
Thursday 30 April 2015

GIVEAWAY: Muwae jewellery (& Muwae charm bracelet & earrings review)

ENG: Today I'm bringing you an exciting giveaway in collaboration with Muwae jewellery!
You can win the jewellery item of your choice, from Muwae collection, all you need to do is:

1. Go to Muwae web store and pick a jewellery that is your fave and that you'd like to win!
2. Let me know in the comments what did you choose!
3. You're invited to like Muwae on facebook and/ or follow them twitter
4. Follow my blog and/or Youtube channel

And that's all! I hope you'll enter in many as this is such a great giveaway and Muwae jewellery is beautiful :-)
This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL and you're welcome to participate regardless of where in this world do you live!

You can check out more details about this giveaway in my video:

I'm in love with my Muwae charm bracelet & earrings! Muwae charm bracelet is very similar to Pandora, but costs only fraction of the price! ($34). On the site you can choose from a variety of different colours & charms...I picked the lovely red & pink Viva la Romanichel bracelet.

Earrings that I picked are also super gorgeous!

I'd love to know your faves! Good luck to you all in this giveaway :-) ♥♥

HR: U danasnjem postu najavljujem uzbudljivo darivanje koje sam organizirala u suradnji sa Muwae nakitom!
U ovom darivanju mozete osvojiti nakit po vasem izboru, a prijaviti se je vrlo jednostavno!

Sve sto trebate uciniti jest:

1. Izaberite svoj favorit (komad nakita koji biste zeljeli osvojiti), iz Muwae kolekcije
2. Javite mi svoj odabir u komentarima!
3. Pozvani ste da lajkate Muwae facebook stranicu i /ili ih slijedite na twitteru
4. Pratite moj blog i/ ili youtube kanal

I to je sve! Nadam se da cete se prijaviti, jer nakit je zaista divan i vrijedi okusati srecu u ovom darivanju! :-)

Vise o ovom nakitu i o darivanju mozete pogledati i u mojem videu:

Ja sam odusevljena svojom Muwae narukvicom (Pandora stil). Svi znamo koliko su Pandora narukvice popularne, ali i jako skupe! "Sloziti" vlastitu Pandora narukvicu prava je misija i morati cete potrositi pravo malo bogatstvo! Muwae narukvice dolaze u razlicitim kombinacijama boja (ja sam se odlucila za roza/ crvenu varijantu), a kostaju kao jedan jeftiniji Pandorin charm privjesak ($ 34)!
Narukvicu koju sam ja izabrala mozete naci ovdje! ("Viva la Romanichel" mod.)

Nausnice su me isto tako osvojile...predivne su i obozavam kako svjetlucaju!

Obavezno se prijavite na darivanje! Jedva cekam saznati vase favorite, koji biste komad nakita vi voljeli imati! Puno srece svima :-) ♥♥

Monday 27 April 2015

Moschino from 2000.

ENG: Hello guys! This is the outfit post that I have already published in my Glam Express column, but today I'd like to share it here on my blog too :-)
I like rediscovering old things in my these Moschino sunglasses that I bought around the year 2000. They were probably my first "important" purchase, and it's funny how, when I wore them now, I got that exciting feeling as if they were brand new ;-)

I hope you're all having a nice Monday and that you have a great week ahead!
I'm relaxing & working on my blog today...outside it's raining and I'm staying in, with my cozy clothes, listening to my fave radio station Radio Stereo Città :-) always puts me in a good mood!

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danasnji outfit post vec sam objavila na svojoj kolumni pri Glam Expressu, ali danas ga zelim podijeliti i ovdje na mom blogu :-)
Obozavam otkrivati "zaboravljene" stvari u svom ormaru...kao ove Moschino naocale iz 2000.god. One su vjerojatno bile moja prva "vaznija" kupovina. Neobicna stvar, kada sam ih sada nosila, opet sam dobila onaj "cool" osjecaj, kao da su upravo kupljene! ;-) Da li se to i vama zna desiti?

Nadam se da ugodno provodite ovaj ponedjeljak i da je uspjesan radni tjedan pred vama!
Ja danas odmaram i radim na blogu...rad na blogu me opusta! Vani pada kisa, nemam namjere izlaziti, tako da u udobnoj odjeci slusam svoju omiljenu radio stanicu u Italiji, Radio Stereo Città :-) ...uvijek me oraspolozi!

OOTD video:

BASIC TOP: New Yorker

BOOTS: Deichmann

Saturday 25 April 2015

Real Techniques: On Location Travel Essentials & Your Base/ Flawless Core Collection

ENG: Hi guys! Recently I got two make up brush kits by Real Techniques!
I've been wanting to get Real Techniques brushes for the longest time, so I was super excited when I finally received these babies :-)
From dresslink web store I ordered these two kits,  "On location travel essentials" and  "Your base/ flawless core collection".
I'm very happy with both kits, and with the amazing deal I got on them!
The shipping was also very quick, so overall, shopping at was a positive experience!

HR: U danasnjem blog postu i video tutorijalima koje stavljam dolje u prilog ovom postu, pokazati cu vam dva seta make up kistova poznatog branda Real Techniques, koje sam nedavno narucila preko dresslink web ducana.
Real Techniques kistove zeljela sam vec dugo, tako da sam bila bas sretna kada mi se napokon pruzila prilika da ih narucim! Jako sam zadovoljna njihovom kvalitetom, dizajnom i naravno, cijenom :-)
Ja sam narucila "On location travel essentials" (koji sadrzi 3 kista), te "Your base/flawless core collection" (koji sadrzi 4 kista).
Svaki set kosta US$ 6.69, sto je zaista odlicna cijena (linkove za naruciti mozete pronaci u daljnjem tekstu, ispod fotografija kistova!)
Obavezno pogledajte i moje video tutorijale, gdje vam osim detaljne recenzije, pokazujem i kratki demo, kako ja koristim svaki kist!
I sam shipping bio je vrlo brz, tako da sam zaista zadovoljna sa iskustvom narucivanja preko dresslink-a.

Real Techniques On Location Travel Essentials
US $ 6.69
order this kit here

In this kit you'll get 3 make up brushes:
- essential foundation brush
- multi- task brush
- domed shadow brush

Multi task brush is designed for efortless application of powder, blush and bronzer

Essential foundation brush builds custom coverage with liquid foundation or concealer.

Domed shadow brush
Its tapered design smoothly shades and defines eyes

Real Techniques Your base/ flawless core collection
US $ 6.69
Order this kit here

Detailer brush:
precision cut to effortlessly conceal problem areas; or, use with lipstick for long- lasting shape and definition

Pointed foundation brush:
Use with liquid foundation to build custom coverage

Buffing brush:
Ideal for full coverage application of powder and mineral foundation

Contour brush:
Delicately applies highlighter to contour or create sheer, soft- focus finish.

Your base/ flawless core collection kit (4 make up brushes):
- detailer brush
- pointed foundation brush
- buffing brush
- contour brush

Check out my youtube reviews/ tutorials with these brush kits:

On Location Travel Essentials review & demo:

Your base/ flawless core collection:

Vlogic u kojem su stigli kistovi (na hrvatskom jeziku):

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Somewhere on this Earth...

ENG: More than often, Spring weather can play tricks on us... Just when you think warm weather is here to stay, you face a different reality: Cold wind starts blowing and all of a sudden, winter is back! Or at least it feels like that ...
These photos were taken a few weeks ago, while I was in Croatia. The funny thing is, I had my suitcase packed full with lightweight Spring outfits, yet I had to reach once more for my winter coat and warm sweater!

I hope we won't have anymore such surprises this Spring, but just in's one outfit inspiration for you! :-)

HR: Poznato je svima da je proljece jedno prevrtljivo godisnje doba! Vise puta se zna desiti, bas kada pomislimo da su topliji dani stigli i to je to, u trenutku sve se promijeni i opet moramo posegnuti za zimskom odjecom!
Ove fotografije nastale su prije par tjedana tijekom mog kratkog boravka u Hrvatskoj. Smijesna mi je cinjenica da mi je kofer bio pun laganih proljetnih odjevnih kombinacija, ali vani je bilo toliko hladno da mi nije bilo druge nego u zadnji cas prije puta, iz ormara izvuci svoj zimski kaput! 

Nadam se da se ove sezone proljece nece vise tako okrutno saliti sa nama...ali, za svaki sucaj, ovdje vam dajem jednu odjevnu inspiraciju! :-)

COAT: Zara
SWEATER: Pull & Bear

BAG: Zara