
Monday 17 November 2014

The secret of my clear skin: Works with water!

Hi guys!
Today I'd like to share with you my experience with blemishes and unclear skin.
Many of you don't know that, in my early twenties, all until my late twenties, I had big problems with unclear skin!
I didn't have such problems with my skin when I was a teenager, but blemishes started popping up on my face when I entered my early twenties!
I was very aware of them and very self conscious about them; often I felt ugly and I didn't feel like myself, in terms that I didn't feel self confident in my own skin!
I hated my reflection in the mirror :(

I tried a lot of different beauty products, from drugstore to high- end brands, but I was neglecting one crucial factor: Healthy lifestyle (and when I say "lifestyle" I mean not only diet, but, as much as possible, stress-free life!).
My skin started improving its appearance when I came across some great natural remedies (from my local herbalist store), and when I moved to Italy where I changed my diet & lifestyle!
When people from Works With Water contacted me, my skin was already getting better, but I'd still have occasional bad breakouts every once in a while.
I decided to try out their product (100% natural ingredients), because I wanted to see if it can help me out in finally clearing up my skin completely!
And it did!

"Works with Water" Help: Clear Skin
the product I was testing out and that made very positive effects on my skin

Two years ago, I did a full review blog post and a video of the product I was then using; do you guys remember that review?

In case you missed it then and you want to check it out, press the play button bellow:

Anyway, the Works With Water team contacted me again, to let me know that they're doing an acne survey to find out the effects of acne on people’s lives!

You can take the survey here!

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because, the good news is that anyone who enters the survey will automatically enter a competition to win a month’s supply of help: clear skin, worth £39.95, so there is a little incentive… :-)

I'm loving my clear skin now!
Having a clear skin makes me feel beautiful, self confident, happy!
I don't have to try to hide behind too much make up, and I can be myself, even more spontaneous & fun when interacting with people!

If you'd like to give "Works With Water" a try and clear your skin, you can purchase the products here!

If you have any questions about blemishes and how to get a clear skin, I'm here to help you out if I can, so don't hesitate to drop me a line! :)

At last, I'd like to point out that this isn't a sponsored review, but I'm sharing a product with you, that I genuinelly loved!

Lijep pozdrav dragi citatelji/ice!
U danasnjem postu osvrnuti cu se na moje ne tako davne probleme sa necistom kozom i pristicima!
Od svojih ranih dvadesetih, pa sve do kasnih dvadesetih, borila sam se sa tim problemom!
Pristici mi se nisu poceli javljati u pubertetu, kao vecini, vec tek u adolescenciji, a necista koza lica cinila me je vrlo nesretnom i nesigurnom.
Nisam voljela svoj odraz u ogledalu :(

Isprobala sam tada puno razlicitih proizvoda specificnih za mladenacku kozu sa pristicima, od jeftinijih do skupljih brendova, isprobala sam ih sve!
Neki od njih imali su kratkotrajni ucinak, a neki pak nikakav! :(

Koza lica pocela mi se popravljati oko 26.godine, kada sam promijenila prehranu i nacin zivota buduci da sam se preselila se u Italiju...otkrila sam tada neke odlicne proizvode iz biljne ljekarne (biljne cajeve i druge dodatke prehrani), a na lice sam stavljala samo proizvode iz Shiseido Pureness linije.
Primjetila sam znatno poboljsanje!

Kada me je kontaktirao tim iz "Works With Water" brenda, jos ponekad znala sam imati velikih problema sa pristicima; zbog toga sam odlucila prihvatiti njihovu ponudu da testiram i recenziram njihov preparat na 100% prirodnoj bazi, "Help: Clear Skin".
Rezultati su bili odlicni pa sam o tom proizvodu i napravila blog post i video recenziju prije otprilike dvije godine!

Razlog zbog kojega vam sada pisem o tom proizvodu jest slijedeci: "Works With Water" tim ponovno me je kontaktirao i pozvao da sa vama podijelim informaciju o anketi koju trenutno provode!
Ukoliko im odvojite par minutica svoga vremena, automatski cete biti ukljuceni u nagradno darivanje, u kojem mozete osvojiti mjesecnu zalihu "Help: Clear Skin" proizvoda, u vrijednosti od £39.95!
Kroz anketu, tim "Works With Water" zeli saznati vise o utjecaju akni i pristica na svakodnevni zivot ispitanika, te u kojoj mjeri necista koza utjece na vase raspolozenje i samopouzdanje.
Buduci da se radi o anketi za koju necete morati izdvojiti vise od par minuta vaseg vremena, nagrada u vrijednosti £39.95 dobar vam je poticaj da kliknete ovdje! ;)

Moram priznati da necista koza lica u velikoj mjeri utjece na moje raspolozenje i samopouzdanje!
U najgorim danima moje borbe sa pristicima osijecala sam se vrlo ruznom i nisam imala volje za nikakav oblik socijalizacije :(
Cista koza cini me samopouzdanom, veselom i drustvenijom osobom, a ne moram se vise sakrivati iza tone pudera, ili podloge za lice!

Ukoliko ste vec imali prilike isprobati ovaj proizvod, podijelite sa mnom vasa iskustva u komentarima! Voljela bih cuti i kojim se proizvodima vi borite protiv pristica!

Ukoliko zelite dodatne informacije o "Works With Water" proizvodima, kliknite ovdje!

Nadam se da vam je ovo moje iskustvo bilo od male pomoci!
Ovaj blog post nije placen od strane "Works With Water", zeljela sam vam to napomenti i istaknuti da sam sa vama zeljela podijeliti svoje pozitivno iskustvo sa tim proizvodom, jer znam koliko "patnje" problemi sa necistom kozom donose :(

Do iduceg blog posta saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije, a druzimo se na facebooku i instagramu!


  1. I have some spots on the face, but hides the base already, it's bad When You do not feel good about ourselves, even though this product has Helped you.

    I'm using google translator, I hope you're understanding me.

    1. Thank you Karen for following my blog & leaving me nice comment! Yes, I did understand you, don't worry :)

  2. Thanks for the information! So beautiful :)


  3. What a great blogpost! Thank you for sharing!

    x Karen

    1. Thank you Karen, I'm glad you thought it was great :) x

  4. Nice posy! Kiss

  5. Enjoyed the post. Very nice.

  6. How gorgeous is your hair in these photos - like a mermaid! x E

    Elizabeth Victoria Clark

  7. Thank you so much Michaella! I'm heading over to your blog now! xo

  8. Pretty!

  9. followed you via GFC , now i'm waiting for you on my blog

    1. Thank you so much Manuela! I'm heading over to your blog now :) x

  10. Sembra ottimo!

    Da me c'è un nuovo outfit, ti aspetto!

    Cosa ne pensi di tentare la fortuna con un nuovo giveaway ?

    1. Ciao cara! Grazie mille, lo è davvero, questo prodotto ha fatto veramente un'ottimo effetto sulla mia pelle! xo

  11. You look stunning! Love it! ♥


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