
Wednesday 31 December 2014

My Fashion 2014. (part two)

Hello lovelies!
Yesterday I posted the part one of this post, and today it's the time to look back at the outfits I wore in the second half of the year, starting from the early autumn days, to a few days ago!
Also, I'd like to look back at some successful collaborations my blog has made with some cool brands and local craftsmen!

Today is the last day of 2014. and we tend to look back at it and draw our conclusions...for the most part I kept hearing from my friends and acquaintances how it was a crappy year and they're glad it's almost over!
I would disagree on that! With that attitude and state of mind, what do you expect from 2015.? Everything you ever wanted and dreamed of to simply fall upon you?

In this 2014. I learned to be more positive person and to appreciate the gift of life I was given by my parents! It may sound cheesy, but it's the absolute truth: As long as we have our health, we don't have a real reason to complain and to be unhappy!
Of course there'll be tons of small things that makes us miserable throughout the course of our lives...crappy job, angry boss, unstable financial situation, wanting to realize ourselves but not having the right means to problems, relationship problems and so on and so on...the list goes on....When one isn't in the right state of mind, one will find thousand or more reasons to compain, even when everything around her/him is absolutely perfect!...BUT, the important thing is being healthy and determinded to go on in life, to keep fighting every single day, for a better tomorrow...whilst also appreciating the little moments of joy this life brings us!
I decided to be more positive person, and instead of concentrating on my failures and disappointments, learn to appreciate even the small steps forward!
Overall, I can say 2014. for me has been one of the good years :-)
My family is healthy, I have a (sometimes crappy) steady job that pays the bills and allows me to have enough free time to dedicate myself to my passions, blogging & vlogging!
Through my blog & youtube, I've made some exciting collaborations and made some fantastic new friends...I didn't realize any spectacular blogger campaign, or made tons of money blogging, but I gave a tons of positive comments to encourage my blogger friends to keep on blogging, and so I received tons of positive feedback and inspiring comments!
Looking back at how I started years ago, living in a cold garage without heating, blogging from a half broken computer and with a borrowed photo camera, now I can say I did pretty damn good! In a blogger world (as well as in any other aspects of life, I assume), we tend to compare ourselves to others, which is a slippery'll surely end up feeling frustrated, wondering why you haven't acheived as much or why can't you have as many...
But the important thing is to always remember where did you come from...and comparing it to that, how much did you acheive!
When somebody starts already privileged, that's a big advantage and the results may come in quicker for that person, but, at the end of the day, if you're just as passionate, or more, the results will come for you too, even if it means you'll have to work twice as hard!
Blogging to me has been an incredible experience, that in 2014. brought me new collaborations with local italian producers, which is a project I'm very proud of!
Blogging has also allowed me to connect with inspiring people from all over the world, who share my same passions! How could I possibly say 2014. wasn't a good year? :-)

Early Autumn Days

 Autumn - Winter

Collaborations/ Projects

Spring collaboration with Nylon

Summer collaboration with Nylon

Pretty Little Liars fashion collab with 5 other youtubbers

PLL fashion collab with Style Haul partners on youtube

Italian fashion bloggers meetup

Collaboration with SonMia Design graphic T-shirts made in Italy

The biggest project of this year, and of my entire blogger career, the creation of my jewellery line, PIKA JEWELLERY

Christmas Gift Guide with Pelletterie Zubiolo of  Mestre, Venice, Italy.

Collaboration with Pelletterie Zubiolo

Danasnji post nadovezuje se na jucerasnji u kojem sam napravila mali pregled mojeg osobnog stila i outfita koji su obiljezili 2014.godinu. Buduci da je za mene 2014. definitivno bila godina u znaku mode, outfita je bilo puno, stoga sam odlucila post napraviti u dva dijela. U prvom sam vam prikazala outfite koje sam nosila na pocetku godine, pa sve do kraja ljeta, dok vam u danasnjem postu prikazujem outfite sa druge polovice godine, od rane jeseni, do kasne jeseni i zime!
U ovom postu osvrnula bih se i na neke vrlo uspjesne i zanimljive suradnje koje je moj blog ostvario sa lokalnim modnim brandovima i obrtnicima ovdje u Italiji.

Krajem godine, svi mi imamo obicaj raditi neki "zavrsni racun", podvuci crtu i donijeti presudu o uspjesnosti iste...U zadnje vrijeme, od prijatelja i poznanika sve vise cujem zakljucke tipa: "Godina je bila losa i jedva cekamo da se zavrsi!"...
Ja ne dijelim isto misljenje! Naprotiv, mislim da je pogresno razmisljati na taj nacin i da nam takav mentalni sklop nista konstruktivnog ne moze donijeti!
Sto sa takvim stavom mozete ocekivati...Da vam 2015. magicno ostvari sve vase snove? Ne zaboravite da mijenja se samo kalendar!

Istina je da ja na 2014. gledam kao na izuzetno pozitivnu godinu!
Mozda ce zvucati otrcano, ali shvatila sam da, dok imamo zdravlje, imamo razloga biti sretni i zadovoljni i ne, nemamo nekog opravdanog razloga zaliti se! Naucila sam cijeniti dar zivota koji su mi podarili moji roditelji.
Naravno da tijekom nasih zivota, nailazimo na problemcice i probleme i razne druge izvore dnevnog nezadovoljstva...los posao, problemi sa sefom, financijsko nezadovoljstvo, problemi u obitelji, problemi u vezi itd., itd. lista se moze produzivati u nedogled...dok mi sami ne shvatimo da je na nama da odlucno i podignute glave krocimo kroz zivot, pa makar to i znacilo biti u svakodnevnoj borbi za bolje sutra!
Ali isto tako, u toj nasoj svakodnevnoj borbi, trebamo znati prepoznati male stvari koje nas mogu uciniti sretnima i uljepsati nam dan :-)

Ja sam odlucila biti pozitivnija osoba i umjesto analiziranja vlastitih neuspjeha i promasaja, usredotociti se na pozitivne pomake koji se desavaju u mojem makar se to odvijalo i sitnim koracima!
Za mene, 2014. god. bila je uspjesna iz vise razloga: Hvala Bogu, clanovi obitelji i ja smo zdravi, imam stalni posao (koji me, priznajem, ponekad frustrira), ali koji placa racune i ostavlja mi dovoljno slobodnog vremena za bavljenje mojim strastima: blogom i youtubeom, za razvijanje novih projekata i sadrzaja u koje je potrebno uloziti puno predanosti i optimizma!
Zahvaljujuci blogu, ostvarila sam vrlo zanimljive suradnje sa lokalnim brandovima i proizvodjacima ovdje u Italiji, a to je projekt na kojega sam vrlo ponosna!
Ove godine, dogodila mi se i najveca stvar u dosadasnjoj "bloger karijeri": U suradnji sa lokalnim obrtnikom, stvorena je moja linija nakita, PIKA jewellery!
Doduse, moj blog nije ostvario neke velike svjetske kampanje, ili me ucinio bogatasicom, ali, znate sto je zaista vrijedno?
Dobila sam pravo malo bogatstvo pozitivnih komentara na moj trud i rad i upoznala inspirativne ljude iz cijelog svijeta (vas, da bas vas koji ovo citate, a koji ste sa mnom ikad stupili u kontakt!) koji su obogatili moj zivot i stvaralastvo!
U nasem bloger svijetu (a isto se odnosi i na svaki drugi aspekt zivota), vrlo je lako poskliznuti se na terenu ljubomore i usporedbi sa drugima...Pitamo se: "Kako je on/ona uspijela napraviti vise? / Zasto on/ona ima vise?"
To nisu kontruktivne misli jer ce vam donijeti samo frustraciju! Jasno je da, kada netko krece u zivot sa vec stabilnim financijama, lakse ce i ranije doci do nekog svog cilja (naravno i u tom slucaju potrebna je predanost i volja za radom!). To naravno ne znaci da uz veliku volju, predanost i strast za realizacijom vi ne mozete postici isto, mozda ce vam trebati duplo vise rada i duplo vise vremena, ali kad- tad, stici cete tamo gdje ste krenuli!
Bitno je da taj cilj, kamo vi to idete, bude vas cilj, a ne cilj osobe sa kojom se usporedujete!

Kada gledam natrag na moj zivot i sjetim se mjesta sa kojega sam krenula, mislim da sam postigla jako puno! Jako sam ponosna na svaki svoj prkosni korak naprijed, na svaki svoj mali (ili nesto malo veci uspjeh), a ponosna sam i na to sto sam naucila i da me neuspjeh vise ne frustrira jer ponekad iz njega mogu nesto nauciti i biti spremnija sutra!
Moja "bloger karijera" zapocela je dok sam zivjela u garazi bez grijanja, sluzila se polu-pokvarenim kompjuterom i posudjenom digitalnom foto kamerom.
Nisam znala nista o tome kako biti bloger, ali znala sam da sam pronasla nesto sto me cini sretnom i sto me motivira za daljnji rad i stvaranje.

Na kraju 2014. god. na neki nacin sam vam "ogolila srce", prije svega zbog toga sto vas zelim motivirati da pozitivno gledate na vas zivot i inspirirati vas na konstruktivno stvaranje.
Samo u tom slucaju, iduce godine moci cete mirnog srca reci: "2015. je bila dobra godina!", bez obzira na to koliko ste postigli!

Uzevsi sve u obzir, kako bih ikada mogla reci da 2014. nije bila dobra godina?


  1. tutti belli Sonia!!!Auguroni di buon anno;)

  2. You have such a cool look! :)

    Really looking forward to your posts next year!

    Have a happy happy new year darling!

  3. Just love your outfits, you are beautiful :)

    Happy New Year! Hope it's a great one :)

  4. Cute little retrospection fashion post :) Happy new years!

    rae of love from berlin

    WITH LOVE...

  6. Beautiful recap Sonia. Love all your looks, you are stunning, girl.
    ☆:*´¨`*:.•.¸¸.•´¯`•.♥ Happy New Year ♥.•´¯`•.¸¸.•..:*´¨`*:.☆

  7. Great post! I like all of your outfits, You have a great sense of style. I'm following you now :)
    Obsessed Fashion Blog

  8. Great post and fantastic blog :D
    I follow you as Fife Fantasi Nails on GFC, Bloglovin, Twitter, FB, Instagram- hope you follow me back :D

  9. 2014 has truly been a promising year for you. You look great and pretty :)

    *I'm following you now in bloglovin. Hope you'll do the same :)
    Wishing you a Prosperous and a Happy New Year, Sonia! :)


  10. I love them , I didnt know you had a jewelry line ,thats great . Will love to take a look at them. Great outfits here. Happy New Year dear!


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great recap, dear. Great styling and Happy New Year! :)

  13. beautiful photo
    Happy New Year!

  14. Great post.
    I wish you the best of 2015.

  15. I wish a happy new year!!! Kisses from Barcelona!!! :*

  16. Potpuno se slazem sa tvojim pogledom na "novu" godinu!!!
    Zelim ti sve najlepse i samo tako nastavi!!! pozzz ;)

  17. You definitely looked fabulous all through 2014! I hope you have a happy new year!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  18. lovely outfits!
    Have a nice year :)

  19. This is one amazing post
    Glad i came across your blog

  20. Amazing post. I definitely want to hear more from you. I love coming across blogs whom have a similar background as I do. Having money definitely gives you the advantage and though hard work you can achieve many things as well. Many blessings for 2015!

    Kind regards,

  21. Beautiful looks!!!
    would you like to follow each other? let me know...I always follow back.
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  22. beautiful
    looking stunning
    Great Post. Lovely Blog. I am really loving your blog.
    Happy New Year, dear!
    I am following your blog. Hope you will follow back. xxx Keep in touch
    BeautyDrugs new blog post click & comment

  23. Bel riassunto Sonia!!!! Sembra sia stato un anno fantastico e quindi non mi rimane che augurarti che il 2015 sia ancora meglio!!! Baci (e grazie per la tua visita),

  24. You have a wonderful style,
    happy new year :)

  25. 2014 je bila odlična godina, neka bude 2015 još bolja :) xx Maja

  26. Amazing selection of photos, dear, you have great sense of style :)

    Happy New Year!

  27. great !!!! love all looks ! :D

  28. Very very nice speech, Sonia ! I like it !!! Happy New Year ! kisses

  29. Nice outfits, I really like your style :)

  30. Divno. Slike su divne, neka ti 2015. godina bude jos bolja! :* :))

    New post:

  31. Hi Sonia we love your style, is so cool, and pretty, by happy this new year.

  32. Hi! Loved the blog, what would to say to following each other? Already following yours!
    Here is my blog:
    Hope you like it!

  33. nice year and amazing photos :)

    1. i'm following you :) thanks for comment on my page

  34. Very well said and i´m really agree with your opinion about life.
    Stay positive mind is always make our life eaiser.
    Very glad to heard that you had an amazing year 2014.
    Btw,you had a great looks on 2014 & really stunning.Love them all.
    Happy New Year 2015 & wish you all the best & have a wonderful year 2015.
    Big hug & kisses from Bangkok.xoxo

  35. Love your style, is really nice! I'm already follwing youn on GFC, hope to see you soon on my page.

  36. Bellisima!

    I am following you on gfc, would you like to follow me back so we can stay in touch?

  37. Hi dear amazing review
    Happy New Year

  38. Amazing outfits dear!
    Have a great new year!

  39. Hey Sonia! I love your blog and I just followed you :) I'd love for you to follow me back :)
    Best wishes,

  40. I love everyone of these looks you have a nice style!

  41. Great looks honey
    Happy new year!!!
    See you soon on my blog

  42. You look Great!:)
    I follow You back:)

  43. Amazing looks, love it

  44. How wonderful outfits!!! I like your post, it sounds very motivating!

  45. so many great looks! you had an awesome year full of super stylish outfits :)

  46. Amazing looks. The third one is my favourite, is so perfect,

  47. sukienka z 4 zdjęcia ma bardzo fajny wzór :)


  48. Love your look :)!!!!

    Want to follow each other on GFC & bloglovin etc.?
    Let me know!

    Greets from the EDELFABRIK

  49. Divno, želim da 2015. bude još bolja!!!

  50. Wow ! U look so pretty !
    - Following u from long time :)

  51. Mnogo mi se svidja tvoj blog :).A i ti si stvarno prelijepa *_*

  52. Liked looking through your year in review - I like the locations you use for your outfits!

    - Sarah :)

  53. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hello!
    Of course we can follow each other, I’m following you now on GFC (number 360, name Kati) so now it’s your turn to follow back!
    I also really like your outfits here, all so stylish!

    Have a great day,

  54. They are all lovely pictures..

  55. divno si ovo napisala, baš si me nadahnula, a malo sam u depresiji jer nakon sto razgovora za posao započinjem ovu godinu još uvijek bez posla...u svakom zlu neko dobro kako kažu....meni 2014. nije bila laka, muž mi je imao operaciju, dogodilo se svašta nešto stresno, više od pola godine sam svaki dan imala tempaturu, ali u 2014. godini sam stažirala, i položila stručni......tako da sve je nekad samo stvar kako gledaš na to. Ja sam prva ta koja za sebe uvijek misli da ništa ne radi, da se ne mičem sa mjesta i stvarno se nekad moram malo protresti i reći da čak i ako nisam postigla ništa spektakularno barem sam svaki dan nešto radila, malo je trenutaka bilo kada sam sjedila prekriženih ruku (iako nam je nekad i takav odmor potreban).


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
If you'd like to follow me, I'd be more than happy to follow back, I believe that we should all support eachother.
Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥