
Tuesday 13 May 2014


Hello dolls!

I hope you're all doing great!
Past week I was a bit MIA when it comes to blogging... :(
The reason behind it was simply that I had so much boring housework piled up, and quite a bit of videos to I didn't find time to post, but I was still very much active on my lookbook, facebookinstagram and youtube!

In fact, in one of my recently posted videos I'm bringing you a fashion report about the new spring & summer trends collection from a local fashion boutique in Italy!

We filmed at a local, little fashion boutique, called Nylon, that actually recently opened and the manager is one of my dear friends, Elena.
As she is very familiar with my work as a fashion blogger, we came up with this exciting idea of a collaboration!

If you guys liked this video, make sure to press "like" & comment, and Elena and I will do our best to film these types of videos on a regular basis, bringing you always new fashion trends from Italy! Elena is also a buyer for Nylon, so all the things that are currently selling in the store are handpicked by her!
She was a manager for Sisley store for over 10 years, so she really knows her stuff! I wish her the best of luck in this new adventure :)

You can check out my fashion trends report from Nylon store, here:

I browsed through the store & put together four fun spring outfits that I fell in ♥ with!

Outfit # 1

- maxi skirt (pale pink)
- Marilyn Monroe & floral print T-shirt (men's!)
- Beige jacket

Outfit # 2

- floral print jaacket
- basic white cami (with some lace detailing)
- statement necklace
- denim skirt

Outfit # 3

- leopard & floral print hoodie
- statement necklace (yellow)
- White/ gold T-shirt
- boyfriend jeans

Outfit # 4

- floral print fedora (too cute!)
- Crochet vest
- Crochet skirt
- Basic cami

Those were the four outfits Elena & I styled!
How do you like them, which one is your favourite piece? 
Leave me your comments!

My favourite items are (it's so hard to name just a few!...): 

- Floral print fedora
- Marilyn Monroe T-shirt
- Crochet skirt
- Denim skirt

... and all the rest! lol

I hope you enjoyed this post! Love from Italy xx

Drage curke, lijep pozdrav svima!

Protekli tjedan nije me bilo na blogu, a razlog tome prilicno je banalan: Nakupilo mi se dosta dosadnih kucanskih poslova, a uz to imala sam i puno videa za editirati, tako da jednostavno nisam nasla vremena za ubaciti jedan novi blog post!

Ispricavam se na tome! Iako me nije bilo na blogu, to ne znaci da nisam bila aktivna na drugim drustvenim mrezama, tako da me obavezno potrazite i tamo (gore u engleskom tekstu sam ubacila linkove za lookbook, instagram, facebook i youtube fashion kanal!)

Upravo sam na youtube fashion kanalu protekli tjedan uploadala jedan zanimljiv video koji je nastao u suradnji sa talijanskim butikom Nylon i mojoj dragom prijateljicom Elenom, koja je ujedno i voditeljica, a i "buyer" za taj novootvoreni butik!

Elena vec dugo prati moj rad na blogu, tako da je ideja o suradnji nastala vrlo spontano :)
Sve sto mozete vidjeti trenutno u butiku Nylon u ponudi (pogledajte video, klikom OVDJE), osobno je odabrala bas Elena, koja se zaista razumije u svoj posao (iza sebe ima dugogodisnje radno iskustvo voditeljice Sisley ducana) i ja joj osobno zelim sve najbolje u ovoj novoj avanturi! ♥

Ukoliko vam se svidja ovakav model videa, obavezno stisnite "like" i komentirajte, a Elena i ja cemo se tada potruditi da vam redovito donosimo modne novosti i trendove iz Italije!
Nadamo se da ce vam to biti zanimljivo :)

Obavezno mi javite i koji vam se od gore prikazanih cetiri outfita najvise svidio i koji biste komad odjece voljeli sa sobom odnijeti doma! :)

Buduci da sam ja sastavljala outfite, naravno da sam se zaljubila u sve cetiri kombinacije, ali kad bih se bas morala odluciti za par, moj izbor bi pao na: Sesiric cvijetnog uzorka, heklanu suknjicu, denim suknjicu, Marilyn Monroe majicu...i...sve ostalo! ;)

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije! ♥

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