
Tuesday 30 December 2014

My Fashion 2014. (part one)

Hello darlings!
In my today's post, the last post of 2014., I wanted to make a little recap of what was I wearing throughout the year and how was my style developing...
I think it's fun to look back at some outfits...some are better than the others, but from a little fashion mistakes we (hopefully) learn & develop our sense of style and fashion.
My blog, by the end of this year, has taken more fashion direction, than beauty, but I can't promise to keep it that way in 2015.! 
I've always considered myself as a beauty blogger too, and I promise beauty posts will be more frequent in the New year!
In 2014. my blog has grown and I wanted to thank everybody who followed me and that way supported my passion for blogging!
Outfit posts are a major part of this blog's content, so I promise to deliver always better quality photos, especially now that I have given myself a gift of Canon EOS1200d for this Christmas! I can't wait to show you the photos we've taken with it, the quality is so much better and you can definitely notice the difference :-)
Enough said, now I'll leave you with my Fashion 2014. recap, photos from my outfit posts that I've posted throughout this year. Some of you will remember these outfits, and to my new followers these will all be pretty much new! Remember that most of these outfit posts were also accompanied by OOTD videos, on my youtube channel.

The beginning of 2014

Early Spring Days

Summer 2014.

to be continued...

Lijep pozdrav dragi citatelji!
U zadnjem postu ove godine zeljela sam se osvrnuti na outfite koje sam nosila tijekom 2014. godine i napraviti mali pregled mog osobnog stila.
Mislim da je zabavno prisjetiti se odjevnih kombinacija koje su me uveseljavale ove neke bih rekla da su pun pogodak, dok neke mozda i nisu tako uspjesne, ali na malim modnim pogreskama se uci i napreduje te razvija osobni stil, zar ne? ;-)
Moj blog krajem ove godine krenuo je nesto vise u modnom stilu, iako sam se ja uvijek smatrala i beauty i modnom bloggericom! Stjecajem okolnosti, imala sam vise vremena posvetiti se mojem modnom youtube kanalu, a samim time rastao je i broj modnih postova.
Ipak, u 2015. obecajem ubaciti vise beauty postova, jer ne bih zeljela da moj blog postane iskljucivo modni, buduci da su ljepota i make up teme koje su mi oduvijek bile drage za dijeliti sa vama!
Moj blog u 2014. prilicno je narastao i zbog toga sam jako sretna! Lijepo je kada osjetite neki pomak sa "nulte tocke" i kada ste nagradjeni za vlastiti trud i rad :-)
S time povezano, zeljela bih se zahvaliti svima vama koji ste pratili moj blog putem GFC-a, ili drugih opcija, te koji ste mi vasim lijepim komentarima uljepsavali dane i poticali na daljnji rad i kreativnost!
U 2015. mogu vam obecati jos bolju kvalitetu postova, buduci da sam se konacno uspjela nagraditi sa Canon EOS 1200d foto aparatom! Vec smo sa njime napravili par outfit postova (koje vam doduse, jos nisam stigla pokazati), i kvaliteta je primjetno bolja, jako sam zadovoljna investicijom! :-)
Ja se nadam da cemo se u 2015. god. i dalje veselo druziti u ovom nasem blogo-svijetu i inspirirati jedni druge!

Outfiti koje sam vam prikazala u ovom postu krecu od pocetka ove godine pa do kraja ljeta.
U drugom postu pokazati cu vam preostale outfite :-)
Nekima od vas vec vidjeni, a mojim novim citateljima zasigurno nesto novo! 

Pusa iz Italije!


  1. Świetnie wyglądasz! :-)

    Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! :-)

  2. Prelep post! :)
    odusevljena!! :-)

  3. Nice looks dear!

    Happy New Year!

  4. It's so super fun to see all of the outfits you've been wearing throughout the year. I love so many of your clothing items. :)

    From Ellen in Ireland

  5. I love the diversities! Great and chic outfits. You look wonderful in all of em. :-)

  6. Imaš odličan lični stil,meni se dopao na prvu loptu, a sad kad vidim neke ranije slike koje nisam videla, još više sam oduševljena. U zdravlje s novim paratom da se služiš, jedva čekam da vidim slike :)

  7. you're soooooooo awesomeeee =)
    now I'm following you on GFC =)

  8. nice post :)
    I followed you, follow back?

  9. perfect recap

  10. Super post i jako lepi outfiti iz cele godine, Srecna Nova :)

  11. Awesome outfits!

    Wanna follow each other? Please let me know! Kisses :)

  12. What an amazing collection of style! My fave is the kitty cat t-shirt paired with that great leo print coat--fabulous! T.

  13. Really pretty outfits honey!
    Yeah, really interested in following each other, but I already following you a long time :)
    Did you follow back?

    xoxo Colli || TOBEYOUTIFUL

  14. You had one stylish year!! Thanks for the follow. Following back.

  15. Volim ove recap postove moram priznati! Puno sreće u 2015. godini draga! :)

  16. Great outfits, I can't just choose one but my favourite season is summer so I love those outfits the most ^^
    Have a happy new year!

  17. Hi Sonia,
    You have a nice blog and lovely looks!
    Of course, I will follow you on GFC
    Happy New Year and regards from Spain :)

  18. I think you can be really satisfy with your fashion year 2014 as you wore really stylish and good looks <3

    Wish you for 2015 also such a great fashion sense and everything what you want and need!

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
    International Giveaway: Christmas Surprise with Self Interest

  19. Amazing year! ♥


  20. Look stupendi, e le foto sono meravigliose!!!

    Ti auguro un bellissimo anno 2015!!!


  21. very beautiful photos and images!
    Happy New Year !!!

  22. I have just come to your blog. And I can't stop myself from subscribing you! These OOTD pics r soo cool. You definitely have a closet to die for :)

    Now I'm Following u from India ♥

  23. love all your photos :) great post! and happy new year :)

  24. divne fotografije, sve mi se jako sviđaju, a odjevnim kombinacijama da i ne govorim:) ja jako volim pogledati ovakve sažetke godine, samo ove godine sam nešto lijena da napravim jedan takav.


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
If you'd like to follow me, I'd be more than happy to follow back, I believe that we should all support eachother.
Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥