
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Collective Fashion Haul in Italy

On my fashion channel, I have a new haul video up!
I filmed it some time ago, that's why most of the items shown are still pretty warm...
New hauls are coming up soon, I did accumulate quite a few bits & pieces that I haven't shared yet, but I'm hoping to start filming again more frequently in June...

I still have quite a bit of blog posts to do, and when I'm finished with all that I have scheduled, I'll take out my video camera again :)

Also, my granny is still visiting, so I find it a bit more difficult to film videos and to concentrate when she's around.
After my B-day, she's returning to Croatia, so I'll have more space & time to dedicate to my activities...

In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy watching this little haul...

I bought all these things in a local stores here in Italy, and (as usual), had a pretty good deal on all of them! ;)

New in my closet:

Two Benetton wool turtlenecks (really awesome for cold days!).
I got them at 70% off, so I ended up paying 10€ for each, which was awesome price for such high quality sweaters :)

This denim vest I got at the italian open market for only 1€
It has already become one of my favourite pieces :)

Sisley shorts for 5€ (discounted from 50€!!!)

Colorful scarf from the italian open market (5€)
I love the colours, and the print!

Some cute accessories from Oviesse, Stella Z, Pimkie
(price range from 1 to 3€...)

Cute Promod ankle booties (found them for 10€, 70% discounted)

I hope you enjoyed this haul! 
Have a lovely day, kiss from Italy, ♥

Pozdrav svima! Danas na mom modnom kanalu imam novi "haul" video :) Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti!
Snimila sam ga prije par mjeseci, zbog toga je vecina stvarcica prikladna za hladnije doba godine.
Noviji haul videi stizu uskoro, buduci da sam vec skupila dosta novih stvarcica koje nisam jos podijelila sa vama!

U lipnju cu nastojati cesce snimati. Imam jos nekoliko zakazanih blog postova na kojima moram poraditi i nakon toga se "bacam" ponovno na snimanje :)
Ukoliko imate koju ideju, sto biste vi voljeli gledati na mom kanalu u buducnosti, obavezno mi to javite! :)

Jedan od razloga zasto snimam manje jest i taj sto mi je baka jos uvijek ovdje u posjeti, tako da nije lako uvijek naci vremena i prostora za snimanje novih videa...
Nakon mog rodjendana, baka se vraca u Hrvatsku, tako da cu i ja imati malo vise prostora za snimanje.

Do tada, pogledajte moj zadnji haul video ovdje i javite mi sto se vama najvise svidja od svih ovih stvarcica koje sam vam pokazala!

Saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije! ♥
Ne zaboravite, i ovaj tjedan na hrvatskom youtube kanalu, imati cu za vas novi video :) Pretplatite se ovdje ukoliko niste jos! Puno mi znaci vasa podrska ♥♥

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