
Thursday 22 May 2014

Spring Make Up Tutorial ♥♥

Today I'm celebrating the Spring!

Spring has always been my favourite season, my birthday is in June (I've always considered myself a child of Spring)...and even though, the past couple of years Spring to me has been really tough (my Dad passing away in spring time, and I've developed a bad allergies to the nature's awakening (pollen!)...), I've decided to continue loving the Spring...exactly because the nature is awakening, and the life should be celebrated ♥

To honour that, today's blog post is filled with the beautiful pics of the flowers ♥♥
Those are the pics that I've taken mostly via my instagram, whenever I spotted a beautiful flower or something else that would associate me to the Spring and the nature's awakening :)

Also, I've filmed a make up tutorial, playing with the colours, experimenting...

This is how the whole look turned out:

Too Faced eyeshadow palette
MAC Impassioned lipstick
H&M floral headband 

Make sure to check out my step-by-step make up tutorial, where I'm showing you how to get this look, and the products I used, here:

Here are more pics of the look:

Beautiful Spring:

these beautiful pics were taken out & about in Italy & Croatia ♥

my instagram spring pics! :)

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Is Spring your fave season too?

Leave me your comments, let me know what is your favourite thing about the Spring season?

Love from Italy xo

Drage curke, u danasnjem postu slavim proljece!
Proljece je uvijek bilo moje omiljeno godisnje doba (priroda se budi, moj rodjendan je u proljece...) 
Uvijek sam se osijecala pravo dijete proljeca :)

U zadnjih par godina proljeca mi nista dobro nisu donijela, naprotiv, bila su jako teska...(tata mi je preminuo u proljece 2012., a godinu dana kasnije razvila sam alergiju na "proljece" tj. pelud koja mi zaista otezava normalan zivot u ove proljetne mjesece, kada se sva priroda budi...)

Unatoc tome, odlucila sam i dalje voljeti proljece, bas zbog toga budenja prirode koje me asocira na zivot i podsijeca na to da zivot trebamo slaviti ♥♥

Zeljela sam uciniti nesto prigodno kako bih "proslavila" ove proljetne dane, tako da sam se odlucila skupiti sve slicice koje sam u proteklih mjesec- dva objavljivala na instagramu (a ticu se prirode koja se budi) i staviti ih u ovaj blog post :)

Isto tako, inspirirana bojama, odlucila sam se napraviti make up tutorijal posvecen proljecu.

Tutorijal pogledajte ovdje i ostavite mi vase komentare :)

Pri kreiranju ovog look-a posluzila sam se Too Faced paletom prekrasnih sjenila, i MAC ruzem za usne u nijansi "Impassioned" koji je predivan bas za proljetne/ljetne mjesece ♥

Sto vi najvise volite vezano za proljece?

Do iduceg posta saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije ♥


  1. Love your flawless makeup dear and amazing pix....xoxoxo....^_^

    1. thank you so much Maria! isn't the nature just beautiful in spring time? :) x


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