
Wednesday 2 April 2014

OOTD in Collaboration with

Hello lovelies!
Today's outfit post is brought to you in collaboration with asian wholesale store that sent me a pair of trendy sunglasses that I used to style this outfit :) is a web-store that sells inexpensive gadgets, men & women clothing, watches, fashion jewellery, even cell phones, computers and health/beauty products!
The offer is really overwhelming and everybody can find something right for themselves there!

I ordered a pair of sunglasses and when they arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality! They're really well made :)

I like them because they're this big, "diva" style sunglasses and the model is really trendy at the moment (Celine inspired)!

These sunglasses cost only $3.09 and other than in "Black", they're also available in "Leopard", "Tawny" and "White".
I decided to go for a classic black, but I think I would have loved them in white too :)

Celine inspired design

If you like these sunglasses, you can get your pair HERE!

The Outfit:

Again, I have to thank my dear friend Nina Duval, for taking the time out of her day to snap a couple of photos of my outfit!

judging by my shoes and socks I was really feeling a bit crazy that day, willing to exaggerate & wear something a bit unusual ;)


As that day, it was still a bit cold outside, we didn't film a fashion video, but I filmed it later on, at home.
In this particular OOTD video the format is a bit different from my other OOTD videos: I basically talk about the outfit I wore, and explain why did I put certain pieces together...I hope you're going to enjoy watching!

Click on the thumbnail bellow to watch my OOTD video:

How do you like this crazy outfit? Leave me your comments!

Za danasnji outfit post djelomicno je zasluzan azijski wholesale web ducan koji me je kontaktirao prije par mjeseci sa prijedlogom o suradnji. ducan prodaje puno razlicitih stvari, od muske i zenske odjece, asesoara, make up i beauty proizvoda, do razlicitih gadget-a, pa cak i mobilnih telefona, kompjutera, satova i sl.
Izbor je zaista ogroman i svatko tamo moze pronaci barem neku sitnicu (ili dvije!) za sebe :)

Sa bonom koji sam mogla kod njih potrositi, odabrala sam ovaj "trendy" model naocala koje me zaista podsijecaju na poznati Celine dizajn. Naocale su izradjene jako dobro, svidja mi se njihova kvaliteta, a osim crne, mozete ih naruciti i u bijeloj, smedjoj i boji leopard uzorka.
Ja sam se odlucila za klasicne crne, ali moram priznati da su mi i bijele zapele za oko!

Ukoliko vam se svidjaju, mozete ih naruciti OVDJE!

Za outfit slicice opet se moram zahvaliti dragoj Nini Duval koja je imala dovoljno strpljenja i volje da sa mnom napravi ovaj mali "photo session". Kada smo snimale ovaj outfit, vani je jos bilo prilicno hladno, tako da nismo snimale cijeli video, vec sam ga ja naknadno snimila doma.
Format tog OOTD videa nesto je drugaciji od ostalih, buduci da vam u njemu pokazujem detalje koji su cinili ovaj styling i pricam o tome zasto sam bas te komade zajedno kombinirala!
Video mozete pogledati OVDJE i nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti!
Ostavite mi vase komentare :)

Po carapama sudeci, imala sam volju obuci se u nesto ludje i neuobicajeno i malo opet eksperimentirati sa svojim stilom :)

Znam da se nece svima svidjeti, ali meni se svidio, bas je lud i stosan i sve samo ne dosadan ;)

To bi bilo sve od mene u danasnjem outfit postu!

Do iduceg posta ostanite sa mnom u kontaktu putem moje facebook stranice i instagrama!

Velika pusa iz Italije! xx

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