
Thursday 19 December 2013

Plaid Shirt, Boyfriend Jeans, Kitty Hat OOTD

Hello lovelies!

This is a quick outfit post of a fun outfit that I wore recently :)

I took a few pics and we also filmed a video, so hopefully you'll enjoy watching & get inspired! ;)

You can watch my OOTD video by CLICKING HERE!

The outfit is so cute thanks to this Kitty hat, that I bought recently at H&M (divided).
I simply love it!
I can't stand winter, but at least I have these fun winter accessories that make this period a little bit more bearable!

The rest of the outfit:

Faux leather jacket: Zara
Chanel logo sweater: Please (from Infinity fashion store in Italy)
Plaid shirt: H&M
Boyfriend fit jeans: H&M
Suede flats: Promod
Bag: Zara

I hope you liked this one!
It's definitely one of my favourite "colder weather" outfits so far! ;) haha all thanks to the hat!

Thanks for stopping by!
Make sure to enter my Maybelline, Avon & accessories CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY that is open until New Year's Eve!
Enter my giveaway HERE!

Kiss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Vlog: Exploring the Christmas Open Markets in Italy!

Hello lovelies!

By now, I'm sure you all already know how much I hate winter & the cold weather...there is only one thing that excites me about December...Christmas open markets in Italy!

Over the past years, I was working every single day of the weekends, through the whole month of December, so I never got a chance to visit the open markets (that usually take place on weekends!).
Luckily for me, this December I had a few Sundays and Saturdays off work, so my hubby and I decided to visit the Christmas open markets in the nearby hills!

We went to the town called Follina and later on we went to Castelbrando, where we took the cable car all the way up to the top of the hill, where the beautiful castle is situated, and where Christmas open markets ("mercatini di Natale") were taking place! The atmosphere was truly magical!

I hope I managed to transmit a bit of the Christmas holidays atmosphere from Italy to you! ...

Watch my vlog to see our "tour" of Christmas open markets in Italy! (press the play button on the thumbnail above, to watch my vlog!)

Sorry I didn't get a chance to took some photos, but the dark fell really quickly, so then it was pointless to try and take a good shot! :( That's how it is in December...days are very short!

Enjoy watching my vlog :)

♥ from Italy,

xo, S.

VLOG: Bozicna vecera sa kolegama u Italiji (Christmas dinner party in Italy with colleagues from work!)

Bok svima!

Danas imam za vas jedan novi video vlog na hrvatskom youtube kanalu!
Odlucila sam kamerom popratiti jedan moj dan u tjednu, a toga se dana osim svakodnevnice, dogadjala i bozicna proslava sa mojim kolegama! :)

Vecera je bila organizirana u luksuznoj "Villa Braida" u mjestu Mogliano Veneto.

Drustvo s posla i ja jako smo se dobro zabavili, a evo i par slicica koje smo snimili za vas ;) ...

Hi guys!

Today I have a new vlog video on my croatian youtube channel!
I've decided to vlog one of the days in my week, and that day was a bit more special because, except for the everyday life, there was also taking place a Christmas dinner party with my colleagues from work! :)

We had the dinner at the luxurious "Villa Braida" situated in the place called Mogliano Veneto.

My pals from work & I had so much fun that night, and here are a few pics that testify that ;) ...

na meniju talijanske delicije ;)
the finest italian delicacy were on the menu ;)

Do you want to follow my friend  Riky on Chictopia?
CLICK HERE to connect with him!
Zelite li pratiti mog super stylish prijatelja Rikija na Chictopiji?
KLIKNITE OVDJE! ...i da, Riky govori hrvatski! ;)

our "little" group
nasa "mala" grupa

Vlog pogledajte ovdje:

You can watch my vlog here:

Nadam se da vam se svidio i da sam vam uspijela prenijeti malo bozicne atmosfere iz Italije! :)

Prije nego sto vas pozdravim, voljela bih vam postaviti jedno pitanje:

Volite li gledati moje vlogove na hrvatskom jeziku? Da li da ih nastavim snimati?

Hvala i velika pusa svima! ♥

Tuesday 17 December 2013

NO MIRROR! Make Up Challenge with Sonia Verardo

Hello beauties!

I was spending the day at home and had some extra time on my hands, so I've decided to take upon this fun challenge and try to put my make up on (everyday routine) without looking myself in the mirror! :)

I knew this would be challenging, but I felt confident enough that I could do it!

If you want to have a good laugh, watch me putting my make up on, without a mirror!

The results?

O_O haha

OMG! No mirror make up challenge!

I think the eye make up turned out pretty great actually!
I was surprised at my abilities of putting on the eye make up without looking myself in the mirror! I didn't even smudge my mascara (which actually often happens, even when I'm looking myself in the mirror, lol!)

The lips were ok too...the colour I went for was pretty natural, so it was hard to make any horrific mistakes there.

But...the bluhs & the bronzer...OMG!!!
I wish I remembered that saying: "Less in more!"
I really went crazy with my blush & hubby already complains that I wear too much blush (which is so not true!), if he saw me with this make I can only imagine what his reaction would have been!

I know you'll have a good laugh watching this make up challenge!

If you have a youtube channel, I TAG YOU all to do this challenge, and post a pic of how your make up turned out on my FACEBOOK page, with a link to your video!

Kiss from Italy,

xo, S.

My Everyday Life in Italy (Random Vlogs Collection)

Hello lovelies!

I vlogged a little bit for you...
December is the month of vlogs (Vlogmas), but I can't commit to everyday vlogs (especially on weekends, when I work long hours!)...however, every now & then, I like to take my camera on the go with me & show you what am I up to that day! ;)

One of my recent vlogs is actually a collection of vlogs, I filmed my everyday life in Italy...I took you to grocery shopping, running errands and to check out the new shopping centre that has opened recently in my area!

You can watch my vlog here:

In the stores, I tried on some clothes that I liked, and I ended up buying some of these items (but not all of them!).

Let me know which ones were your favourite things out of the ones I tried and what would have you picked out?

Until my next vlog, I'm sending you all ♥ from Italy!

Stay connected with me on FACEBOOK!

xo, S.

Monday 16 December 2013

Come thrifting with me in Italy & meet my friends! (& Thrift Store Haul!)

Hello guys!

Most of you already know, I just love thrifting! I'm kind of addicted to it actually, it's always very exciting as you never know what "treasure" you may find...

I discovered the pleasures of thrifting when I was living in the UK; for a while I actually worked at Pdsa charity shop in West Ealing, London, and that was such an unforgettable experience that has really opened my mind towards thrifting and second hand stores!

I still have some of the things I bought at Pdsa store, such as my boyfriend fit Replay jeans, Fendi bag and other super cool items (branded and not!).
Most of those things were actually brand new when I bought them, and I paid just a fraction of the price for them! How amazing is that??

Anyway, I'm super glad that I found this cool charity shop here in Italy, close to where I live, so I even got my friends addicted to it! haha

In one of my recent visits to my favourite thrift store, I took my photo camera with me, and vlogged this little adventure ;)

I also presented my two dear friends, Raffa and Stefanka, and we even managed to film a quick OOTD segment for you guys!

So I hope you're going to enjoy watching this vlog:

By the time we finished thrifting, it was super dark outside, so we couldn't film our haul immediately that day, but I did get to show you everything that I bought, in another video, that I named:

Thrift Store Haul: Winter Fashion & Easy Thrifting Guide!

A few useful tips for easy thrifting:

1. Dress in layers, and preferably wear leggings. Many thrift stores won't have fitting rooms, so it's easier to see if the clothing item actually fits you, by trying it on, on top of your leggings, or a basic T-shirt/cami.

2. Wear a cross body/messenger bag because it'll make browsing through the clothes much easier for you.

3. Wear your hair in a loose ponytail, or a simple braid (especially in winter time)...updos and voluminous buns are a no-no, if you think of trying on hats and beanies (lessoned learned! ha!)

4. Don't dress up for thrifting, wear a simple style clothes. Some charity stores aren't the safest places (once I had my umbrella stollen at a thrift store! ugh!!)
Also, some places offer bargains and very cheep clothes, but they might raise the price of the items when you ask for it, if they see you're all fancy & dressed up...because they may think you're wealthy and can afford paying a little extra! (apparences can many time fool people!)

I have to say I was super happy with the things I found this time!
It was a very, very successful thrifting spree!
I think, with this thrift store haul, I'm now all set for the Winter season :) Yes, it was that good!
I also found a lot of brand new items, overall, I returned home with 2 gigantic bags full of clothes!
So make sure to check out my haul video, because I showed you all the items I got & I also tried them on, so you can see how they look like on! :)

Before I go, I'd like to ask you a question:
Do you like thrifting?
What was your best purchase ever from a thrift store?

We can continue to chat about thrifting on my facebook or twitter! :)

Kiss from Italy,

xo, S.


Pusa mojim ljepoticama!

U ovom postu osvrnuti cu se na event ljepote koji je nedavno odrzan u Zagrebu, u ljekarni Sv.Kuzma i Damjan.
Moj blog, trenchcollection by Sonia Verardo, bio je pozvan da prisustvuje i poprati event, no, nazalost, daljina i neodgodive poslovne obaveze, sprijecile su me u toj namjeri :(

Ipak, odlucila sam vam prenijeti objavu za medije i slicice sa eventa, jer mi se ucinio zaista zanimljivim, a i sama volim kozmetiku dr.Brandt i Apivita te mislim da ce vam  biti zanimljivo procitati par redaka o novitetima koji su predstavljeni od navedenih kozmetickih kuca.

Zagreb, 4.prosinac 2013. - u ljekarni Sv. Kuzma i Damjan, Vlaška 69, Institut zdravlja i
ljepote, održan je događaj pod nazivom „Elixir mladosti nadohvat ruke“ čiji je
glavni cilj bio odati recept do savršenog izgleda, te koje proizvode koristiti kako bi
učinak trajao što duže. Tako su, ekskluzivno za hrvatsko tržište, predstavljene
kozmetičke linije Glow by dr.Brandt i Wine elixir by Apivita.
Prvo je predstavljena dr.brandt kozmetika koju koriste mnoge svjetske zvijezde poput
Madonne, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Campbell, Toma Forda, te njegova nova linija
Glow. Upravo sada u vrijeme Božića, kada svi želimo izgledati blistavo, mladoliko i
ozareno, našoj koži je potrebna njega, tretman koji će koži osigurati instant beauty
sleep. Glow liniju preporučuju dermatolozi kao neinvazivan tretman za učinkovito
buđenje i otklanjanje svih tragova umora s lica. Po prvi puta u obliku kozmetičkog
preparata, ova linija je spoj laserske tehnologije i dragog kamena rubina koji kroz
refleksiju svjetlosti koži vraća blistavost. Svi uzvanici imali su priliku uživati u
demonstraciji djelovanja proizvoda na vlastitoj koži uz pomoć i stručno
savjetovanje farmaceuta iz Delmerion tima, ekskluzivnog uvoznika dr.Brandt-a. 
„Već neko dulje vrijeme koristim dr.Brandt kozmetiku kao vrhunsku zamijenu za 
određene estetske tretmane.“ - izjavila je Tina Orlović , voditeljica ekskluzivnog branda
Max Mara.
Iako su najbolji recepti najčešće brižno čuvani i skrivani, po prvi puta u povijesti
Hrvatske estetike demonstriran je trenutno najpoželjniji tretman pomlađivanja kože
Mezoniti. Tretman je izvođen pod stručnom rukom dermatologije i
venerologije Dinka Kaliterne iz poliklinike Poliderma.
„Drago mi je što sam pored tretmana Mezoniti, uspio predstaviti i približiti klijentima
visoko kvalitetan kozmetički brand kao što je dr.Brandt koji koristim i savjetujem
svojim klijentima za nastavak u kućnoj njezi.“ – izjavio dermatologije I
venerologije Dinko Kaliterna.
Osim blistavosti za kojom vapimo, u današnjoj priči sudjelovao je i čudesni prirodni
sastojak, resveratrol, koji nas je pratio čitavu večer. Kao najučinkovitiji borac protiv
bora dobiven iz crvenog vina, postao je glavni aktivni sastojak linije Wine Elixir, iz
asortimana prirodne grčke kozmetike Apivite. U kombinaciji s pčelinjim voskom, linija
Wine elixir djeluje direktno na dubinu i površinu bora, smanjujući njihovu vidljivost.
Također je uzvanicima demonstriran učinak esencijalnih ulja iz Wine elixir ulja za
masažu kože lica. 
„Ulijeva mi povjerenje i sigurnost u kvalitetu zbog svoje prirodne proizvodnje.
Apivita nije samo kozmetika, ona je ritual i moć usklađianja tijela, uma i duše.“ -
izjavila Antea Šimleša, prvakinja u preponskom jahanju.
Dok smo isprobavali djelovanje aktivnih sastojaka u kremama Glow (dr.brandt) i Wine
Elixir (Apivita), te tretmanu Mezoniti, uživali smo u djelovanju resveratrola u
vrhunskim francuskim vinima vinarije Château Mouton Rothschild.
Cijeli događaj bio je u duhu osvješćivanja uzvanika o potrebi kvalitetnog pristupa
njezi kože, savjetovanja o korištenju adekvatnih preparata i približavanju tretmana
pomlađivanja kao zahvatu koji nije strogo vezan uz bolnice, duge oporavke, zavoje i

Slicice sa eventa "Eliksir Mladosti Nadohvat Ruke"

Antea Šimleša & Meri Delić & Tina Orlović

Apivita corner

Azra Ana Malić, ekskluzivna zastupnica za Swarovski i Givenchy; Žare Malić zastupnik Pago Hrvatska

Davor Bilman i Meri Delić

Delmerion tim

dr.brandt corner dermatologije i venerologije Dinko Kaliterna Dinko Kaliterna & Tina Orlović (voditeljica ekskluzivnog branda Max Mara)

Mag. Zdravka Marasović - vlasnica ljekarne Sv. Kuzma i Damjan & Meri Delić - direktorica tvrtke Delmeriona

Meri Delić &Tomislav Matusinović & Martina Smetiško

Meri Delić (direktorica tvrtke Delmerion); Blaženka Budinski (direktor marketinga)

Tamara Los & Blaženka Budinski & Martina Smetiško & Ines Bevanda & Asija Prpić

Tina Orlović & Meri Delić

Voditeljica Tamara Los i venerologije Dinko Kaliterna; Meri Delić (ekskluzivna zastupnica dr.brandt i Apivita kozmetike); Zvonimir Šostar (pročelnik Gradskog ureda za zdravstvo i branitelje

Jeste li vi vec isprobale nesto od Apivita i dr.Brandt kozmetike?
Imate li nesto za preporuciti? Ostavite mi vase komentare!

Pusa iz Italije, do slijedeceg citanja!

xo, S.

Christmas Make Up Tutorial & GIVEAWAY!

Hello beauties!

As I announced in my Christmas make up tutorial video, that I posted this Saturday on my YOUTUBE channel, I have prepared a little Christmas GIVEAWAY for you guys! Yeay!

My Christmas Make Up Tutorial is a part of 12 Days of Christmas collaboration, that I have been doing on youtube, with 10 other girls, all amazing, passionate & talented people!

For the past couple of weeks, you were able to see, on my channel, a quick 1 min. intros from different beauty vloggers, with the direct links to their channels and Christmas themed videos that they had prepared for you.
All these girls are also hosting giveaways on their own channels, so besides my giveaway, we currently have 10 other giveaways going on, until the New Years' Eve!
So you still have plenty of time to check these girls out & enter their giveaways if you please!

All the little details are explained here, in my Collab Announcement video, so take a look:

Now, onto my Christmas Make Up tutorial...

(press play to watch the look I created for this holiday season!)

A Happy Christmas to all my readers ♥

What I used to create this look:

Make Up brushes:
- Shu Uemura
- ecotools
- Max Factor
- Make Up Forever
- Shaka
- MAC (Glitter & Ice Collection)
- Sephora

Boulevard de Beaute eyeshadow palette
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Avon Super SHOCK

- Physicians Formula eyeliner gel
- Diorshow New Look mascara
- Diorshow Iconic mascara
- essence I ♥ extreme mascara
- Chanel eyelash curler

- Catrice Multi Colour Compact Powder
- CK blush in flush with desire 104

The Look:


In this giveaway, I have prepared for you some maybelline & avon goodies and some jewellery bits & bobs ;) ...

The prize!

2 necklaces, maybelline & avon make up goodies...

The prize list

1. Blue statement necklace
2. Brown statement necklace
3. Avon eyeshadow duo satin deluxe moody blues
4. Avon extra lasting liquid eye liner pen
5. Maybelline expert wear mono eyeshadow 39 violet mystique
6. Maybelline expert wear mono eyeshadow 10 kaki chic
7. Maybelline liquid stay eyeshadow in 50 lasting lavender
8. Maybelline cool effect eyeshadow pen in cold hearted prune glacée

All these goodies will go to ONE lucky winner!


the rules:

1. You have to be subscribed to my YOUTUBE channel.
2. You have to follow my BLOG!

If you aren't subscribed to my youtube channel yet, you can do this now by clicking here!

If you aren't following my blog yet, there are a few ways of how you can do this:

- You can follow it by e-mail, by Google Friend Connect(recommended), or by Bloglovin'

3. Now that you have done that, leave me your comment, under this blog post and/or under my Christmas Make Up Tutorial video, saying what is your favourite Christmas/holiday tradition!

If you enter both here and on my youtube channel, you'll have a better chance of winning! :)

& that's it!
This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY, for ALL my lovely youtube subscribers & blog followers!

The giveaway ends December, 31st. 2013. and the winner will be announced in the first week of January!

I really wanted to do this giveaway for you guys, as a sign of my ♥ and appreciation to you! I'm happy I'm finally able to announce it and I hope you enter in many and spread a word about it, on your social networks!

Good luck to you all!

If you have any questions, connect with me on my FACEBOOK or TWITTER!

Kiss from Italy,

xo, S.