
Monday 26 May 2014

Chanel Eyelash Curler VS Drugstore (Review & Demo!)

Today's post is all about my favourite eyelash curler!
I used to think eyelash curler doesn't really serve and it does absolutely nothing for your eyelashes.

I bought my first eyelash curler in a local drugstore, and, after several attempts of using it, I eventually threw it away, disappointed.

Then, my whole adventure of youtube beauty guru on youtube started, and I found myself convinced that I need to have an eyelash curler in my collection of make up tools :)
I went again to my local drugstore, picked up another eyelash curler (for only 1€), and tried this point I was so frustrated! What was everyone raving about?? Famous beauty bloggers saying that they can't imagine their make up routine without their trusty eyelash curler???

My experience was the total opposite: It was a complete waste of time that gave me no results whatsoever!

drugstore eyelash curler, that does nothing for me :(
because of the way it's shaped, the metal at the top part clashes with my eyebrow bone, and I just can't grab all my eyelashes into the curler :(
thumbs down for this curler!

My drugstore eyelash curler was once again long forgotten, "collecting the dust" in my make up collection...

But THEN...people started raving about the Chanel (and Shu Uemura) eyelash curlers, as being among the best curlers in the market! As I was unable to get the Shu Uemura one, but also, because I was never disappointed with the Chanel make up, I decided to take another chance (third time's the charm!) and at my local Sephora, I purchased the Chanel eyelash curler!
I had 20% discount code, so the price of it was a bit easier to handle! :)

Once I tried it, I understood what's all the hype about and since then, I really can't imagine doing my eye make up without using my trusty Chanel eyelash curler! ;)

If you'd like to know more about the difference between the Chanel, and drugstore eyelash curler (and see the little demo/comparison between these two), make sure to check out my video review!

the chanel eyelash curler (on the left), has got a different shape of the top part and it grabs all of my eyelashes perfectly!
as a result, even without mascara, my eyelashes seem longer and more defined :)
i love it! it's definitely worth the price and leaves up to the hype! 

I hope this review was helpful!

Do you use eyelash curler on a daily basis? 
What is the brand of your favourite eyelash curler?
Have you ever tried the Shu Uemura eyelash curler?

Leave me your comments! 

Kiss from Italy, xx

Danas vam donosim recenziju moje omiljene stvarcice u kolekciji make up"alata" :)...govorim o Chanelovom uvijacu za trepavice!

Dugo sam bila uvjerenja da je uvijac za trepavice besmislena i potpuno beskorisna stvarcica. Svoj prvi uvijac za trepavice kupila sam prije puno godina u lokalnoj drogeriji, pokusala ga koristiti par puta i kako jednostavno nije islo, uvijac je prilikom prvog veceg ciscenja zavrsio u smecu!

Nakon sto sam zapocela avanturu beauty bloggera na youtube-u, ponovno sam se uvjerila da je uvijac za trepavice od presudne vaznosti i da ga pod hitno moram nabaviti!
I ponovno sam se zaputila u drogeriju, izabrala novi uvijac (bio je vrlo jeftin, nisam platila vise od 1€!)...ali su rezultati bili katastrofalni: Zbog svoje forme, uvijac se "sudarao" sa mojom strukturom kostiju ocne supljine (ne znam kako da vam to opisem, ali u videu- demonstraciji koju sam vam snimila tocno cete vidjeti o cemu se radi!)tako da jednostavno nisam uspijela skupiti sve trepavice u uvijac i sve se pokazalo poprilicnim gubitkom vremena!

Da li ste i vi ikada imali slican problem sa uvijacima za trepavice??

Uskoro je i ovaj uvijac za trepavice poceo "sakupljati prasinu" u mojoj make up kolekciji...
Nikako mi nije bilo jasno...toliko beauty vloggerica u svojim tutorijalima tvrdi da ne moze zamisliti make up ociju bez svog omiljenog uvijaca za trepavice???
...da bi na pusti otok ponijele svoj uvijac za trepavice??? ;)

Moj zivot i make up rutina tekao je savrseno i bez uvijaca za trepavice...sve dok me kolegice beauty bloggerce nisu zainteresirale za Chanel i Shu Uemura, najhvaljenije uvijace za trepavice!

Buduci da mi Shu Uemura brand nije bio lako dostupan tu gdje zivim, odlucila sam se za Chanel (a i zbog toga sto me njihov make up nikada nije razocarao)..."treca sreca", kako se kaze, pokazala se istinitom uzrecicom!
Cim sam isprobala Chanelov uvijac za trepavice, shvatila sam sto ta mala stvarcica zapravo znaci i koliko mi je potrebna u svakodnevnoj make up rutini!

Svoj Chanel uvijac za trepavice kupila sam u lokalnoj Sephori u Italiji, a imala sam tada kupon za popust od 20% tako da je cijena uvijaca bila laksa za prihvatiti :)

Rezultat koji pruza mojim trepavicama zaista je vidljiv (a primjetiti cete i u video recenziji), trepavice su i bez maskare istaknutije i djeluju duze. Zbog svoje strukture, vrlo lako uvija sve moje trepavice bez poteskoca koje su mi predstavljali uvijaci iz lokalnih drogerija, nepoznatih brandova...

Ja se nadam da vam se ova recenzija svidjela i bilo bi mi jako drago kada biste mi odgovorili na par pitanja:

Da li se vi koristite uvijacem za trepavice i ako da, koji su vasi omiljeni brandovi?
Da li ste imali priliku isprobati Shu Uemura uvijac za trepavice i sto o njemu mislite?

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije <3


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