
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Summer OOTD: At the Beach With Vero Moda Dress

Hey guys!

I was heading to the beach in Jesolo, Italy, when I found myself in front of these cool wall covered in graphitti! I had to stop for a moment to take some ootd pics!
I love street art and I always enjoy taking my OOTD pics with a cool graphitti as a background!

At the beach, I filmed an OOTD video, and you can check it out here:

I hope you're going to enjoy watching the scenes of the beautiful beach, the Adriatic sea, and the immense sky!

And here are a couple of more outfit pics...

Instagram pic

In alternative, maxi dress is also great choice for the beach!
I usually go for a simple body fitting models, or flowy maxi dresses, I love when they're breezy and soft fabric that allows your skin to breathe in hot summer days.

At the beach...

summer bits that I ♥

DRESS: Vero Moda
BRACELET: Souvenier from Bibione, Italy
BAG: Gift from a friend
HAT: Jennifer

Pozdrav svima!

Jako volim street art- grafite, te uvijek kada naidjem na tako neke cool grafite, ne propustam priliku slikati outfit!

Ove su slicice nastale kada sam isla na plazu u Jesolo, turistickom gradicu u Italiji.
Hodajuci do mora,odjednom sam se nasla ispred dugackog zida ukrasenog grafitima i morala sam se zaustaviti na nekoliko trenutaka- bas me privukao za slikanje par slicica :)

Ostatak materijala, poput styling videa, snimljen je na plazi (nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti, lijepa, dugacka, pjescana plaza, predivno nebo i blagi valovi u pozadini...), a za sve vas koji razumiju hrvatski jezik, snimila sam i mali vlog u kojem vas vodim po Jesolu i poblize pokazujem taj mali, turisticki gradic u pokrajini Italije Veneto.

To je sve sto sam pripremila za vas za ovaj put!
Citamo se uskoro, a do tada me potrazite na instagramu i facebooku!

Pusa iz Italije!


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
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Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥