
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Led Zeppelin OOTD

Hi guys!

I have a few shots of the OOTD I wore when I was at my home in Croatia...
Unfortunately, we were very busy that day, running errands, so when we finally caught a moment to shoot my OOTD, the sun was setting and the lighting wasn't very good, so all we managed to do was take a few quick shots (no video for this one, sorry!)

I wore my favourite Led Zeppelin sweater (that I got this summer at Pull & Bear), and teamed it with my floral print leggings from Bershka.

I bought my red sandals some time ago in Croatia and I really like their simplicity!
I accessorized with some H&M jewellery & this spacious, Bershka clutch :)
Crazy sunnies are from Zara :)

I took a walk in my garden and spotted this gorgeous sunflower plant, that was actually taller than me!
I love sunflowers, they inspire me with positive energy and good feelings. I just love how they rotate their flowers towards the sun :)

Admiring the sunflowers ;)

The complete styling:

Led Zeppelin sweater: Pull & Bear
Long black cami: Baby Angel Elio Fiorucci for Oviesse
Leggings: Bershka
Sandals: No name (bought in Croatia years ago!)
Necklace: H&M
Bracelet: H&M
Sunglasses: Zara
Clutch: Bershka
Watch: Vintage Doxa

Lijep pozdrav!

Slicice ovog outfita nastale su jos dok sam boravila u svojem domu u Hrvatskoj :)
Taj dan imali smo puno toga za obaviti, tako da nam je dan proletio i kada smo konacno nasli pet minuta za snimanje OOTD-a, sunce je vec bilo na zalasku i rasvjeta nam nije odgovarala...(zao mi je, zbog toga nema videa koji bi popratio ovaj outfit post).
Uspijeli smo samo snimiti ovih par fotki...

Ja sam nosila svoju omiljenu Led Zeppelin majicu koju sam kupila ljetos u Pull & Bear ducanu u Italiji.
Odlicna je i zaista ju cesto nosim u razlicitim odjevnim kombinacijama, tako da je vrlo brzo dospjela na listu mojih najdrazih odjevnih predmeta :)
Ove tajice veselog printa su iz Bershke, a upotpunila sam styling asesoarom iz H&M-a i stosnim naocalama iz Zare.
Crvene sandale kupljene su prije puno godina u Rijeci, a svidja mi  se njihov jednostavni model, tako da ih i dan danas cesto nosim! :)

Prosetala sam se u svom vrtu i otkrila ovu prekrasnu stabljiku suncokreta, koja je bila i visa od mene same!
Ja obozavam suncokret, mislim da je to jedna prekrasna biljka koja me inspirira pozitivnom energijom i radoscu...posebno mi je lijepo gledati ju i diviti joj se...i kako se cvijetovi okrecu ka suncu...

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj outfit!
Do iduceg posta, druzimo se na mom facebook-u i instagramu!

Pusa iz Italije,

Friday 24 October 2014

Tanceuticals CC Self Tanning Body Lotion Review

Hi guys!

You asked me what is my secret when self tanning, which products do I use and what are my favourites, so today I'm going to do a review about my favourite self tanning product!

As you guys know, I'm extremely pale skin, and as much as I try to embrace my natural skin colour, occasionally I like to have a nice tan!
I have to be careful when sunbathing (read: I don't), and I avoid tanning beds (they cause skin's premature ageing! I prefer to look pale, rather than old!), so self tanning products are the right choice for me!
I usually self tan in spring & summer (when we wear more revealing clothes), and then give my skin a break in autumn and winter time...
Over the years, I've tried a lot of different self tanning products, but one stood out to me the most!
It's the Tanceuticals CC (color + correct) self tanning body lotion (I have it in dark and it works just great!), made in the USA.
This luxurious CC self tanning lotion will give you a beautiful, natural and long lasting tan (without the sun exposure, or tanning beds!).
It won't streak, or leave you with a weird, orange colour.
It's infused with good ingredients such as Acai Berry, Mango butter and Vitamin E, so it'll moisturize, repair and firm your skin.

The best part is the scent!
It has got a fresh, coconut scent that completely eliminates that funky self tanner smell everyone dislikes! I never before came accross a self tanner that doesn't smell like a self tanner!
Another great thing is that the colour developes in a matter of minutes, you don't have to wait hours to see the results!

With the product, you'll get a tanning mit to help with application.

4.2 fl.oz / 125 ml bottle
+ tanning mit for easier application
This self tanning lotion is really easy to apply- blends easily and dries quickly (non-sticky).
For best results, be sure to exfoliate your skin in the shower before use!
Once completely dry, lightly apply product to skin using a circular motion to the areas you want to tan, starting with your feet and working your way up.
For drier areas like your elbows, knees, hands and feet, use very sparingly, and you can add your regular body lotion afterwards to keep those areas moisturized and to prevent colour build up!
If you don't use a mitt when applying this product, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after each use.
Once done, let dry a few minutes before putting on clothes or getting into bed.
Ideally, you should wait at least 7-8 hours before sweating or showering (overnight is best).
To maintain your gorgeous tan, use once or twice a week, and make sure to moisturize every day to extend it.

And now, what a lot of you have asked me was to show you the actual it works on my here it is! Are you ready...??

I love this self tanner also because it's packed full with good ingredients, such as :
acacia decurrens/jojoba/sunflower seed wax/aloe vera leaf juice/vitamin E/rose hip seed extract/pomegranate extract/acai berry fruit extract/grape seed oil/sweet almond oil/macadamia seed oil/shea butter/cocoa seed butter/mango seed butter...

plus, when you take into consideration this aaaamazing coconut scent, who could resist to a product like that?? :)

Hear what else do I have to say about my experience with this product, in my video review, here:

(click "play" to watch the video review)

I hope this was helpful!
Any questions?
Don't hesitate to ask me! :)
You can also contact me on facebook!

Lijep pozdrav!

Danas vam predstavljam jedan od svojih omiljenih, ako ne i najomiljeniji proizvod za samotamnjenje, a radi se o Tanceuticals CC losionu, koji je proizveden u SAD-u.

Ja sam jako blijede puti, to vec znate...iako se vecinu vremena osijecam dobro u vlastitoj kozi, ponekad se volim vidjeti sa lijepim "preplanulim" tenom.
Pogotovo kada se radi o nekim posebnim prilikama, ili proljetno-ljetnim mjesecima, kada nosimo odjecu koja vise otkriva :)
Buduci da mi suncanje slabo ide od ruke, a solarije izbjegavam od 26 godine (draze mi je da mi koza izgleda bijela kao jogurt, nego stara, hmmm), losioni za samotamnjenje moji su prijatelji!

Tijekom godina, dosta sam ih vec isprobala, od high-end, skupljih, do jeftinijih koji se mogu pronaci u svakoj drogeriji pa i u supermarketu.
Jedini koji me zaista odusevio jest Tanceuticals!

Evo, u par tocki i zbog cega:

  • Daje vam instantnu prekrasnu boju, koja djeluje vrlo prirodno (ne ostavlja cudne tragove na kozi, niti cete izgledati narancasto!)
  • Vrlo je jednostavan za nanosenje (lijepo se upija u kozu, brzo se susi, nije ljepljiv, niti mastan!)
  • Odlicno mirisi- na kokos! To je jedna kvaliteta koju jos nisam srela kod niti jednog proizvoda za samotamnjenje...svi oni, vise manje, ostavljaju na kozi neki cudan miris karakteristican proizvodima za samotamnjenje...ali ne i Tanceuticals! Mogla bih ga pojesti koliko dobro mirisi, hihi!
  • Dugotrajna boja (trajati ce vam 5 do 7 dana, a dovoljno je jedanput-dvaput tjedno nanijeti ga i izmedju aplikacija normalno hranite kozu vasim omiljenim losionom za tijelo.)
  • Prepun je prirodnih sastojaka koji se brinu o vasoj kozi (u engleskom tekstu gore sam ispisala vecinu sastojaka, ali neki od njih koje bih rado izdvojila su vitamin E, maslac manga, ekstrakt voca Acai Berry itd.)
Iz slicica koje sam vam prilozila mozete i sami zakljuciti da je rezultat odlican (ja ga imam u nijansi "dark" ).
Video recenziju pogledajte klikom ovdje, a za dodatna pitanja sam vam na raspolaganju!
Ostavite mi vase komentare, a druzimo se i na facebooku!

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam pusu iz Italije,

Thursday 23 October 2014

6 Ways to Style Floral Crowns // 6 ideja frizura sa cvjetnom krunom!

Hello lovelies!

Today on my blog I have a hair tutorial for you :)
I actually filmed this video tutorial a few months back, but I forgot to post the pics of the hairstyles here on my blog!
Actually, when I was going through my files, I was wondering whether I already posted this tutorial or not, and I had to do a little research on my blog to see if anything pops up in the results!
It would be awkward to write about the same thing twice!

Anyway, these are 6 quick hairstyling ideas with a floral headband (but I also like to use a floral crown; I have two: one is more of a "summer" version, whilst the other one, because of its colours, is more "autumnal", at least I like to think so!)

& here is how my floral crowns look like:

the "summer vesrion" from Bijou Brigitte

The "autumnal" version is from H&M

Anyway, back to my tutorial...I was using my pretty floral headband from H&M, and I created 6 different hairstyling ideas (all these are very quick & easy to do, yet at the same time cute, girly and pretty!)

Here is the hairstyling # 01

This one is very easy, effortless, boho- chic look, ideal for summer festivals :)
I like to add to my hair these loose curls when doing this style (I curl my hair with Imetec Bellissima hair curling iron - hair tutorial here)

hairstyling # 02

High ponytail is always a fun way to wear your hair!
I like to decorate it with my floral headband that in this occasion, I use as a hair tie (I wrap it around my ponytail several times, until it's tight enough!)

hairstyling # 03

This half updo is very similar to the first hairstyling idea, except that the hair that frames your face will be gathered, and the rest of the hair you'll let loose!
Secure the front sections with the bobby-pins!
This is also very bohemian, carefree, messy look! Just the way I like it :)

hairstyling # 04

This inverted side ponytail is my fix for a bad hair day! It's very similar to a fishtail, but even easier to do! People always compliment me on this hairstyle and wonder was it difficult to do, haha :)
Here again, I use my floral headband as a hair tie.

hairstyling # 05

This crazy coloured fishtail is one of my favourite hairstyles!
I use Kiko Make Up Milano hair shadow to colour my hair (it washess off in only one wash, no worries!)
I love the hair chalking trend! It's crazy, fun & colorful! It's a nice & quick way to play with my hair colour, whenever I feel like changing it up a bit, but still when I'm not up for any permanent change!

hairstyling # 06

This high, voluminous bun looks more chic & so cute with the floral headband wrapped around it!
And just how do I quickly do my voluminous hair bun? (watch the tutorial here!)

Those were the hairstyling ideas, and you can also check out my video tutorial, here:

Lijep pozdrav svima!

Dragi pratitelji mog hrvatskog youtube kanala, ovaj tjedan nece biti novog videa :(
Video je spreman, ali zbog poteskoca sa internet linijom ("pusti otok" na kojem zivim nema adsl linije!), nisam ga u mogucnosti uploadati! Vjerojatno ce ici tek pocetkom mjeseca studenoga! Ispricavam se zbog toga i radim na tome da dobijem flat liniju kako se i pristoji jednom "busy" bloggeru, zar ne?
Do tada, predlazem vam da pogledate par starijih videa sa mojeg hrvatskog kanala, koje ste mozda propustili (SoniaVerardo), a ja sam odlucila raditi  na ovom blog postu koji ce popratiti slijedeci "hair tutorijal" video: frizure sa cvjetnom krunom

Jeste li ga vec vidjeli?

Ja sam ovaj tutorijal snimila prije par mjeseci i nisam do sada imala vremena popratiti ga sa blog postom!
Moram priznati da sam morala napraviti malu pretragu svoga vlastitog bloga, kako bih se uvjerila da vec nisam objavila post o ovim frizuricama! Bio bi bas "bad", pisati o istoj stvari dvaput, zar ne? O_O
Ja se nadam da ce vam ove ideje biti korisne!
Ukoliko i sami napravite jednu od u videu predlozenih frizura, posaljite mi vase slicice :)

Iako sam video tutorijal snimala u ljetnim mjesecima, ove frizure mogu se nositi i sada u jesen, kao sto mozete vidjeti iz jedne od slicica gore, ja sam si kupila i "jesenju" verziju cvijetne krune (prevladavaju tamne boje!) i volim ju nositi, ma bas mi je super modni dodatak! ;)

Do novog videa, druzimo se na facebooku i blogu!

Pusa iz Italije, 

Wednesday 22 October 2014

...where I am the photographer!

Hello lovelies!

This is my second outfit idea from my styling video "How to wear a skater skirt"!

In case you missed out on that video, you can check it out here:

We were filming this one at my home in Croatia, and we really had a lot of fun filming it- which is something you can probably tell from the video! ;)

Anyway, I love skater skirts because they're so cute, cool & trendy!
I think they suit me well :)

In this outfit I wore my black with floral print skater skirt from Pull & Bear (that I got at the end of this summer, on sales, for only 5.99€!)
I paired it with a graphic tee by SonMia Design (you can find out more about my collaboration with this brand if you click here!)
My cutout booties by Primadonna, Italy, were a total must when completing this outfit, and so was my cute leather backpack by Promod!

This cool "old-timer" photocamera is a gadget I borrowed for the shooting from my parent's collection :)

Cool  graphic T-shirts made in Italy by SonMia Design are available here! (this model & many more! New collection coming soon! )

T- SHIRT: SonMia Design
SKIRT: Pull & Bear
BOOTS: Primadonna
NECKLACE: Accessorize


Click here to see the outfit idea # 01 ("How to wear a skater skirt"): "The Vintage Traveller"

Pozdrav dragi moji!

Danasnji outfit post nastavak je proslotjednog u kojem sam vam pokazala jednu outfit ideju kako nositi "skater" suknjicu.

U ovom drugom outfit postu suknjica je iz Pull & Bear ducana i jako mi se svidja jer nije obicna crna, vec ima ovaj lijep cvjetni uzorak!
Kupila sam ju pred kraj ljetne sezone za samo 5,99€, ali zbog toga sto je crne boje sa tamnijim uzorkom, znala sam da cu je moci nositi i u jeseni i da ce biti prikladna i u trendu!

Suknjicu sam iskombinirala uz SonMia Design T-shirt (pogledajte koji su sve modeli dostupni ovdje, a nova kolekcija vec je u pripremi!).
Vise o mojoj suradnji sa mladim talijanskim brandom SonMia Design pogledajte u video najavi ovdje!

Cut-out cizmice, kao i kozni ruksak, upotpunjuju outfit!

Sve u svemu, nadam se da vam se svidja ovaj stil!
Javite mi vasa misljenja u komentarima :)

Video- styling, kako nositi "skater" suknjice pogledajte ovdje!
Snimali smo u mojem domu u Hrvatskoj i pri tom se bas zabavili :)
Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti sto smo pripremili za vas!

Citamo se opet uskoro, a do tada pratite me na facebook-u!

Velika pusa iz Italije!