
Thursday 23 October 2014

6 Ways to Style Floral Crowns // 6 ideja frizura sa cvjetnom krunom!

Hello lovelies!

Today on my blog I have a hair tutorial for you :)
I actually filmed this video tutorial a few months back, but I forgot to post the pics of the hairstyles here on my blog!
Actually, when I was going through my files, I was wondering whether I already posted this tutorial or not, and I had to do a little research on my blog to see if anything pops up in the results!
It would be awkward to write about the same thing twice!

Anyway, these are 6 quick hairstyling ideas with a floral headband (but I also like to use a floral crown; I have two: one is more of a "summer" version, whilst the other one, because of its colours, is more "autumnal", at least I like to think so!)

& here is how my floral crowns look like:

the "summer vesrion" from Bijou Brigitte

The "autumnal" version is from H&M

Anyway, back to my tutorial...I was using my pretty floral headband from H&M, and I created 6 different hairstyling ideas (all these are very quick & easy to do, yet at the same time cute, girly and pretty!)

Here is the hairstyling # 01

This one is very easy, effortless, boho- chic look, ideal for summer festivals :)
I like to add to my hair these loose curls when doing this style (I curl my hair with Imetec Bellissima hair curling iron - hair tutorial here)

hairstyling # 02

High ponytail is always a fun way to wear your hair!
I like to decorate it with my floral headband that in this occasion, I use as a hair tie (I wrap it around my ponytail several times, until it's tight enough!)

hairstyling # 03

This half updo is very similar to the first hairstyling idea, except that the hair that frames your face will be gathered, and the rest of the hair you'll let loose!
Secure the front sections with the bobby-pins!
This is also very bohemian, carefree, messy look! Just the way I like it :)

hairstyling # 04

This inverted side ponytail is my fix for a bad hair day! It's very similar to a fishtail, but even easier to do! People always compliment me on this hairstyle and wonder was it difficult to do, haha :)
Here again, I use my floral headband as a hair tie.

hairstyling # 05

This crazy coloured fishtail is one of my favourite hairstyles!
I use Kiko Make Up Milano hair shadow to colour my hair (it washess off in only one wash, no worries!)
I love the hair chalking trend! It's crazy, fun & colorful! It's a nice & quick way to play with my hair colour, whenever I feel like changing it up a bit, but still when I'm not up for any permanent change!

hairstyling # 06

This high, voluminous bun looks more chic & so cute with the floral headband wrapped around it!
And just how do I quickly do my voluminous hair bun? (watch the tutorial here!)

Those were the hairstyling ideas, and you can also check out my video tutorial, here:

Lijep pozdrav svima!

Dragi pratitelji mog hrvatskog youtube kanala, ovaj tjedan nece biti novog videa :(
Video je spreman, ali zbog poteskoca sa internet linijom ("pusti otok" na kojem zivim nema adsl linije!), nisam ga u mogucnosti uploadati! Vjerojatno ce ici tek pocetkom mjeseca studenoga! Ispricavam se zbog toga i radim na tome da dobijem flat liniju kako se i pristoji jednom "busy" bloggeru, zar ne?
Do tada, predlazem vam da pogledate par starijih videa sa mojeg hrvatskog kanala, koje ste mozda propustili (SoniaVerardo), a ja sam odlucila raditi  na ovom blog postu koji ce popratiti slijedeci "hair tutorijal" video: frizure sa cvjetnom krunom

Jeste li ga vec vidjeli?

Ja sam ovaj tutorijal snimila prije par mjeseci i nisam do sada imala vremena popratiti ga sa blog postom!
Moram priznati da sam morala napraviti malu pretragu svoga vlastitog bloga, kako bih se uvjerila da vec nisam objavila post o ovim frizuricama! Bio bi bas "bad", pisati o istoj stvari dvaput, zar ne? O_O
Ja se nadam da ce vam ove ideje biti korisne!
Ukoliko i sami napravite jednu od u videu predlozenih frizura, posaljite mi vase slicice :)

Iako sam video tutorijal snimala u ljetnim mjesecima, ove frizure mogu se nositi i sada u jesen, kao sto mozete vidjeti iz jedne od slicica gore, ja sam si kupila i "jesenju" verziju cvijetne krune (prevladavaju tamne boje!) i volim ju nositi, ma bas mi je super modni dodatak! ;)

Do novog videa, druzimo se na facebooku i blogu!

Pusa iz Italije, 


  1. Hola Fanny! I went to your blog! It's amaaaaziiing, I love it :)
    We'll definitely stay in touch :)
    xo Sonia Verardo

  2. Super su frizure xx ;)

  3. Beautiful hairstyle! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I do love it, looks amazing on you!

  5. odlične ideje<3

    1. Hvala Ivana, drago mi je da ti se svidjaju :)


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