
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Fashion haul u Hrvatskoj! (New In)

Pozdrav svima! Da li vam je vruce? ;) Ovdje u Italiji nastupilo je pravo ljeto :) Ne zalim se, vec uzivam! hihi

U danasnjem blog postu/videu, pokazati cu vam moj mali modni ulov iz Hrvatske (doduse proslo je vec vise od mjesec dana od mog posjeta Hrvatskoj i uskoro idem ponovno!)...

U H&M-u sam pronasla neke super stvarcice koje su bile na nevjerojatnom snizenju (dok su u Italiji te iste bile na punoj cijeni!).
Ove su mi se stvarcice vec dugo svidjale i kad sam ih vidjela na snizenju, odmah sam se odlucila za kupovinu :)

Mama i baka isto su me obradovale nekim sitnicama :)

Mamin poklon je ova zgodna majcica na pruge iz New Yorkera

Mami i meni jako se svidjela ova slatka torbica iz Deichmanna, pa sam i nju neocekivano dobila na poklon!

Baka mi je dala ovu  prelijepu vinatge majicu koju je i sama rado nosila prije dvadesetak (i vise) godina!

U videu kojeg sam snimila pokazala sam vam kako sve ove stvarcice izgledaju na meni, a video pogledajte ovdje:

In this fashion haul video, I'm showing you a few things that I got in Croatia, when I was there visiting my family in April!

I spotted some amazing discounts at H&M (whilst in Italy those items were all full priced)! 
I've been keeping an eye on these things since the beginning of the season, so I felt really excited & surprised to have seen them discounted at H&M in Croatia!

Other than my H&M haul, I also got some things as a gift from my Mum and granny... (My Mum gave me this cute stripy top from New Yorker, and has also surprised me with the cutest, little bag from Deichmann, and my granny gifted me her vinatge top that she wore a lot in the 80.-ties/90.-ties.)
I was very happy & grateful for everything ♥

I hope you enjoyed this little haul :)

You can click here to see how all these things look like on me!

On the side's getting super hot here in Italy! 
The summer has arrived a bit earlier than expected, and now we're having over 30° (I'm not complaining, but enjoying!).
Welcome summer! ♥
Is it already super hot where you live?

♥ from Italy ♥♥


  1. Love your picks dear and by the way it's not a little's a big haul......xoxoxo....:D


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