
Friday 28 November 2014

Red heels in my shabby chic world...

Hello world!
This is the last outfit post I did in collaboration with SonMia Design.
I paired my favourite boyfriend jeans with, in this case, a T-shirt from SonMia's men's line!
My hubby was supposed to be the model for this tee, but he prefers being behind the camera...I can't blame him, because he shot these beautiful photos!
Because I was wearing so much masculine things (T-shirt & boyfriend jeans), I wanted to add a contrast to this outfit with a pair of red heels, mini messenger bag, and a statement necklace and make it more feminine, but still quite cool!
I hope I succeed in that!
What do you guys think?
We were shooting in my backyard and I absolutely love this place!
This shabby wooden "house" means so much to me!
My grandfather built it on his own, back in the '70.-ies, and he used to sleep there every once in a while, when he was supervising the work on our family house!
I have a lot of photos from when I was a kid, in front of this wooden cabin, with my Dad and other family members ♥

As far as my T-shirt goes, I'm still not sure whether I should keep it like this, or cut it into a tank top (you can watch my DIY- tutorial here)...

You can watch my styling video- how to wear boyfriend jeans (2 outfit ideas!), here!

T-SHIRT: SonMia Design, Italy (Order here!)

Danasnji post zadnji je od outfit postova koje vam donosim u suradnji sa SonMia design brandom majica grafickog printa.
Majica koju vam danas predstavljam, inace je iz muske linije, a model je trebao biti moj muzic :)
Buduci da se on bolje snalazi iza kamere, posao modela opet je "pao" na mogu se buniti, niti mu to zamjeriti, jer odlican je fotograf i slicice su mi se jako svidjele!
Odlucila sam dodati zenstvenu notu, ovom vrlo djecackom outfitu (boyfriend jeans i muska majica, zahtjevali su sexy, crvene cipele, malu torbicu i nesto asesoara!)
Nadam se da sam uspijela u tome!
Sto vi mislite?
Snimali smo u mom dvoristu i ovo je za mene vrlo posebno mjesto!
Ovu staru baraku (kako ju mi zovemo "sutica"), napravio je moj djed, jos u 70.-ima, i znao je tu cesto prespavati kada je nadgledao izgradnju i radove na obiteljskoj kuci.
"Sutica" odoljeva zubu vremena, a moj tata uvijek bi ju odrzavao jer puno je uspomena vezano za nju...ja imam u svojim albumima puno fotografija, kada sam bila vrlo mala, ispred sutice sa tatom i nasim mackama :) ♥
Neke stvari nemaju veliku materijaalnu vrijednost, ali sentimentalna vrijednost je neprocjenjiva!
Slazete li se?

Sto se majice tice, nisam jos sigurna hocu li je zadrzati u ovom obliku, ili cu je izrezati kako bi mi, mozda, bolje pristajala!
U jednom od mojih tutorijala pokazala sam vam kako mozete DIY izrezati majice, a tutorijal pogledajte klikom ovdje!

Ukoliko ste zainteresirani za SonMia majice, ovdje mozete pogledati sve modele koji su trenutno u ponudi!

Kako nositi boyfriend jeans (2 styling ideje), mozete pogledati ovdje!

Svima zelim ugodan vikend, nadam se da cete se dobro provesti i odmoriti...preda mnom su neke nove radne obaveze, tako da vas pozdravljam do ponedjeljka!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

OASAP Thanksgiving deals!

OASAP wishes you Happy Thanksgiving :)

Hello beauties!
This is just a quick post to let you know that OASAP & I wish you a happy Thanksgiving season!
As a part of their fashion hunter program, I get to announce their special deals & promotions and always keep you updated on their new arrivals & latest trends :)
I invite you to check them out because on their web stores they have a lot of fashion must haves for this season, waiting on you! ;)

Jedan brzinski post u kojem vam zajedno sa OASAP web ducanom, zelim ugodnu nadolazecu sezonu blagdana!
Kao dio njihovog "fashion hunter" programa, u prilici sam redovito vam donositi novosti o njihovim specijalnim ponudama, snizenjima te novim trendovima!
OASAP ducan pripremio je za vas dobru ponudu "must-have" stvarcica za ovu sezonu, a sve u povodu nadolazeceg americkog blagdana "Thanksgiving"!
Definitivno ih posjetite kako biste ugrabili nesto i za sebe, ili samo kako biste se inspirirali o novim modnim trendovima :)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Boyfriend jeans & Graphic Tee, always so chic!

Hello lovelies!
This is another outfit post that I'm bringing to you in collaboration with SonMia Design italian brand of graphic T-shirts, and I hope you like this styling idea :)

I paired my SonMia T-shirt with my favourite pair of boyfriend jeans by Zara, and, because I wanted this outfit to be a bit more on the dressy side, I added a pair of heels (Stradivarius) and this Chanel style jacket (also Zara).
I always tought pairing boyfriend jeans with high heels is a way to look effortlessly chic & cool :) It's the style I love and I feel really confident in!

I like having graphic tees in my wardrobe, because I can wear them in many different ways, for different occasions!
You can wear them in a casual outfit, but they're also very cool paired with some more dressy & stylish pieces!
I love SonMia Design tees because they're made in Italy, the soft cotton fabric feels great on your skin, and, they have a big selection of cool prints!
It's definitely worth checking them out here!

T-SHIRT: SonMia Design Italian free spirit
SANDALS: Stradivarius
BAG: INA Market, Italy
NECKLACE: Accessorize
WATCH: Vintage Doxa

I have also filmed a fashion video feat. this outfit + another outfit idea with boyfriend jeans (pics of the outfit #02 will soon be on my blog, in another outfit post!), check it out here:

Lijep pozdrav svima!
Danasnji outfit post jos jedan je u nizu outfita koje smo snimili u sradnji sa SonMia Design, talijanskim brendom majica grafickog printa :)
O ovoj suradnji vec sam vam pricala u ovom videu, a ukoliko ste zainteresirane za nabaviti majice, mozete pogledati trenutnu kolekciju ovdje!

Odlucila sam iskombinirati SonMia majicu sa mojim omiljenim "boyfriend" trapericama koje sam kupila krajem ovog ljeta u Zari (i ubrzo su postale jedan od omiljenih komada u mojem ormaru!).
Sandale sa visokom petom su iz Stradivariusa, a uz jaknicu koja je inspirirana prepoznatljivim Chanel stilom, outfit dobiva pomalo chic/trendy notu!
To je stil koji bas volim :)

Majice grafickog printa zahvalne su jer se lako mogu ukombinirati u dnevne casual varijante, a isto tako prigodne su i dobro stoje uz posebnije komade odjece!
U svojem ormaru volim uvijek imati puno varijanti bijelih majica cool grafickog printa jer znam da cu ih cesto nositi.
Od SonMia brenda trenutno imam tri razlicita modela i mogu reci da su odlicne kvalitete, proizvedene u Italiji, a pamuk je vrlo mekan i ugodan na dodir.
Zbog toga sam i pristala biti njihova suradnica :)

Snimila sam i modni video u kojem vam pokazujem ovaj outfit, te jos jedan, iskombiniran uz boyfriend traperice i SonMia majicu (slicice outfita #02 imati cete prilike vidjeti u jednom od iducih outfit postova!).

Video pogledajte klikom ovdje!

Do iduceg posta, pratimo se na instagramu i facebooku!

Pusa iz Italije,

Monday 24 November 2014

NEW IN: Chatty Fashion and Accessories Haul!

Happy Moday everyone!
 I hope you had a great start to this new week!
I'm starting it by sharing with you a new fashion video that I have uploaded on my youtube channel :)
I hope you're going to like it!
It's a chatty type of video, where I'm sharing with you some bits & pieces that I picked up over the past couple of weeks in different stores!
It's most accessories haul, but I do have some clothing bits too! :)

Check it out by clicking here!

I was lucky to have found these things on sales/ promotions, so I ended up paying even up to -70% OFF what their retail price actually was!

Jewellery bits from Accessorize
Side cross brooch/hair pin is from Bijou Brigitte
Sunglasses are from Promod and I love this model! I got them for only 3€!

Floral crowns are super trendy at the moment!
I love this autumnal version of a floral crown, from H&M, the colours are simple gorgeous!

Autumnal look, with Accessorize necklace and  H&M floral crown

I love this leather backpack from Promod!
Leather backpacks are another big trend, so I was very excited when I found this one at Promod for half off!
The necklace is also from Promod.

Autumnal OOTD with my new Promod backpack
Check out my full blog post on this look here!

I completed the styling with my new Promod sunglasses :)
For the full OOTD post go here!

A pair of comfy brown heels from H&M and a statement necklace (also H&M) that will complete any outfit!

Floral jacket from Zara (it's going to be a lovely piece for spring/summer season!)

Zara top with sequins, great for festive season & special occasions!

One beauty product from my local Douglas beauty store: "Time to Get Zen" body scrub with coconut & yoghurt
I can't wait to try it out!

That was my little haul that I wanted to share with you :)
I hope you like it!
Have you done a haul recently?
Share it with me in the comments bellow, leave me the links to your posts/ videos, I'd love to check them out :)

Kiss from Italy ♥

Svima zelim uspjesan pocetak novog radnog tjedna! Nadam se da ste ga dobro zapoceli! Danas za vas imam jedan modni video, nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti :)
Napravila sam jedan "chatty" haul video, u kojem vam pokazujem stvarcice koje sam kupila kroz posljednjih par tjedana, u razlicitim ducanima.
Vise manje, radi se o trendy asesoaru, ali imam i par odjevnih predmeta :)

Haul video mozete pogledati klikom ovdje!

Video je na engleskom jeziku, ali zato sam nedavno na hrvatskom beauty kanalu objavila jos jedan haul video (gdje vam pokazujem stvarcice koje sam kupila u Hrvatskoj i Italiji), a njega mozete pogledati ovdje!

Pozivam vas da se "pretplatite" na moj hrvatski youtube kanal, kako biste uvijek bili obavjesteni o novim videima koje sam pripremila za vas :)

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj haul!
Stvarcice koje sam vam pokazala u ovom postu, vise-manje sve su bile odlicnih cijena, pronasla sam ih na nekim snizenjima/ promocijama, tako da sam ustedila i do 70% od njihove punoprodajne cijene!

Jeste li i vi nedavno objavili haul na vasem blogu/ youtube kanalu?
Podjelite ga sa mnom u komentarima, ostavite mi linkove vasih postova!

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije!