
Thursday 11 September 2014

Autumnal Outfit

Hi guys!

Even though I still have quite a few of summer outfits to post (all from the past month when I was staying at my home in Croatia), and I refuse to make my peace with the fact that summer is coming to its end, today, for the first time this year, I felt the autumn in the air...

...and I wasn't depressed, but I was actually ok with that, I was ok with the time passing by and the season's change...

The day was very nice, sunny and warm anyway, so I was glad that I was able to wear my new Zara leopard print dress (that I "snatched" past week, at what was left from Zara's summer fact, this dress was the only one left, luckily in my size,  and I got it for only 7.99€, which I think, was a bargain!)

Autumn (when it's nice & warm), is also the perfect season for layering, which is something I'm definitely a big fan of doing! ;)

My hubby & I had some errands to run this morning, and even though my hubby was extremely busy, I managed to convince him to take a few shots of this outfit (It "accidentaly" happened that I had my photo camera in my bag! ).
He's the best and I love him for many reasons, but one of them is also because he's the coolest photographer, always willing to help me out with my OOTD pics! ;)
I respected his busy work schedule, so there will be no OOTD video for this outfit, but I thought it would still be ok to post in on my blog, instagram and lookbook!

I hope you like this look & hopefully you'll be inspired to step into a very fashionable fall /autumn season! :)

instagram pic

Pozdrav svima!

Iako jos imam u planu blog postove sa ljetnim outfitima (snimala sam puno proslog mjeseca, dok sam bila doma u Hrvatskoj!), danas sam vas pozeljela iznenaditi jednim outfitom stvorenim za tople prve dane jeseni!

Tesko mi je pomiriti se sa cinjenicom da nam se ljeto blizi kraju (proletjelo je, i definitivno nije bilo niti "dugo", niti "toplo", ali evo, jutros sam po prvi puta u ovoj godini, osjetila dolazak jeseni i zacudo, nije me to "izbediralo"...dapace, uzivala sam u lijepom, toplom i suncanom danu!
Obradovalo me i to sto sam mogla "prosetati" svoj novi "ulov" iz Zare, ovu haljinicu leopard uzorka, koju sam kupila prosli tjedan, na onome sto se moze nazvati "ostaci Zarine ljetne rasprodaje"...imala sam srecu da je haljinica ostala jedna jedina u mojoj velicini, a cijena joj je sada bila samo 7,99€ (oko 50-tak kn)!
Jesen (kada je suncana i topla), savrseno je godisnje doba za poigravanje razlicitim stilovima i za kombiniranje lagane, ljetne odjece sa toplijim slojevima (famozni "layering", tko ga ne voli??)

Jutros smo muzic i ja morali obaviti neke poslove; iako je on bio u strci radi posla, uspio je odvojiti par minuta za mene i moj blog, te je za vas napravio par slicica mog danasnjeg outfita (ipak, ovaj puta nece biti videa, buduci da zaista za to nije bilo vremena!).
Odlucila sam se slicice outfita podijeliti na blogu i drugim drustvenim mrezama poput instagrama i lookbooka!

Nadam se da vam se ovaj outfit svidja i da ce vam dati ideju kako sigurnim korakom zakoraciti u veselu modnu jesen! :)

BOOTS: Primadonna, Italy
BAG: Promod

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Bag and beautiful Model :) <3 you looking great, think this would be great too with a black leather jacket and some black skinny jeans with some boots ! :) <3 You looking very great! <3


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