
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Italian Urban/ Street Style: Graphitti (OOTD)

New week, new outfit post! :)

Today I'm pretty exhausted as I had to wake up too early in the morning (4.15 a.m. !!!) for work!
I had to be at work at 5 a.m. (!!!) Ughhh it was a nightmare! Luckily it happens only once or twice a year! I finished working at 10.30 a.m. and now I'm at home trying to be productive, but it's kind of hard as I'm sooo sleepy... I'm definitely not a morning person! Do you guys prefer morning shifts, or late afternoon ones?

Anyway, I thought I'd upload these outfit pics, but my internet connection is so freakin' slow's so annoying!
After this, I think I'm going to head to my closet and do some spring cleaning & organising (it needs to be done!)...

These outfit pics & lookbook video were made a couple of weeks ago, when my friend Nina & I went for a little walk, out & about the town...
 We were out & about in Italy, just hanging out, exploring the town...two swaggers ;))
We found this cool background, ideal for shooting a few fashion pics (and, I have to say, I think the style I was wearing that day matched the background and the whole "urban/ street style" theme perfectly!).

Check out the lookbook video here:

COAT: Stradivarius
DENIM GILET: Italian open market (bought for only 1€!)
BOOTS: Bershka
BAG: Bought in Croatia many years ago
WATCH: DEN Stores in Italy
NECKLACE: Friends DIY and the one with the turquoise stones was bought in Croatia many years ago :)

Danas vam donosim jedan novi modni post!

Jutros sam se morala ustati u 4.15 ujutro radi posla (joooj!!) tako da mozete zamisliti kako sam sada sva nikakva :((
Danasnji raspored na poslu bio je od 5 ujutro do 10.30...nekako sam uspijela ne srecu, takav radni raspored ne dogadja se cesto, jednom do dva puta godisnje.
Ja definitivno nisam osoba raspolozena za rano ranjenje, vise volim svoje standardne popodnevne smjene.
A kakvi se turnusi vama vise svidjaju?

Buduci da nastojim biti produktivna danas (iako mi se spava i ne znam sto bih sama sa sobom), odlucila sam vas iznenaditi jednim novim postom!

Ove slicice su nastale kada smo prijateljica i ja prije par tjedana bile u setnji ovdje po nasoj okolici u Italiji.
Naisle smo na zgodne grafite koji su se pokazali savrsenima za par modnih fotki, a mislim da je i cijeli moj outfit bio u skladu sa ovom "street style" temom. Sto vi mislite?

Gore su vam slicice i link za video, pa obavezno pogledajte i prokomentirajte :)

Ja vas sada lijepo pozdravljam uz najbolju namjeru da ostatak dana provedem u ormaru (radi se proljetno ciscenje, a to je visednevni posao koji zahtijeva puno strpljenja i vremena...)

Ne zaboravite lajkati slicicu na mom lookbook-u!


  1. You look so pretty your whole look....xoxoxo....^_^


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