Danas imam za vas jedan novi video vlog na hrvatskom youtube kanalu!
Odlucila sam kamerom popratiti jedan moj dan u tjednu, a toga se dana osim svakodnevnice, dogadjala i bozicna proslava sa mojim kolegama! :)
Vecera je bila organizirana u luksuznoj "Villa Braida" u mjestu Mogliano Veneto.
Drustvo s posla i ja jako smo se dobro zabavili, a evo i par slicica koje smo snimili za vas ;) ...
Hi guys!
Today I have a new vlog video on my croatian youtube channel!
I've decided to vlog one of the days in my week, and that day was a bit more special because, except for the everyday life, there was also taking place a Christmas dinner party with my colleagues from work! :)
We had the dinner at the luxurious "Villa Braida" situated in the place called Mogliano Veneto.
My pals from work & I had so much fun that night, and here are a few pics that testify that ;) ...
na meniju talijanske delicije ;) the finest italian delicacy were on the menu ;) |
Do you want to follow my friend Riky on Chictopia? CLICK HERE to connect with him! Zelite li pratiti mog super stylish prijatelja Rikija na Chictopiji? KLIKNITE OVDJE! ...i da, Riky govori hrvatski! ;) |
our "little" group nasa "mala" grupa |
Vlog pogledajte ovdje:
You can watch my vlog here:
Nadam se da vam se svidio i da sam vam uspijela prenijeti malo bozicne atmosfere iz Italije! :)
Prije nego sto vas pozdravim, voljela bih vam postaviti jedno pitanje:
Volite li gledati moje vlogove na hrvatskom jeziku? Da li da ih nastavim snimati?
Hvala i velika pusa svima! ♥
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