
Tuesday 15 April 2014

Fear/ Phobia of blood exams: Documenting my self- help journey towards healing!

Hey everyone! The ones of you who follow my blog for a longer period of time, will know that my blog isn't strictly fashion, or beauty oriented, but it's also a personal blog where I share with you my life, my thoughts & feelings!

Recently, on my youtube channel, I have uploaded a vlog where I'm touching a very serious issue for me: My fear of blood exams, that has accompanied me since my very early ages, and that has grown into a real phobia!

As I've decided I have to face my fear and do these exams, I filmed my self- help journey towards healing.
If you're facing this fear (or anything similar), this might help you out, as in this vlog I'm documenting my thoughts, my fears, my'll see how I managed to overcome my phobia!

It wasn't easy at all, but I managed to take these exams after all! I think vlogging about it, was some sort of therapeutic for me :)

Check out my vlog here:

Pozdrav svima! Vi koji me pratite vec duze vrijeme, znati cete da moj blog nije iskljucivo posvecen modi, ili ljepoti, vec je posvecen i stilu zivota, mojim osobnim iskustvima, osijecajima, razmisljanjima...

Stoga sam u nedavno uploadanom vlogu odlucila progovoriti o mom velikom strahu od vadenja krvi...taj strah pratio me je od malenih nogu i s vremenom je prerastao u pravu fobiju!

Sa 32 godine napokon sam odlucila da ne mogu zivjeti svoj zivot vodjena strahovima: Doslo je vrijeme da ih pobijedim!
Ugovorila sam termin za vadenje krvi, ali sam put do tog postupka bio je jako tezak i nakon sto sam napokon smogla snage zakazati termin, svaki dan sam se borila sa neodoljivim porivom da sve to otkazem!

Kroz ovaj vlog dokumentirala sam svoja razmisljanja, strahove... i male postupke koji su me na kraju doveli do cilja...Cijelo to iskustvo dokumentiranja mog straha, djelovalo je terapeutski na mene i pomoglo mi u donosenju ispravne odluke i savladavanju ove fobije.

Ukoliko se i vi borite sa ovim strahom, ili slicnim, nadam se da ce vam ovaj video biti od pomoci!
U njemu vam objasnjavam kako je do te fobije uopce doslo, i naravno, pokazujem korake koje sam poduzela kako bih ju napokon pobijedila :)

Video pogledajte klikom na thumbnail gore!


  1. I'm glad you were able to face your fears. That is very good. It's okay to be afraid though, regardless of our age. Grown women have a lot of fears too :-)
    Bright and Shiny

    1. Thank you Shiny! You're absolutely right! xx


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