
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hair bits & bobs from

ENG: Hey guys! Recently I was contacted by web store and they asked me if I'd be interested in reviewing some products for them.
On their web store they have a big selection of clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, watches and other accessories for women and men. As my budget wasn't big, I decided to shop for accessories, in particular for cute head pieces!
I waited cca 2-3 weeks for the package to arrive from China to Italy, but overall everything went smoothly.
I'm very pleased with the products and with the customer's service, they were very polite and kind, so I can recommend shopping there.
One of the items I ordered, as you can see, is an (in)famous scrunchie! 80.-ies/90.-ies trends are back, but... is it legal to wear scrunchie out in the public? :-D
I still think of Carrie's (Sex & the City) legendary "scrunchie scene": "No self-respecting New York City woman would be caught dead running around Manhattan in a scrunchie."
Anyway, I quite like my new scrunchie and I might just wear it to work some day...I still remember having all sorts of colorful scrunchies when I was a kid!

HR: Nedavno sam dobila ponudu za suradnju od web ducana i rado sam ju prihvatila buduci da u svojoj ponudi imaju vrlo zanimljive stvarcice, od odjevnih predmeta, torbi, nakita, satova i drugog asesoara, za zene, ali i muskarce!
Oni su bili zainteresirani da za njih napravim par recenzija. Moj budget nije bio velik, stoga sam se odlucila naruciti dekoracije i ukrase za kosu, koji ce mi, sigurna sam, dobro doci u narednim toplijim mjesecima, kada vise volim eksperimentirati sa razlicitim frizurama!
Na paketic sam cekala oko 2-3 tjedna, ali na kraju sve je dobro proslo bez nekih poteskoca.
Stvarcice koje sam narucila jako su mi se svidjele, a njihova "customer's sluzba" odala mi je pozitivan dojam, tako da sve u svemu mogu preporuciti ovaj web ducan!
Jedna od dekoracija za kosu, moci  cete primjetiti, jest i poznati "scrunchie", koji je postao nepozeljan "zahvaljujuci" Carrie ("Sex and the City") i njezinom komentaru koji nam je dao zakljuciti da je scrunchie totalno "out" za sva vremena! No, je li to istina? Trendovi iz 80.-tih i 90.-tih su se vratili, pa mislim da je tako i postalo legalno ponovno nosenje "scrunchija" u javnosti! ;-) Sto vi o tome mislite?
Meni se moj novi scrunchie, priznat' cu, svidja i...mozda cak sa njim ucvrstim konjski rep dok sam na poslu!... Jos uvijek se sjecam mnostva barsunastih scrunchija zivih boja, koje sam nosila u osnovnoj skoli... :-)

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 2.13

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 4.51

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 3.65

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 3.81


  1. Beautiful items


  2. Precioso todo. Bss guapísima.

  3. Precioso todo. Bss guapísima.

  4. Lovely stuff! I`d buy something for my daughter from them:)

    *I`m running necklace giveaway on my page now, feel free to take if you`d like:)

  5. Great items:) kiss

  6. Hello from Spain: nice proposals. Keep in touch

  7. Love all of it, I like the headpieces!
    I still have scrunchies, and it is a savior for a bad hair day :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog,
    I'm following you on GFC #602,
    hope you can follow me back :)


  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hello!
    Of course we can follow each other, I have been following you for a while! (name Kati)

    Have a great day,

  9. Love all items!
    I'm already following you :)

  10. cool hair accessories!!

  11. Hi thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Sure we can follow each other. Please follow me 1st and I will follow you back.

    Anyway this is really cute collections. I like it.

  12. Woow. i want it all!

    Check out my new post on my blog about Waikiki / Hawaii

    Posts online about Hollywood, Military Style, Pastel Looks, South Africa, Beijing....

  13. ja volim ove velike gumice za kosu i za mene su uvijek in:) Mislim da su i bolje za kosu od onih običnih, mada svaka gumica na neki način lomi kosu, zato ja rijetko nosim rep.
    odlični su ti izbori...Sretan Uskrs i blagdani!

  14. Gumica je odlicna, bas mi se dopada post. :)


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