
Wednesday 17 September 2014 & SonMia Design Fashion Collaboration Announcement!

Hi guys!

Today I'm bringing you one very exciting announcement!
As I mentioned before in one of my previous posts, with the arrival of the Fall season, lots of new fashion projects are awaiting me, and one of those important projects is my collaboration with the young italian fashion brand Son Mia Design.
They're specialized in producing cool & trendy graphic tees, for men and women.
The creative mind behind this brand is Francesco, young graphic designer from the South of Italy, who is putting a lot of hard work, passion and creativity into creating his brand of T-shirts.

I spoke to Francesco several times on the phone, as we were talking about this collaboration, and I liked how passionate he is about his work, and how determined he is to make his dream come true!
All the T-shirts are 100% cotton and Made in Italy, all the models are carefully picked to satisfy the highest quality standards.

I accepted to become a part of this project because I want to give my support to a young brand, and because I feel developing the local production is very important.
Nowdays, pretty much everything is produced in China, and this is definitely one of the reasons our economy is in crisis!
Because of the high costs, it is difficult to maintain the local production, but that's why I want to do all that I can to promote and support Son Mia Design T-shirts!

Son Mia Design T-shirts are available in selected fashion stores in the South of Italy, but if you saw a certain model that you'd like to own, you can contact me at:
and Francesco will sell it to you on- line!
His on-line store will be active soon, but until then you can contact me with any question that you might have!
Currently, Son Mia Design offers 6 models of T-shirts for women, and 2 men's models.

Bellow you'll find the pictures of all the T-shirts that are currently available, and a few styling ideas with the T-shirts I picked out for myself! :)

"Ci Vedi" T-shirt

"L'impiccato" T-shirt

"I Can Fly" T-shirt
The same print is available for men // Ista je dostupna i u modelu za muskarce.

"L'eleganza" T-shirt

"Marilyn" T-shirt

"Via col Vento" T-shirt

"The Good The Bad The Ugly" T-shirt
(men's model // linija za muskarce)
Currently there are 6 different models in women's line available // Trenutno su dostupna ova 6 modela iz zenske linije

If you'd like to know more about this collaboration, you can check out my announcement video, here:

(click "play" on the thumbnail bellow)

Soon I'll start doing lookbooks & outfits of the day with the T-shirts that I picked out, (we're doing a photo shoot at the end of this month!) but until then you can be inspired by some of the OOTD pics that I quickly put together over the past couple of days:

T-shirt: "L'eleganza" by Son Mia Design
Skirt: Pull & Bear
Boots: Primadonna, Italy
Bag: Promod
Belt: H&M

T-shirt: "I Can Fly" by Son Mia Design
Skirt: H&M
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Bershka
Bag: Deichmann
Floral crown: H&M

T-shirt: "The Good The Bad The Ugly" by Son Mia Design (men's)
Boyfriend jeans: Zara
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Zara
Perfume: Taylor Swift "Wonderstruck" (♥)
Necklace: H&M

T-shirt: "I Can Fly" by Son Mia Design
Shorts: Zara
Cardigan: Hollister
Boots: Pull & Bear
Bag: Deichmann
Blue necklace: Accessorize
Long chain necklace with beads: Promod

T-shirt: "I Can Fly" by Son Mia Design
Jacket: Zara
Leggings: H&M
Bag: Raffaella fashion (handmade in Croatia)
Boots: Zara
Sunglasses: Promod

I hope you like these styling ideas ♥

Dragi citatelji i citateljice, lijep pozdrav! :)

U danasnjem postu donosim vam najavu jedne uzbudljive modne suradnje koju sam nedavno zapocela sa mladim talijanskim brandom "Son Mia Design".
Kao sto sam vam vec napomenula u par navrata, jesen mi nosi zanimljive projekte vezane uz blog  i zbog toga joj se radujem!
Kreativni um iza Son Mia branda, mladi je graficki dizajner Francesco, sa juga Italije.
Sa njim sam se cula vise puta tijekom dogovora detalja suradnje pa sam ga na taj nacin imala i prilike bolje upoznati i shvatiti da iza ovog branda stoji jedna velika kreativnost, volja i zelja za radom i stvaranjem, i na kraju krajeva, puno strasti i predanosti jednoj ideji, jednom snu!

Prije svega, svidjelo mi se sto je u odabiru modela T-shirta posvecena velika paznja detaljima i kvaliteti, sve majice su 100% pamucne, radjene u Italiji.
U danasnje vrijeme to je nazalost rijetkost, jer lokalna proizvodnja, a s time povezano i sama ekonomija, sve losije stoji i sve se vec proizvodi u Kini!

Stoga sam odlucila dati svoju podrsku u promicanju ovog mladog talijanskog branda, koji ulaze u kvalitetu i dizajn i koji podrzava lokalnu proizvodnju!

Trenutno se Son Mia Design T-shirt mogu nabaviti u odabranim modnim ducanima na jugu Italije, ali Francesco uskoro otvara i svoj on-line web ducan! Do tada, ukoliko vam se posebno svidio koji model i zeljeli biste ga naruciti, mozete se obratiti meni na: 
a Francesco ce vam postom isporuciti vasu narudzbu gdje god se vi nalazili! :)

U kolekciji je dostupno 6 razlicitih modela iz zenske linije, i 2 modela za muskarce.
Na slicicama gore mozete vidjeti sve trenutno dostupne modele i nekoliko mojih outfit- ideja kako ih iskombinirati za razlicite prilike.

Uskoro zapocinjem sa outfit postovima i lookbook videima (snimanje je predvidjeno za kraj mjeseca), a do tada nadam se da su vas ove outfit slicice uspijele inspirirati i zainteresirati za brand! ;)

Video prezentaciju moje suradnje sa Son Mia Design mozete na hrvatskom jeziku pogledati ovdje:

Slobodno me kontaktirajte ukoliko ste zainteresirane za T-shirte, ili imate uz njih vezanih pitanja! ♥


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
If you'd like to follow me, I'd be more than happy to follow back, I believe that we should all support eachother.
Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥