
Wednesday 16 July 2014

Italian Fashion Bloggers Talk Summer Fashion Trends!

Hi guys!

Sorry for my lack of posting! I have been really busy lately, developing new projects for my youtube channels!
I'm uploading new videos regularly, so make sure to be subscribed if you haven't done that yet! That way you'll always be informed about my new uploads and the content I put on my channels.

Today I actually want to present you a fashion video that I did with my italian fashion/beauty blogger friend, Romina Piccin, from "Mio Capriccio" blog :)

Romina is very passionate about all things beauty and fashion related. She is 25 years old, a Mum, an artist (you have to see her drawings!), from Italy, but lives in Oslo, Norway, where she moved together with her family.
She started her blog in September of 2013. and already she has gathered a nice group of followers who like Romina's fashion & beauty tips! She genuinely enjoys posting & I recommend you all to check out her blog!

Past month, when she was in Italy, we did a meetup where we finally met in person and we immediately bonded over girly stuff, such as make up, hair & summer fashion trends!

We filmed a fashion video together, where Romina talked about herself and her blog, and, at the end of the video, we decided to show to our viewers our outfits!

Check out our video by clicking on the button "play" bellow:

Romina's outfit

2 ways how you can wear these sandals

trendy accessories

Crop top: Stradivarius
Lace shorts: Stradivarius
Denim shirt: Oviesse
Belt: H&M
Bag: Vintage
Sandals: Elio Fiorucci for Oviesse
Jewellery: H&M & other...

My outfit

T-shirt: Mixeri
Denim jacket: New Yorker
Belt: H&M
Skirt: Zara
Bag: Nico stores (Italy)
Sunglasses: H&M
Cut out boots: Primadonna, Italy
Bracelets: Accessorize, Cruciani, other...
Watch: Fossil

In the video, we also discussed our favorite fashion trends for the summer season and we would like to know what are YOUR fashion must haves this summer?
Leave us your comments!

I hope you enjoyed this video/ post :)

Dragi citatelji/ice!

U danasnjem blog postu donosim vam malu reportazu o mom susretu sa talijanskom modnom blogericom, Rominom Piccin.

Duze nisam objavila novi post, zbog toga sto sam bila usredotocena na nove projekte na mom youtube kanalu, a jedan od njih je upravo ovaj video u kojem Romina i ja govorimo o ljetnim modnim trendovima... A za sve nase gledatelje/ice, napravile smo i OOTD!

Stoga se obavezno "pretplatite" na moje kanale, ukoliko niste jos, jer  tako cete uvijek biti pravovremeno obavijesteni o mojim novim uploadsima!
"Pretplatite se" je samo izraz, nista se ne placa, sve je besplatno, dovoljno je samo stisnuti onu "subscribe" opciju na mom kanalu, a meni na taj nacin dajete veliku podrsku i motivirate me za daljni rad!

U videu koji sam ovaj tjedan pripremila za vas, zeljela sam vas poblize upoznati sa Rominom, tako da sam joj dala priliku da vam se predstavi i prica o sebi i svom blogu :)

Romina voli posao modnog i beauty bloggera i pristupa mu sa puno entuzijazma! Ona je 25 godisnja talijanka koja odnedavno sa obitelji zivi u Oslu, Norveskoj. Romina je i mlada mama cetverogodisnjeg sincica, ali i umjetnica koja prekrasno crta!

Rominu potrazite na njezinoj facebook stranici, a slicice nasih outfita mozete pogledati u ovom postu!

U videu smo pricale i o nasim modnim "must-havesima" ovog ljeta, a voljele bi znati koji su to trenutno vasi modni favoriti!
Ostavite nam vase komentare!

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj video i post!

Velika pusa iz Italije! 


  1. Me encanta tu falda! Sales preciosa:)

    1. Hola! Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Besitos xx

  2. 2 beautis for Jack :D ^^:) ;)


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