
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Vintage Getaway

ENG: During my last trip to Croatia, my blog went to visit and interview the owner of "Vintage Getaway" second hand shop, that is situated in the shopping mall "Robna kuca Rijeka" on the 4th floor.
I first spotted this shop a few months ago, I had some time free before meeting up with my friend, so I went to take a little tour of the shopping mall...I haven't been there in ages, since I don't live in Rijeka anymore, so I was curious to see if there are any new shops that opened recently. This shopping mall used to be my favourite place to shop, when I was in my early twenties and still living at home! 

At the fourth floor, there was a shop that caught my attention, with its unique offer and very colorful shopping window! As I love bright colours, I was immediately attracted to it.
I'm a big fan of vintage and second hand clothes, ever since I lived in London, as this is where I discovered the whole world of thrifting! I even volunteered at my local Pdsa shop in W. Ealing!

The shop owner, Tjasa, appeared to be very nice person with sweet personality so immediately I introduced myself and my blog to her and asked if she'd be willing to present her store to my viewers and blog readers!
Luckily, she seemed to be very enthusiastic about this idea, so the next time I was in town, I went straight to that shopping mall, to the "Vintage Getaway" shop :-)

The afternoon we spent together was very fun...we talked about fashion and trends, vintage clothing and how back in the days everything was better quality and made to last...Then we styled some outfits out of the clothes she currently has in her store's offer!

Clothes, footwear, accessories and home decor stuff that you can find in "Vintage Getaway" are all very unique and colorful, pieces are made with good quality materials and everything is carefully selected by Tjasa and her husband.
If you want to see what the store currently has in their offer, go to their facebook page!

HR: Prilikom zadnjeg posjeta Hrvatskoj, posjetila sam "Vintage Getaway" ducan rabljene robe, koji je smjesten na 4.katu Robne kuce "Ri".
Za vas sam napravila mali intervju sa simpaticnom vlasnicom Tjasom i zajedno smo vam predstavile sto ducan trenutno ima u ponudi!
Ovaj vintage ducan zapazila sam prije par mjeseci, kada sam imala nesto slobodnog vremena prije sastanka sa prijateljicom, pa sam odlucila prosetati  Robnom kucom "Ri".
Sastanak sa prijateljicom bio je na Korzu, a kako je vani bilo hladno, odlucila sam napraviti djir po robnoj kuci i pogledati koji su se novi ducani otvorili i sto se promijenilo od kada vise ne zivim u Rijeci.
U ranim dvadesetima, dok sam jos zivjela doma sa svojima, Robna kuca "Ri" bila je moja omiljena shopping destinacija! Sada tamo vec nisam bila jako dugo, tako da sam bila bas znatizeljna vidjeti sto ima novoga i sto nam ducani nude!

Na cetvrtom katu Robne kuce, ugodno me iznenadila originalna ponuda ducana "Vintage Getaway" i njegov vrlo saren izlog! Buduci da ja jako volim boje, odmah sam bila zainteresirana uci u ducan i razgledati bolje njegovu ponudu!
U ducanu  me je docekala simpaticna i nasmijana vlasnica Tjasa sa kojom sam odmah zapocela ugodan razgovor! Tada se i rodila ideja da njezin ducan predstavimo na mom blogu! Meni je jako drago sto je ona sa puno entuzijazma prihvatila moju ponudu, tako da, iduci puta kada sam boravila u Rijeci, zaputila sam se ravno do "Vintage Getaway-a", kako bi snimili za vas video prilog i predstavili vam poblize Tjasu i njezinu strast prema vintage odjeci i obuci!
I ja sama obozavam vintage i second hand stvari! Ljubav prema rabljenoj odjeci rodila se dok sam jos zivjela u Londonu. Tada sam i volontirala u lokalnom ducanu rabljene robe Pdsa, u mjestu W. Ealing!

Popodne koje smo provele zajedno snimajuci proteklo je bas ugodno! Uz razgovor o modi, novim trendovima (i starim trendovima, koji se sada vracaju!), osmislile smo par zanimljivih outfita, koje cemo vam ovdje i predstaviti. Zakljucile smo da je nekada odjeca bila puno kvalitetnija, radjena da traje, dok je danas nazalost, vecina stvari samo "potrosna roba"!

Sve stvari koje mozete naci u "Vintage Getaway" ducanu, od odjece, nakita do home decora, unikatne su i odlicne kvalitete, pazljivo birane od strane Tjase i njezinog muza. Cjelokupnu ponudu ducana mozete pogledati na njihovoj facebook stranici, a i naruciti, ukoliko vam se nesto posebno svidi, jer sve artikle salju preporuceno postom po cijeloj Hrvatskoj!

Pogledajte video prezentaciju ducana na hrvatskom jeziku!

"Vintage Getaway"

Getting ready to film / picking out outfits!

With Gizmo, the store's mascot

Outfits 1 & 2

Outfits 3 & 4


  1. Awesome post! Love the shop and clothes


  2. Lovely post and great outfits!

  3. wow!great vintage looks!!
    amazing post kisses

  4. I love vintage stores ! They are full of treasures ;) xox

  5. Wow! This place looks so cool!
    Melanie @

  6. Looks like such a cool shop. You look so adorable in all these outfits, Sonia. That pug is so cute.

  7. Amazing post!!!


  8. Hello from Spain: great proposals. Very trendy. Keep in touch

  9. Que buen post. Me encanta todo lo que has mostrado. Bss

  10. Que buen post. Me encanta todo lo que has mostrado. Bss

  11. I just did some shopping like this this weekend, and had a blast. It's amazing how many great stuff you can find by so reasonable prices <3
    PS. Love that ?scarf? you're wearing on the first photo :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's a scarf from Zara, it's huge so there is more than just one way of wearing it! :-)

  12. Tjaša i Toni su super, a u dućanu sam pronašla neke od najljepših komada koje imam u ormaru, obožavam ih! :))

    1. Zaista jesu! I vrlo simpaticni! Daaa, one fora majice sa vjevericom i medvjedicima koji skijaju! Vidjela sam outfite na tvom blogu! Stvarno su originalne i unikatne! xo

  13. I can imagine it is really inspiring and fun there to shop!
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  14. I meni se sviđa tvoj blog ali kako sam nova zaista ne znam što znači GFC :P Možeš mi se javiti na mail i objasniti ako imaš volje:) Pusa.


  15. Bok Sonia! Dobar post. Ja i Ena smo vidle tvoj komentar na našem starom starom postu poslale smo ti poruku na email ali nisi odgovarala ako možeš odgovoriti na komentar supp!
    Naš blog:

    1. Bok curke! Izgleda da nisam dobila vas e-mail! O cemu se radi?

  16. What a great day you must have had, love all the outfits!!

    1. Yes, it was a great afternoon and we had so much fun! Thanks! xo

  17. I love all the outfits and your pics...great post darling,i'm a fan of Vintage clothes!!!lovely post...
    A big kiss

  18. amei a loja, os looks e esse cachorrinho lindo
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  19. Divne slike! :)

    Novi post na blogu -->

  20. Oh these are so pretty! Wish I could get some :)


  21. Moram doći u Rijeku u ovaj dućan!!! oduševljena sam ovim postom...odličan intervju i video...i fotografije!
    veliki sam ljubitelj vintage odjeće, tako da je sve ovo baš po mom guštu<3

  22. Great post!

    Nicole ♥


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