upotpunili vasu narudzbu. Nakon sto sam predala narudzbu, bila sam redovito informirana o svakom koraku (sto se trenutno dogadja sa mojoj narudzbom), dok ona nije konacno poslana, kada mi je stigao i broj za pracenje (track number). To mi je ulilo povjerenje u njihov web ducan i kao klijent, osjecala sam se uvazenom i cijenjenom.
Ukoliko niste sigurni koji vam okvir najvise odgovara, mozete uploadati vasu fotografiju na njihovu web stranicu te cete na taj nacin moci vidjeti kako bi vam odredjeni okvir pristajao! To ce sigurno uciniti donosenje vase odluke brze i jednostavnije!
Na njihovoj stranici ne zaboravite pogledati dio posvecen novitetima, koji se svaki dan azurira!
Ja vam preporucam da na stranici potrazite i vas popust od 15% u kojem mogu uzivati novi klijenti, a odnosi se na sve okvire koje imaju u ponudi!

Danas sam vam pripremila i kratki ootd post sa mojim novim naocalama! Nadam se da vam se svidja!

Outfit info:

Sunglasses:, for this exact model go here
Top, skirt, earrings: H&M
Gladiator sandals: Farasion
Watch: Fossil
Bracelets: Muwae, Parfois 
Bag: INA market, Italy

Video review, watch it here: 







  1. Odlican post! <3 Posjeti moj blog: Hvala <3

  2. very nice sunglasses:) great post!

  3. Those sunglasses are absolutely gorgeous!! They look fabulous on you.

  4. Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for sharing <3

  5. They're so pretty !

  6. such cute sunnies!! and love your outfit!! really cool photos!!
    xx, Natali

    sano sanisimo


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