
Monday 18 November 2013

My Top 5 Favourite Fall Lipsticks!

Hello beauties!

We're deep into the Autumn season, so I thought, in my today's blog post/ beauty video, I'd like to share some of my make up favourites for the Autumn!

I'm going to name 5 TOP FAVOURITE LIPSTICKS of the moment, colours that I love to wear in the colder season, and trends of the moment...

Drage ljepotice, duboko smo zakoracili u jesen, tako da sam u danasnjem blog postu/ beauty videu, htjela sa vama podijeliti neke od mojih jesenskih make up favorita!

Izabrala sam TOP 5 najdrazih ruzeva za usne, koje sto zbog boja, sto zbog tekstura, jako volim nositi bas u ovim hladnijim mjesecima...Za neke od ovih ruzeva posezem cesce bas u jesenskim danima, a neki su pak, novi trendovi ove jeseni, koje sam nedavno otkrila!

Making up my mind and choosing only 5 favourite shades, was a very hard task for me!
At the end, I've decided to make my decision based on the availability of the mentioned brands. (I didn't want to include brands that are very hard to get worldwide! All these brands here mentioned should be pretty easy to find, no matter where do you live in this world!) :)

Izabrati samo 5 omiljenih ruzeva, bila je za mene teska zadaca!
Na kraju, odlucila sam donijeti odluku baziranu na tome koliko su ti brandovi dostupni u cijelom svijetu...nisam zeljela preporuciti brandove koje je jako tesko, ili nemoguce nabaviti u ostalim zemljama svijeta (buduci da sam ja vecinu svojih ruzeva kupila u Italiji, gdje i zivim...)
Odluka je pala na ruzeve koji su vrlo lako dostupni, u bilo kojem dijelu svijeta zivjeli! :)

MY TOP 5 FAVOURITES of the current season!

YSL Rouge Volupté #12
YSL Volupté Sheer Candy #5
Benefit Silky- finish lipstick in Skinny Dip
Chanel Coco Rouge #38 Superstition
Inglot #147

pretty packagings ♥
moji favoriti su lijepo "zapakirani", pogotovo YSL ruzevi, nema im premca!

& now, onto swatches...
idemo sad na "swatcheve"...

Find out more about these lipsticks & why I love them so much in my beauty video:

Vise o ovim ruzevima saznajte u mojem beauty videu:

What about YOUR faves this Autumn season?
Share them with me in the comments, or on my FACEBOOK page!

A koji su vasi favoriti ove jeseni?

Podijelite ih sa mnom u komentarima, ili na mojoj FACEBOOK stranici!

Kiss from Italy!
Pusa iz Italije! 

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