
Thursday 30 January 2014

NaturaCel Erase Time: 45 Days Trial

I'd like to talk to you about a little "beauty experiment" I'm going to be doing in the next 45 days...
I know, it sounds exciting! ;)

A company called NaturaCel contacted me about this collaboration, and they asked me if I'd be willing to test out their anti-aging products, the NaturaCel face cream, and the EyeCel cream.

I just ran out of my usual moisturizer, so I was willing to give it a go...and these products promise a lot!

- NaturaCel cream helps minimize the appearance of age and sun spots, it evens out skin tone.

- NaturaCel has moisturizing and skin tightening benefits, which will help minimize and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

- NaturaCel helps shrink enlarged pores by moisturizing the area.

- EyeCel treatment contains a de-hyperpigmentation agent, which helps reduce dark circles, and will help keep the puffiness at bay.

- NaturaCel moisturizes and nourishes your skin like it's never been before! Aloe Vera has great moisturizing benefits, and it is able to penetrate right down to the deepest levels of your skin.

- NaturaCel includes collagen to help tighten your skin and gave it a more youthful appearance. Since the skin cannot absorb collagen, NaturaCel uses the miracle ingredient resveratrol, which stimulates new collagen production, giving you natural longterm effects.

After having read all this, of course I wanted to try out these products! :)

I'm 32 years old and even though I take very good care of my skin,I think I qualify for the NaturaCel Erase Time Natural Anti-Aging Cream.
My goal is to work on preventing wrinkles, fine lines and premature aging, and to keep my skin hydrated with a help of healthy diet & good skincare products (Aloe Vera is for sure one of my favourite ingredients when it comes to skincare!)

This is how my skin looks like without any make up:

At the end of this 45 days trial, I'll include the "AFTER" pic, so we can together compare the results and comment on them!

You can find out more about this trial, and my skin's current condition, in my NaturaCel video:

or you can get more info about these products on the NaturaCel's website!

the latest info that I got from the company, when I talked to them, is that you can actually also use the NaturaCel cream for your under eye area, and it'll have the same anti-aging beneficial results!

NaturaCel and EyeCel cream

My first impressions:
These creams are very nourishing and they leave your skin so soft!
As a part of this trial, I'll have to use these creams mornings and evenings, but so far I prefer them as a part of my night time skincare routine.
The EyeCel cream is a little bit harder to apply (pasty), but it does bring back the elasticity to the skin.
The NaturaCel cream is good even as a make up base, but a little bit of the product goes a long way!
I have to apply less quantity of it, then I used to with my regular moisturizer, otherwise the skin won't absorb it and it'll just kind of sit on your skin & be sticky...
(But I guess that's good...the fact that you don't need to use that much of the product to make it work! It means this cream is really concentrated and it'll last me a long time!)

Mark on your calendars...45 days starting from 28th. of January (the date when I actually started using these creams)...and I'll see you with a follow- up on these products and we can discuss together the results!

I hope you liked this post!
If you enjoyed reading, don't forget to comment & follow my blog if you aren't a follower yet! It means a lot! :)

Also, we can chat further more about all things beauty related on my facebook, twitter, and for your daily fashion fix, you can find me on chictopia and instagram :)

Have a nice day!
Kiss from Italy,

Cargo Essential Palette: Simple but Glam Eyeshadow Tutorial ♥

This look I created because I wanted to wear something simple and neutral on my eyes, but still glam and sophisticated...

I played a bit with my beloved Cargo "essential eyeshadow" palette (oh, how I love that palette!), and this is the look that I came up with:

(I wore this make up in my "Holiday Gift Guide With SoniaVerardoStyle:" video, and I got many requests to do a tutorial for this look!)

These are the make up items that I used:

My beloved Cargo Eseential Eyeshadow palette is a great palette for creating every day looks, these colours are simply gorgeous, pigmented, long-lasting & very flattering!

I gave a nice pop of colour to my lips with: Kiko Ultra Glossy lip pencil # 612, Deborah Glossy Stick #06, and essence Stay With Me long lasting lipgloss in #04 trendsetter.

The look:

The tutorial:

I hope you liked this one!
If you'd like to see a review of the Cargo Essential Eyeshadow palette, please leave me your requests! :)

You can also connect with me on: 

I'd love to have a chat with you :)

Kiss from Italy,

Sto se nalazi u mom neseseru? What's in my make up bag?

Danas cu sa vama podijeliti "tajne" svog nesesera! :)

Nadam se da ce vam ovaj video biti zanimljiv; ja osobno uvijek volim pogledati sto se krije u tudjim neseserima i dobiti mozda koju interesantnu preporuku!

Today I'm sharing with you all "the secrets" of my beauty case!

I hope you'll enjoy watching this video because I personally love seeing what's inside other make up bags, and picking up on a recommendation or two! ;)

Video mozete pogledati ovdje:

Watch my video here:

Trenutno koristim ova dva nesesera: 

U prvom spremam sminku koju cu ponijeti sa sobom u torbici svaki dan, dok u drugom imam sminku za kojom trenutno najcesce posezem prilikom svakodnevnog sminkanja, ali nije potrebno da ju nosim sa sobom u torbi.

Currently I use these two make up bags:

In the first one I keep the make up that I'll bring on the go with me (this beauty goes in my bag).
In the second one I store the make up items that I use daily, but I don't always need to carry these items with me :)

Neseser je kupljen u DM-u, a ogledalce u Douglas-u u Italiji.
This beauty case is from Drogerie Markt, and this cute, little mirror is from douglas beauty store in Italy.

Ovaj slatki neseser kupljen je u parfumeriji Douglas u Italiji.
U njemu trenutno cuvam najomiljenije/ najcesce koristene make up proizvode ♥
This cute make up bag is from Douglas beauty store in Italy.
Inside, I keep some of my favourite/ most used make up items of the moment ♥

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj video & blog post!
Voljela bih vidjeti sadrzaj vaseg nesesera, ukoliko zelite, postajte fotku na mojoj facebook stranici!

I hope you liked this post! I'd love to see what's inside of your beaauty bag, so if you please, post the pic of it on my facebook!

Zelim vam svima vrlo ugodan dan, saljem vam pusu iz Italije!

Have a nice day & kiss from Italy!

Monday 27 January 2014

Mini Lookbook: Colder Weater Outfit Ideas

Hello Beauties! Happy Monday! :)

I'm going to start this week's posting with a "Mini Lookbook", where I share with you a few colder weather outfit ideas!

I hope you all had a great weekend and even better start to this new week!
I'm always super busy on weekends, yesterday evening I returned home exhausted! I overslept the entire today's morning,and I'm still in my pajamas, writing this post!
I'm the one person that can definitely say: "I DON'T hate Mondays!" lol

Anyway, here are the two outfits that I wore recently, and filmed them for my lookbook!
I hope you like them and that they'll serve you as an inspiration! :)
Let me know which one do you like better!

Press "play" to watch my lookbook video:

Outfit # 1

Leopard print trench coat: H&M
Bag: Thrifted
Jeans/jeggings: Bershka
Peter Pan collar sweater: H&M
Oversized sweater: Italian open market
Boots: Promod
Scarf: Thrifted

Outfit # 2

Coat: Pull & Bear
Denim shirt: H&M
Floral print sweater: H&M
Green pants skinny fit: H&M
Boots: Zara trf
Bag: Local italian boutique

That's it for my Monday's fashion fix ;)

To stay connected with me, join me on instagramfacebook or twitter! I always like to chat with you :)

Kiss from Italy,

Friday 24 January 2014

Voluminozna pundza uz pomoc spuzve (Voluminous Bun Hair Tutorial)


Evo me natrag sa jednim blog postom na hrvatskom jeziku :)

Nedavno sam na hrvatskom youtube kanalu objavila jedan mali tutorijal u kojem vam pokazujem kako upotrijebiti H&M "spuzvu" koja sluzi za postizanje voluminozne pundze.


Takva se spuzva moze nabaviti i u drugim ducanima koji prodaju asesoar i nakit (vidjela sam ih u Accessorize-u, Bijou Brigitte itd.)...
H&M ih pak proizvodi u razlicitim velicinama (ovisno o vasoj duzini kose, mozete ju dobiti u velicinama doslovno od xs pa do xl! Napomena: Velicine nisu navedene na etiketi, ali cete i sami bez problema shvatiti koja je najprikladnija vasoj duzini kose!)

Ja vrlo cesto volim koristiti ovu spuzvicu kako bih dobila voluminoznu pundzu, a ta frizura odlicna mi je jer je vrlo sik, a super je i za dane kada jednostavno ne znate sto biste sa kosom i ni jedna druga frizura vam dobro ne stoji (citaj: "bad hair day")!

Evo kako jednostavno koristim ovu spuzvicu- pogledajte moj video tutorijal:

A evo i par slicica gotove frizure:

This hair tutorial is also available in english language:

Similar hairstyle here:

Nadam se da vam se svidio tutorijal!
Ostavite mi vase komentare, prijedloge i sugestije za iduce videe na hrvatskom jeziku!
Sto biste voljeli gledati na mojem kanalu?
I ne zaboravite se PRETPLATITI kako biste uvijek bili pravovremeno obavijesteni o mojim novim videima!

Pusa iz Italije!

Thursday 23 January 2014

La Roche Posay Effaclar A.I. Review

Hello beauties!

In my today's post I'd like to present you a product that's been a true ally of my skin!
Whenever my skin is acting out (breaking out), I reach for this product and I know that the blemish will be gone in a matter of a day or two! 
My skin type is combination (it used to be oily, and I had frequent problems with breakouts), but when I stepped into my late 20.-ties I started having less & less breakouts and my skin started to improve significantly :)

Now that I'm in my early 30.-ties, I enjoy my clear skin (occasionally I'll have a blemish, or two, when I'm stressed out, in "that" time of the month, or, if I don't eat healthy food!).
When this emergency situation happens, I always reach for my La Roche Posay Effaclar A.I. and I know the situation will be put under control again in a matter of a day (or two...It all depends on how big the breakout problem is!)

La Roche Posay
Effaclar A.I.
15 ml
(image source: internet)
In the past, I've tried many similar products, targeted towards blemishes and breakouts, but none of those products worked as wonderfully as this one does!
Other products were just making my blemishes more sore, and more painful :(
When I use Effaclar A.I. I know the blemish will be gone! :)

I got my tube in my local pharmacy here in Italy, and it retails at cca 11 € (all La Roche Posay products have accessible prices!).

Here is a pic of my tube, as you can see, I used it quite a bit already (but I've had it for months now!)
As you can notice, on mine it says: "Made in France"
(on the above pic, that I took from the internet, it says "Made in USA". I don't know if they differ in any way, because I've never tried the american version, but they shouldn't!)

I use tiny little dot of the product (apply it directly on my blemishes). You can apply it before your regular moisturizer (before applying your foundation) in the morning, and in the night time, before going to sleep (for faster results).

I don't have big breakout problems anymore (I did have a lot of breakouts in my early 20.-ties), so on my skin Effaclar A.I. works in a matter of one day (max. 2, if the breakout is bigger).

I did a bit of a research and found how it works when you have bigger breakout problems:

In 7 days of treatment, the skin is cleared.
(image sorce: internet)

You can hear more about La Roche Posay Effaclar A.I. in my video- review:

My skin ♥ La Roche Posay products!
They contain thermal water of La Roche Posay, they are safe to use even on sensitive skin, without parabens.

In my skincare routine, I have used the following products from La Roche Posay (click on the titles for a link that will lead you to a review!):

I hope you find these reviews helpful!
If you have any other concern/question, about this topic, don't hesitate to drop me a line, I'm always happy to answer & help you out if I can!

Don't forget, you can also connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (recently opened!); that way we'll stay in touch on a daily basis & you'll always get the latest updates :)

On a different note...
I opened a new "corner" here on my blog, where you can shop my handmade jewellery /or thrift (things that I don't use anymore & I'd like to find a better home for them!).
This "fashion corner" will be updated weekly, so check back often for "new arrivals"!

CLICK HERE to visit my fashion corner!

Before I go, I'd like to ask you a question:

Have you ever used any of the products from La Roche Posay?
Did you like any of the product in particular (is there something you could recommend to me & the other readers)?

Share your experiences in the comment's section bellow!

Kiss from Italy,

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Kiko 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara & Night Treatment Booster

Hello lovelies!

It's time for another beauty product review :)

In this post I'll talk about KIKO Make Up Milano mascaras, but these mascaras aren't just "any" mascaras, they are actually lash lengthening treatments!

I tested out both 30 days extension daily treatment mascara and 30 days extension night treatment booster, and I can say I was quite pleased with these products and the results I was getting when using both in my day time/night time routine!

These mascaras retail at 7.90€ each, but I recommend getting them when on special offer/ promotion.
(Kiko will often rotate the products from their permanent line and put them on special offer).
I got my mascaras for 3.90 € each, and when talking about lash lengthening treatments that really work, nothing can beat that price!

Now, let's learn a bit more about the eyelashes & how they grow...

Eyelashes last about 4 to 8 weeks, during which time they grow, become longer and fall out naturally, according to a cycle of constant renewal.
Factors such as pollution, stress and agressive cleansers cause eyelashes to fall out even before they reach their maximum length.

30 Days extension daily treatment mascara- with black formula- and 30 Days extension night treatment booster clear gel are enriched with K2 pro- growth complex, an innovative pool of active ingredients that significantly enhances the natural growth of lashes.

What is K2 pro- growth complex?

K2 pro- growth complex works like a veritable concentration of nutritional substances that are absorbed by the eyelashes.
Thanks to a sophisticated "mobile" microencapsulation system, the precious active ingredients featured in K2 pro- growth complex penetrate the eyelashes and move along their length, migrating towards the roots, where they carry out their powerful action.

Kiko 30 days extension daily treatment mascra
(Link HERE!)
Kiko 30 days extension night treatment booster
( Link HERE!)

Even the on-line reviews on both mascaras are very positive!

I started noticing results after only two weeks of using these treatments: My eyelashes were stronger, I had less fall- out, and they seemed to be longer (the results were more evident after applying make up...the lashes then really stood out! My lashes are very light in colour so without mascara, they don't seem very long.)

30 Days Extension - daily treatment mascara

It's a lash extension black mascara that combines an instant cosmetic performance with a treatment that enhances eyelash growth. After 30 days of constant use, the natural growth of eyelashes increases by 169% and their diameter by 13%.
The special elastomer applicator, extremely flexible, covers the lashes with an intense black colour, instantly defining and lengthening them.

The golden packaging is for daily treatment mascara,
black is night treatment booster.

30 Days Extension- night treatment booster

Lash extension night treatment gel. A colour- free, non sticky, extremely soft and enveloping formula. The night applicator allows K2 pro- growth complex to work overnight, ensuring a 169% increase in natural eyelash growth after only 30 days of use. The special elastomer applicator allows measured dosage of the formula and uniform application from root to tip.


+ 169% in eyelash growth after only 15 days.

The combined use of 30 days extension- daily treatment mascara and night treatment booster, results in an intensive treatment that enhances and speeds up the effectiveness of the formula. 

How to use:

Apply 30 days extension- daily treatment mascara at least once a day. At night, apply 30 Days extension - night treatment booster to eyelashes after removing all make-up. Repeat morning and evening for 15 days in a row.

I really noticed some positive changes in the appearance of my eyelashes. The only "tricky" thing that I may have noticed is trying to incorporate another step- applying the mascara, night treatment booster, into my nigh time beauty routine...some evenings I would simply forget all about it! But I didn't give up on it, I tried to stay consistent and soon it became a habit! :)

I would recommend you to use both products for better & faster results! I would also advise you to look out for Kiko's special promotion and get them half price!

For more on Kiko 30 days extension treatments, check out my video review:

I hope this was helpful!
If you have any questions about these products, or other things beauty related, don't hesitate to drop me a line!

You can connect with me on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and TWITTER, I always like to keep in touch with you :)

Before I go, I'd like to ask you a question:

Have you ever tried anything from Kiko Make Up Milano?
What are your favourite brands for eyelash extension treatments?

Kiss from Italy,

Remington Hot Rollers Review & Hair Tutorial

Hello beauties!

I finally decided to review my Remington fast curls hot rollers! I know this review is way overdue, and I truly appologize for that! Many of you have been asking for a review & my opinion on these rollers, so here it finally is!

I got the Remington hot rollers about a year ago, at SME in Italy. I paid around 50 € for them, and I think they're worth the price!

You'll get 20 rollers:
6 wide ones
4 narrow ones
and 10 regular sized ones.

I have very long hair, and these rollers are just enough for me (sometimes I don't even get to use all of them!)

With the rollers in my hair...
leave them for 10- 15 min (or longer, depending on the intensity of the curls you want to achieve!)

My everyday hairstyling routine has been transformed and made so much easier and fuss free :)
I love my curlers because they work fast, they deliver such a gorgeous results, and they don't damage my hair as regular curling irons do!

My "Remington hot rollers" locks ;)

I like to use them to achieve this very natural, loose curls/waves...especially on the days my hair lacks on volume & texture.

I don't necessarily use them on a freshly washed hair, as a matter of fact, I find they work better on a second day hair!

The result is: Very soft, tousled waves that look very natural & efortless!

If you'd like to hear more detailed review on these rollers & see a tutorial on how to use them, don't miss out on my video!

After filming this video tutorial, I was left with these results:

Because these hot rollers are so easy to use & quick in achieving results, the good news is that you can use them even when you're getting ready to go to work/school/run errands, and you don't have a lot of time to get ready!
They aren't something that you're going to reach for only in special occasions. To me, that's a big plus!

I definitely recommend them to anybody who wants to have nice hairstyle everyday:)

This was my review on the Remington hot rollers, I hope you enjoyed it! If, after watching my video review/tutorial, you still have any questions regarding these rollers, don't hesitate to drop me a line!
I'd be happy to help!

Thanks for stopping by!
Make sure to connect with me on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM and TWITTER, I always ♥ to hear from you!

Kiss from Italy,