
Thursday 28 May 2015

Party Ready! Peplum top, skinny jeans, Valentino style shoes OOTD

ENG: I wanted to show you this outfit that I wore for my friend's birthday party! He was celebrating it Saturday night at nearby discotheque, and my hubby & I were invited :-)
As I had days off work, I was finally free to go out Saturday night and have fun! This is exactly what we needed :-) It was a fun night, filled with good music and dancing all night... until I couldn't feel my feet anymore and until I couldn't even hear my thoughts from the buzzing sound of the super loud music!
I used to be quite a "party animal", every Saturday night out dancing 'till the morning lights, but ever since I started working long hours on weekends, my lifestyle has changed pretty drastically... I don't miss those days of partying, but it's nice, every once in a while, to have an opportunity to wind off and have fun!

HR: U ovom postu htjela sam vam pokazati outfit koji sam nosila na prijateljevu rodjendansku proslavu! On je organizirao veliki party jednu subotu u obliznjoj diskoteci, a muz i ja bili smo na listi uzvanika :-)
Buduci da mi se potrefilo da sam imala slobodne dane, bila sam konacno u mogucnosti izaci u subotu navecer i zabaviti se! A to je bilo bas ono sto nam je trebalo :-) Bila je to zabavna noc, ispunjena dobrom muzikom i plesanjem do rano ujutro...dok vise nisam osjecala stopala i dok vise nisam niti cula vlastite misli od zaglusujuceg odzvanjanja u mojim usima od preglasne muzike!
Prije puno godina, bila sam prava "party animal", svaku subotu u vecernjim izlascima i plesuci docekivala prve jutarnje zrake...ali od kada sam pocela raditi vikendom i jos to posebno dugo u vecer, vjerujte mi, nije mi do izlazaka, ni do gledanja drugih ljudi, vec volim mirne i opustajuce veceri uz neku dobru seriju, ili youtube tutorijal! :-) Da, zivotni stil doista mi se promijenio! Ne nedostaju mi izlasci vikendom, zaista sam ih se nauzivala u ranim dvadesetima, ali ponekad je dobro imati priliku opustiti se i izludirati plesuci i smijuci se, mislima daleko od posla!

PEPLUM TOP: H&M (Divided)
SHOES: Felirose (Valentino inspired), from a local italian fashion store
BAG: Fendi
NECKLACE: Ina market, Italy
SUNGLASSES: by Max Factor
WATCH: Fossil

Watch my new OOTD video here / Pogledajte novi OOTD video ovdje:

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Where to buy great quality hair extensions?

Hi guys!
In my today's post I'd like to present you one great web site for hair extensions. 
Since I mentioned that sometimes I'll wear hair extensions (when I'm doing hairstyles that require a lot of hair volume), and that I own two sets of hair extensions, many of you have been asking me to recommend you a few sites where you can buy hair extensions of great quality, but also, good price!

One of those sites is certainly, as they specialize in selling real human hair extensions, at very reasonable prices!

On their website you can find different types of hair extensions, ranging from clip in, hair weave, virgin hair, bonded hair, micro loop, tape hair, even wigs!
The selection is really big and you can also shop by weight, texture, length and colour.

UUhairextensions web shop offers pretty big selection of hair extensions for black hair, and you can choose between "jet black" and "natural black", the shade that best matches your hair.

When purchasing hair extensions, it's important to check accurately the colour chart and pick the colour that will suit your hair colour the best and that will blend perfectly with your own hair.
For any doubts that you might have, always contact their customer's service as they're there to help you out in making the correct choice!

Human hair extensions are of a great quality, and will be the most natural one in your hair. If you take a proper care of your hair extensions, they'll last you for ages and you'll always have the option to play with different hairstyles and braiding your hair into a super voluminous braids, which is always so pretty!

* sponsored post

Monday 25 May 2015

Jump, Girl, Jump!

ENG: All I need to be happy is a weekend off work, to spend it with my hubby ♥ And I really needed to relax and wind off, as my working weekends are usually very hectic and exhausting! For our fun day out & about I decided to wear my white mini skirt from Zara, with a blue sweater, also from Zara. The weather was perfect to show off my bare legs (I embraced my pale skin), as I started feeling utterly uncomfortable knowing that, whenever I post a photo of me wearing tights in some sort of an outfit combination, I'll get at least one freak comment about that! These days I'd be more comfortable posting nude pictures of myself, than posting photos that aliments people's perversion. What's so hot about tights anyways? I just don't get it. Plus I don't wear turtlenecks anymore either...or wide belts for that matter...oh Lord...

HR: Sve sto mi je potrebno za srecu jest jedan slobodan vikend koji cu provesti sa muzicem ♥ I stvarno mi je to trebalo, jer moji radni vikendi uglavnom su naporni, kaoticni i bas se umorim. Ja sam jedna mirna osoba koja ponekad uziva u samoci, ili provodenju vremena sa odabranim uskim krugom dragih ljudi i najgore se snalazim u kaoticnosti i strci, a to je dio moje poslovne rutine, na koju se vec sedam godina pokusavam priviknuti...

Moju slobodnu subotu iskoristila sam za setnju sa muzicem, a odlucila sam se nositi bijelu mini suknju iz Zare, sa svijetlo-plavom pletenom majicom (isto iz Zare). Vrijeme je bilo savrseno za konacno otkriti noge (ne smeta me vise moja bijela boja puti!). Pocela sam se osjecati izuzetno neugodno kada stavljam fotografije na blog u kojima nosim najlonke (ja nemam nista protiv najlonki, dapace, one su mi vecinu godine prijeko potrebne, kako bi me ugrijale, i omogucile mi da nosim suknjice, ili sorceve i kada su vani hladnije temperature)...ali na svaki moj post u kojima nosim najlonke, dobiti cu barem jedan suludi komentar i "kompliment" posebnog tipa koji se specificno odnosi na moje noge u najlonkama!!! WTF? Ugodnije bih se osjecala objaviti fotografije na kojima sam gola, nego fotografije koje hrane ljudske fetise i perverzije! Sto je toliko posebno u obicnim najlonkama?? Ne razumijem...Isto tako, prestala sam nositi i dolcevite i nastojim izbjegavati siroke remene...oh Boze...postedi moj blog ljudske gluposti i perverznih ljudi!

SOCKS: Oviesse

I have an OOTD video feat. this outfit! / Imam i OOTD video u kojem prezentiram ovaj outfit:

Wednesday 20 May 2015

OOTD: Adidas Vespa

ENG: Hi guys! Today I'm bringing you one of the outfit posts I recently shared on Glam Express. I wore this super casual and comfy outfit for a coffee with my friends and an afternoon shopping at our local Mall.
I decided to go quite casual, but I added some cool accessories to give my sporty outfit a touch of chic :-)
I love my new Adidas Vespa sneakers! I'm usually not that much into sneakers and too sporty clothes, but these are definitely a very chic & stylish model! Needless to say, they're also super comfy, so I often wear them for a long work hours when I need to spend a lot of time on my feet!

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danas imam za vas jedan outfit post kojeg sam nedavno objavila i na Glam Expressu! Ovaj casual i udoban outfit nosila sam za susret sa prijateljicama i popodnevni shopping u obliznjem trgovackom centru.
Odlucila sam se na prilicno jednostavan i sportski look, ali uz par zgodnih asesoara dala sam outfitu osobni pecat uz tu neku sik notu!
Zaista volim svoje nove Adidas Vespa tenisice :-) Inace nisam luda za sportskom odjecom i obucom, ali ovaj model posebno mi se svidio jer nije "presportski", vec je doista sik i puno je paznje posveceno detaljima, sto mi se posebno svidja na njemu.
Nije potrebno napomenuti da su ove tenisice izuzetno udobne pa ih cesto nosim i za duge radne dane na poslu, kada puno vremena provodim na nogama!

JEANS: United Colors of Benetton
SNEAKERS; Adidas Vespa
BAG: Smash!
SOCKS: Oviesse
WATCH: Fossil
BRACELETS: Muwae, Zara