
Friday 15 August 2014

My Guide to On-line Shopping

Hi guys!

Today's post is going to be a little guide to on-line shopping!
I'm going to try and give you a couple of good tips on how to do a good on-line shopping, especially now, during the summer sales, when you can really get the best deals and revamp your wardrobe even with a small budget!

As you guys already know, I'm pretty much an expert when it comes to shopping on sales and getting the best deals ;)
I love to shop in regular stores, but on-line shopping is always appealing, especially since some of the items that are sold out in stores, may still be available on-line.

When it comes to shopping on sales, be wise about what you're going to purchase: I recommend going through your wardrobe and making a list of the things you really need!
Also, it is a good thing to inform yourself about the upcoming trends for the next season (most of the time, on sales, you can actually find the items that are going to be "big" even the next season!).
Fashion magazines, blogs, or the actual web stores, are a great place to get inspired!

When I shop on-line, I make sure that the store I'm shopping at, has a good reputation and great reviews/feedback from customers!

Another thing to keep in mind when on-line shopping, is the possibility to get coupons for even better deals!
Did you know that with coupons for on-line shopping, you can actually come across better deals than in regular stores?

It's always worth checking out, before completing your order, whether a certain web-store has currently got coupons and promo codes, for even better shopping experience!
I know that sometimes, looking up for coupons and checking out if they're still valid, can be a bit time consuming, but thankfully there is CupoNation, who do all the hard work for us and search for the best deals.
On CupoNation you will find the best deals for shopping at top stores such as ASOS, SurfStitch, Urban Outfitters and many more!
Make sure to check out their Top 20 coupons, because, as they say: "If there is a voucher code worh using it, they'll have it!"

With a help of coupons & promo codes, you can really revamp your wardrobe at a discounted price!

Recapping, my advices for a successful on-line shopping are:

  1. Go through your closet to check out the "current situation" of your wardrobe
  2. Make a list of the things you need (& stick to it!)
  3. Get your inspiration from the fashion mags, bloggers, web-stores...
  4. Check out for the upcoming trends/ trends that are going to be hot the next season
  5. Make sure that the web store you're purchasing at has got a good reputation
  6. Check out for coupons to get the best deals and the most out of your on-line shopping experience!

I hope these advices were helpful!
Let me know in the comments, what is your favourite on-line store and do you often shop on-line?

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Summer OOTD: At the Beach With Vero Moda Dress

Hey guys!

I was heading to the beach in Jesolo, Italy, when I found myself in front of these cool wall covered in graphitti! I had to stop for a moment to take some ootd pics!
I love street art and I always enjoy taking my OOTD pics with a cool graphitti as a background!

At the beach, I filmed an OOTD video, and you can check it out here:

I hope you're going to enjoy watching the scenes of the beautiful beach, the Adriatic sea, and the immense sky!

And here are a couple of more outfit pics...

Instagram pic

In alternative, maxi dress is also great choice for the beach!
I usually go for a simple body fitting models, or flowy maxi dresses, I love when they're breezy and soft fabric that allows your skin to breathe in hot summer days.

At the beach...

summer bits that I ♥

DRESS: Vero Moda
BRACELET: Souvenier from Bibione, Italy
BAG: Gift from a friend
HAT: Jennifer

Pozdrav svima!

Jako volim street art- grafite, te uvijek kada naidjem na tako neke cool grafite, ne propustam priliku slikati outfit!

Ove su slicice nastale kada sam isla na plazu u Jesolo, turistickom gradicu u Italiji.
Hodajuci do mora,odjednom sam se nasla ispred dugackog zida ukrasenog grafitima i morala sam se zaustaviti na nekoliko trenutaka- bas me privukao za slikanje par slicica :)

Ostatak materijala, poput styling videa, snimljen je na plazi (nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti, lijepa, dugacka, pjescana plaza, predivno nebo i blagi valovi u pozadini...), a za sve vas koji razumiju hrvatski jezik, snimila sam i mali vlog u kojem vas vodim po Jesolu i poblize pokazujem taj mali, turisticki gradic u pokrajini Italije Veneto.

To je sve sto sam pripremila za vas za ovaj put!
Citamo se uskoro, a do tada me potrazite na instagramu i facebooku!

Pusa iz Italije!

Monday 4 August 2014

Crop Top + Maxi Skirt, Summer Styling Idea!

Hi everyone!

I got this cute, floral print crop top as a present from my friend Elena, and I immediately wanted to do an outfit of the day with it!
Crop tops are very much in style right now, and I suggest wearing them with something high waisted (maxi skirt, shorts/pants, or a mini skirt...)as long as it's paired with something high waisted it'll look super chic and you can pull it off even if you're not a teenager anymore! 

Make sure to check out NylonNoale for more fashionable clothing items & this summer's must-haves!

CROP TOP: Nylon Noale
BAG: NICO fashion stores, Italy
CUTOUT BOOTS: Primadonna collection, Italy
CROSS NECKLACE: Accessories, Croatia
SUNGLASSES: ZTC, Rijeka, Croatia

Pozdrav svima!

Dobila sam na poklon od prijateljice Elene ovaj topic cvijetnog uzorka, i odmah sam pozeljela napraviti sa njim jedan zgodan outfit i par slicica ;)
Ovakvi topici su jako popularni ovog ljeta, a ja predlazem da ih iskombinirate sa odjevnim predmetima visokog struka (maxi suknje, sorc/hlace, mini suknjice...), dok god kratke topice nosite uz nesto visokog struka, vas outfit izgledati ce sik!
Kratki topici nisu namjenjeni samo tinejdzerima, treba ih samo znati pravilno iskombinirati da to izgleda lijepo i primjereno vasim godinama!
Ja vam predlazem da posjetite NylonNoale facebook stranicu kako biste dobili inspiraciju za savrsene ljetne outfite i saznali koji su "must-havesi" ove sezone!

Nadam se da vam se svidja outfit! Ostavite mi vase komentare i citamo se opet uskoro! :)

Pusa iz Italije!