Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Vintage Skirt

Hello lovelies!
It's been almost one week since I last posted, and the reason behind it is that I got sick with a flu! :-(
I had a few OOTD photos stored in the files of my computer, ready to be published, but I couldn't bring myself to write a post, as I was burning with fever! I spent the whole Sunday sleeping (I couldn't even watch youtube, or movies!)...
I'm feeling slightly better today, so I wanted to update my blog with a new post!

Yesterday I watched a whole bunch of movies on my computer, and caught up on (probably) all my subscripions on youtube!
If you want me to recommend you a must see movie (or two), I'd definitely say "JohnWick" (Keanu Reeves is fantastic in this movie!), "Jesabelle" (if you liked "The Skeleton Key", you'll like this one too!), "The Awakening"... as you'll notice, my favourite movie genres are action, thriller/ phychological thriller, mystery...

Now, back on topic! I wore this outfit on a cold winter day; my granny's skirt kept me really warm! :-) This whole styling actually goes around this skirt that my granny recently gave me as a present. She handmade it back in the '80.-ies and wore it a lot as it was one of her favourite pieces! I was thrilled when she pulled this skirt out of her closet!
I love wearing it because it's so unique, and warm! it's actually the only skirt I can wear in the cold winter days, without freezing myself!
I accessorized with another vintage piece: My lovely Fendi purse, and embellished the outfit with the jewellery from my PIKA jewellery line.
I love the coat! I bought it past winter, on the last days of sales, at my local Zara in Italy! I got it for more than 80% off, which was amazing! It's such a cool piece and it brightens up my winter days, whenever I wear it :-)

PIKA jewellery, necklace & earrings mod. GREEK GODDESS, available upon requests, more info here

COAT: Zara
SKIRT: Vintage (handmade by my granny)
BELT: Promod
PURSE: Fendi
EARRINGS & NECKLACE: PIKA Jewellery  (my jewellery line)

Fall / Winter Lookbook video, watch it here!

Pozdrav svima!
Zadnji post objavila sam prije skoro tjedan dana, a razlog tome je sto sam se u medjuvremenu  razbolila od gripe! :-(
Iako sam imala vec pripremljene OOTD fotke, jednostavno nisam mogla skupiti snagu za ubaciti novi post, buduci da sam gorila od temperature!
Nedjelju sam provela cijeli dan spavajuci, a danas mi se stanje lagano popravlja...
Nisam cak mogla niti gledati youtube, ili filmove, kako bi mi brze proslo vrijeme...
Ipak, jucer sam se osijecala bolje nego u nedjelju, pa je uslijedio maraton gledanja filmova i youtube videa iz mojeg "subscriptions boxa"...

Ukoliko zelite preporuku dobrog filma, onda bih na prvo mjesto stavila film "John Wick" (Keanu Reeves je odlican u tom filmu!), a zatim "Jesabelle" (svidjet ce vam se ukoliko vam se svidio "The Skeleton Key" iz 2005.), i "The Awakening" (britanski film iz 2011.).

A sad, natrag na temu ovog posta!
Ovaj outfit nosila sam jednog hladnog zimskog dana; bakina suknja odlicno me je grijala!
Cijeli outfit osmisljen je oko ovog vintage komada, bakine suknje koju sam nedavno dobila od nje na poklon! Ona ju je sama splela u '80.-tima i puno ju je nosila, buduci da joj se jako svidjala. Jako sam se razveselila kada je moja bakica otvorila svoj ormar i iz njega izvadila ovu suknju za mene :-)
Volim ju nositi jer je unikatna, a i topla, prava zimska suknja! Ovo je i jedina suknja koju zaista mogu nositi i u hladne zimske dane, bez bojazni da cu se smrznuti.
Ukombinirala sam ju sa jos jednim vintage komadom: Ovom malom Fendi torbom, koju sam kupila u "second-hand" ducanu u Londonu, jos 2005. god.
Outfit sam ukrasila nakitom iz moje linije, PIKA nakit, setom "Greek Goddess" (nausnice i ogrlica u "rose gold" boji.) Pitale ste me u vezi PIKA nakita i gdje ga naruciti...On je dostupan po narudzbi, a za vise informacija kontaktirajte me na e-mail: trenchcollection@libero.it
Za kraj, moram spomenuti ovaj Zarin kaput, koji uljepsa moje zimske dane svaki put kada ga nosim! Kaput sam (bas kao i cizmice), ulovila na famoznim Zarinim snizenjima jos prosle godine (ili mislim na 2013.?), a cijena mu je bila snizena i na vise od 80%! Evo, morala sam se malo pohvaliti ;-)

Koji je vas najbolji ulov sa zimskih snizenja?
A najdrazi vintage komad kojega ste naslijedili od roditelja, baka, djedova?

Toliko od mene za sada!
Ne zaboravite pogledati lookbook video sa 3 zimska outfita, klikom ovdje!

Najnoviji vlog na hrvatskom kanalu


  1. Fantastic combination. You look amazing, Sonia. The skirt is divine and I love the coat.
    kisses darling

  2. Pretty skirt and love the coat! Fabulous look


  3. You look gorgeous. That coat is amazing. http://sophialastyles.blogspot.co.uk/

  4. beautiful skirt dear!!!

  5. kaput je predobar :) kao i dzemper :)
    sve pohvale :)

  6. The coat is awesome and you look very beautiful. :)


  7. You asked me to follow
    I follow you
    the first in the 4 row
    Now you follow me :)


  8. Bellissimo e molto cosy questo look Sonia! sei perfetta!

  9. great look! I love the coat especially. I've been looking for a good heavy one lately to deal with this weather!

    xx. I'd love it if you could come take a look at my blog as well! http://afashionneverland.blogspot.com

  10. Love the coat and sweater!!!

    If you wanna follow each other let us know!

    Fashion&fun PARIS

  11. I love the boots, I wait for my blog

  12. lovely outfit dear!

  13. Hope you're feeling better now!
    That skirt is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Compliments to your grandmother!!! Like it how you styled it!


  14. koja divna suknja...svaka čast bakici, stvarno je zanimljiva...odličan remen, baš se lijepo uklopio s suknjom.
    odlična kombinacija...
    žao mi je što čujem da si imala gripu, ali barem je dobra vijest da ti je bolje:)


  15. Yeah, i really love ur blog! Great post!
    I follow u on GFC, follow me back? Thanks Honey! :)


  16. nice outfit :)
    following you ♥

  17. Amazing outfit....and you know that I like your blog!
    I am your reader. Can you follow me through GFC please?

  18. such a fabulous look! absolutely love your coat! so stunning :D


  19. That coat is perfect for winter! :) You look so chic and put together!

    be the plebeian

  20. So so great skirt...it looks perfect on you.



  21. Glad you are feeling better :)
    Love this outfit. That skirt is really amazing :)


  22. Cijela kombinacija mi je predobra zbog te vintage vibre koju ima! Obožavam takvo što i izgledaš vanserijski dobro! :)

  23. QUé falda tan bonita! Preciosa. Besos

  24. prekrasna, prekrasna suknja,, posebna a jednostavna
    izgleda lijepo zimski u kombinaciji s lijepom vestom iz H&M-a <3


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
If you'd like to follow me, I'd be more than happy to follow back, I believe that we should all support eachother.
Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥

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