
Thursday 30 January 2014

Sto se nalazi u mom neseseru? What's in my make up bag?

Danas cu sa vama podijeliti "tajne" svog nesesera! :)

Nadam se da ce vam ovaj video biti zanimljiv; ja osobno uvijek volim pogledati sto se krije u tudjim neseserima i dobiti mozda koju interesantnu preporuku!

Today I'm sharing with you all "the secrets" of my beauty case!

I hope you'll enjoy watching this video because I personally love seeing what's inside other make up bags, and picking up on a recommendation or two! ;)

Video mozete pogledati ovdje:

Watch my video here:

Trenutno koristim ova dva nesesera: 

U prvom spremam sminku koju cu ponijeti sa sobom u torbici svaki dan, dok u drugom imam sminku za kojom trenutno najcesce posezem prilikom svakodnevnog sminkanja, ali nije potrebno da ju nosim sa sobom u torbi.

Currently I use these two make up bags:

In the first one I keep the make up that I'll bring on the go with me (this beauty goes in my bag).
In the second one I store the make up items that I use daily, but I don't always need to carry these items with me :)

Neseser je kupljen u DM-u, a ogledalce u Douglas-u u Italiji.
This beauty case is from Drogerie Markt, and this cute, little mirror is from douglas beauty store in Italy.

Ovaj slatki neseser kupljen je u parfumeriji Douglas u Italiji.
U njemu trenutno cuvam najomiljenije/ najcesce koristene make up proizvode ♥
This cute make up bag is from Douglas beauty store in Italy.
Inside, I keep some of my favourite/ most used make up items of the moment ♥

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj video & blog post!
Voljela bih vidjeti sadrzaj vaseg nesesera, ukoliko zelite, postajte fotku na mojoj facebook stranici!

I hope you liked this post! I'd love to see what's inside of your beaauty bag, so if you please, post the pic of it on my facebook!

Zelim vam svima vrlo ugodan dan, saljem vam pusu iz Italije!

Have a nice day & kiss from Italy!


  1. bag is really cuteeeeeee.......xoxoxo....:)

  2. isto obožavam viriti u tuđe torbice :) preslatka je torbica

    1. Hvala Sasa :) To je nasa zenska znatizelja ;) xx


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