I love Nina Dobrev as an actress, but I also love her style and the way she dresses always inspires me. I think she picks particularly beautiful outfits for the special events she attends.
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The Vampire Diaries cast having fun taking selfies! |
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Nina Dobrev and a model from Naeem Khan webstore, sporting the "Look 1" from the "Resort 2015." collection |
I loved her shorts and top set so much that I researched what brand was she wearing, and discovered it's a Naeem Khan creation that retails at $ 2990.00, and it's a Look 1 from their "Resort 2105." collection.
At first I didn't see the final 0, so I thought it retails at $ 299.00 and my initial thought was: "Wow, that's quite pricey!", but then I saw another 0 and realized this is way out of my budget!
I have to say that I was thrilled when I saw that SheIn offered a more budget friendly version of this set! On their web site it retails at $ 19.67 (currently on sale), which is such a bargain! Obviously, when the difference in price is so big, you can't expect the same quality in material, but I'm still very pleased with SheIn version.
One important note! I ordered a size L (even though I'm usually a size XS/S). This set is extremely tiny, this is the only way how I would describe it! Even with the size L, my first thought was: "OMG, that's so tiny, will this fit on me?"
Fortunately it does, because the material is quite stretchy, but it's a crop top so it leaves my belly button area showing. That's not a look I'm particularly fond of these days, so I put my white Zara gilet on top and I think it tied in well with the outfit! Otherwise I'd wear this set for the beach, with some flip-flops rather than heels, for a more casual and relaxed summer look.
My pink bag is from Accessorize and I was actually inspired to wear a pink bag with this set because Nina wore pink shoes and it looked fantastic!
My shoes were a pair of simple blue heels from H&M.
HR: Ovaj kompletic prvi puta sam vidjela na ljupkoj Nini Dobrev i zaljubila se! Znala sam da ga zelim imati u svom ormaru ove sezone!
Volim glumicu Ninu Dobrev, a njezin stil i nacin oblacenja cesto mi je izvor inspiracije. Posebno volim njezine outfite u kojima prisustvuje posebnim dogadanjima, ili gala eventima vezanim uz njenu profesiju.
Ovaj outfit toliko mi se svidio da sam pocela istrazivati o kojem se brandu radi i otkrila da je rijec od Naeem Khan kreaciji, koja stoji $ 2.990,00 iz njihove "Resort 2105" kolekcije, radi se o "Look 1". Isprva nisam uocila posljednju 0, tako da sam shvatila da set kosta 299 $, i tu vec prva pomisao bila mi je: "Uh, malo je preskup!"...a onda sam uocila i zadnju 0 i shvatila da se radi o odjevnom predmetu koji je puno iznad mog budgeta!
Kada sam otkrila da je on-line ducan SheIn ponudio svoju verziju kompletica za samo $ 19.67, odusevila sam se! Naravno, kada se radi o toliko velikoj razlici u cijeni, ne mozete ocekivati istu kvalitetu, ali sve u svemu, zadovoljna sam.
Jedna bitna cinjenica koju vam zelim napomenuti jest da sam ja narucila ovaj komplet u velicini L (inace nosim XS/S) i kada je stigao jos uvijek mi je djelovao sicusan i taj L! Mislila sam cak da ce mi biti premali! Nasrecu, materijal je zaista rastezljiv, ali top je kraci model tako da ce vam ostaviti izlozen trbuh i pupak. Buduci da trenutno ne uzivam u takvom look-u (ako nije za plazu), dodala sam Zarin bijeli prsluk, za koji mislim da se savrseno uklopio u outfit!
Ruzicasta torbica je iz Accessorize-a i inspirirana je bojom Nininih cipela, za koje mislim da su savrseno pristajale uz outfit. Cipele za koje sam se odlucila jednostavne su plave iz H&M-a.
Ovaj kompletic nosila bih i za na plazu, u malo lezernijem izdanju, sa japankama i velikom slamnatom torbom :-) i tada se dio trbuha i moze vidjeti, na plazi je to prihvatljivije nego na nekoj svecanoj veceri!
SHORTS & TOP SET: SheIn order here link za naruciti US$ 19.76
BAG: Accessorize
BRACELET: My jewellery line, PIKA jewellery order here link za naruciti (mod. "STELLA")
NECKLACE: My jewellery line, PIKA jewellery order here link za naruciti (mod. "SIMPLICITY 2"
Amazing combination. Xo
ReplyDeletehttp:// takimodam.blogspot.com.tr
Amazing combination. Xo
ReplyDeletehttp:// takimodam.blogspot.com.tr
Divan outfit, baš sam zapazila taj kompletić na netu i svideo mi se puno. Odlično ti stoji :)
ReplyDeletenew post: http://melodyjacob1.blogspot.com/2015/06/mini-off-shoulder-stripes.html
Predivno, i ja obožavam Ninu Dobrev! :D
You look amazing, I love this outfit! <3
ReplyDeleteI have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:
* Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *
I love your shoes)
ReplyDeleteSo cute print!! And I loved the bag <3
Blog Dress
beautiful look! bag and shoes - wonderful! :)
Me encanta el color del bolso!
Pretty look! Love the bag!
looks awesome
ReplyDeleteI love this set and i'm so glad you got it for so cheap its annoying about them running small though :( Nina Dobrev always seems to have beautiful outfits but you really rock this and it looks super similar to hers! I love the pop of colour with the pink bag
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day,
Rebecca xx
You look so great!
ReplyDeleteI love your bag.
i love your Outfit =D
I love your bag. It's so nice! <3
ReplyDeleteKindly visit my blog,
Thank you :)
Obožavam Ninu i sve što nosi
ReplyDeletewow stai benissimo complimenti
ReplyDeleteyou look stunning dear...