
Thursday 13 February 2014

How I Style: Tartan Wool Pants by Benetton

I discovered, at the bottom of my old closet, back home in Croatia, this "forgotten" pair of tartan pants by Benetton.

I remember buying them a long time ago (I think I was 21!), at the centre of my hometown Rijeka, at then newely opened Benetton store! They were the latest trend!
I wore them quite a bit that winter, but then, they kind of went out of trend, so I "forgot" about them...

Now, tartan is back (YEAY!)and so are my Benetton pants! :)

Luckily, they still fit perfectly (lucky me hihi), and luckily, they're really nice quality wool pants, so they're still in a perfect condition (as if they were brand new!)

Because they're made of wool, they can get a bit itchy, so I like to wear a pair of tights underneath, just to feel more at ease when wearing them :)

In my today's video, I'm showing you how I styled them (following the Fall/Winter trends 2013./14.)
I wish I had the photo of how I was wearing them back in the 2002. (actually I do have it, but in my photo album in Croatia!...I might show it to you, post it when I get a chance, if you promise not to laugh too hard!)

Watch my OOTD/ styling video here:

Here are a few fun pics of this styling:

Let me know which option (I'm talking about the coats that I showed in the video) do you like better?

Ostavite mi vase komentare, da li vam se vise svidja opcija #1, ili #2? (Govorim o kaputima koje sam vam pokazala u videu! Koji bolje pase uz ovaj outfit?)

Option # 1
Pull & Bear coat

Option # 2 New Yorker (coat/jacket)

Which one of these coats suit this outfit better?
I'd really love to know your opinions!

Pants (hlace): Benetton
Sweatshirt (majica): Please
Shirt (kosulja): Bershka
Necklace (orglica): Promod
Watch (sat): 2 special @ DEN stores in Italy
Bag (torba): H&M
Coat # 1 (kaput # 1): Pull & Bear
Coat # 2 (kaput # 2): New Yorker

Skotski uzorak konacno je ponovno u modi! :)
Ove sezone napravio je veliki "comeback", a to je za mene znacilo dati se u potragu za mojim "zaboravljenim" Benetton vunenim hlacama skotskog uzorka! ;)
Nasla sam ih na dnu svog starog ormara u Hrvatskoj i od tada se vise od njih ne odvajam!

Kupila sam ih prije puuno godina (mislim da sam tada imala samo 21 god.), u centru Rijeke, u tada novootvorenom Benetton ducanu.
Te zime, puno sam ih nosila, ali kako je narednih sezona skotski uzorak pomalo izlazio iz mode, i ja sam "zaboravila" na svoje Benetton hlace...

Drago mi je da su ove sezone potpuni hit, a jos mi je draze da sam sacuvala ove iz 2002.god. jer jos mi uvijek savrseno pristaju (moram se malo pohvaliti hihi!), a buduci da su izuzetno dobre kvalitete (vunene), izgledaju kao nove!

Buduci da su radjene od vune, moram priznati da su malo "pikave", ali ukoliko nosite najlonke ispod njih, i taj problem je rijesen :)

Na gornjim slicicama pokazala sam vam "osuvremenjeni" styling (modni trendovi Jesen/Zima 2013./14.), a zao mi je da nemam slicicu iz 2002. da vam pokazem kako sam ih tada kombinirala!
Slicice imam doduse, ali u albumu u Rijeci, i mozda vam ih pokazem kada budem imala priliku, ako obecate da mi se necete smijati!

Nadam se da su vam se svidjele ove slicice outfita, voljela bih snimati vani, ali u ovo zimsko vrijeme (a i zbog poslovnih obaveza mojih i muzicevih), tesko nam je naci slobodno vrijeme za izorganizirati jedan zabavni photo shooting :(
Nadam se da ce se situacija popraviti sa prvim danima proljeca, a do tada morati ce vam biti dovoljne slicice outfita sa uvijek istom pozadinom (uff...znam...)

Do mog iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije ♥

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I'll do my best to film some OOTD videos & pics outdoors too, but due to my & my hubby's work schedule, it hasn't been easy to organise a fun shooting outside in the nature... :(
We hope we'll have better chances of doing that, with the first days of Spring...until then, you'll have to bear with my "good, old", indoors background (ughh...I know...)

Have a nice day! ♥ from Italy!

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