Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Holiday Gift Guide with Sonia VerardoStyle:

Hello beauties!

With the month of December approaching really fast, and the holiday season being just around the corner, I thought I'd do a "Holiday Gift Guide" series for you, starting with, the largest on-line jewellery store in Europe!

Orafinrete is a unique place to shop for your presents, as they're rich in tradition and very professional.
They are a network of jewellers, carefully selected, among the most prestigious ones in Italy, that offer more than 200 brands and thousands of exclusive handmade products!

Their team provides excellent service and you can choose to have a tailored item (custom made for you!), engraving, or personalized gift boxes!

Their selection includes from the most prestigious brands and fine jewellery, to more affordable brands, so basically it's well adjusted to any budget and it can meet any taste (if you don't see an item, or a specific brand you're looking for, you can drop them an e-mail/skype/phone them, and their team will make every possible effort to satisfy your need!)

On their website (they have recently launched an english version), you can find valuable advices and instructional videos, on how to properly take care of your jewellery.
You'll also learn the difference between diamond and brilliant, the difference between sea and river pearls, why is gold yellow, why diamond shines, and all these little tips & curiosities you were maybe wondering, but never had a chance to ask!

Their on-line store is constantly growing, it now has 3716 items under "Jewels" section, 230 items under "Objects", 2787 items under "Watches", and last but not least, is their "Outlet" section that's always very appealing as you can find prestigious brands at discounted prices, and it currently holds 775 items!

The payment through their website is secure and they accept Pay Pal and all major credit cards.
They ship internationally.
The shipping is fast and you can always rely on their customer's service to be at your disposal.

Overall, I was very pleased with their service!

Here is the necklace I got:

Ogrlica koja mi je stigla na kucnu adresu u roku 1 dana!

I ♥ this necklace because you actually get 3 in 1!
You can change the pendants (in fact, you'll get 3 different pendants in 3 different colours), based on your mood of that day, based on your outfit, or just based on your colour preference!

Volim ovu ogrlicu jer je u biti 3 u 1!
Kao sto vidite, u kompletu cete dobiti 3 privjeska razlicitih boja i mozete ih mijenjati ovisno o vasem raspolozenju toga dana, ovisno o vasem "outfitu", ili ovisno o vasem ukusu pri izboru boja!

I'm currently wearing my blue pendant!
Moj trenutni izbor je plavi privjesak!

Orafinrete are present at all the most known social networks, the links where you can find them are bellow:

Orafinrete su prisutni i na svim poznatijim drustvenim mrezama, potrazite ih ovdje:

Vodic kroz Bozicnu kupovinu sa SoniaVerardoStyle.
 Danas vam predstavljam:

U danasnjem blog postu zelim vam preporuciti on-line ducan, kao jedno jedinstveno mjesto za kupnju vasih bozicnih poklona!
Orafinrete skup je najprestiznijih draguljara Italije, koji su poznati po svojoj dugoj tradiciji i profesionalnosti.
Orafinrete web ducan nudi vise od 200 razlicitih brandova i vise od tisucu jedinstvenih, rukom radjenih proizvoda!

Njihov tim stoji vam na usluzi i mozete zatraziti izradu nakita po vasoj ideji, prilagoditi vec postojeci dizajn vasem ukusu, zatraziti uslugu graviranja, ili personaliziranog umatanja poklona!

Njihova ponuda sastoji se od najprestiznijih brandova i finog nakita, do cijenom povoljnijih marki, tako da su prilagodjeni svakom budgetu i zagarantirano je da cete pronaci nesto po "vasoj mjeri".
Ukoliko na njihovim web stranicama ne pronadjete odredjeni brand, ili dizajn kojeg trazite, mozete ih kontaktirati putem Skype-a/e-maila/telefona, i zatraziti predmet koji zelite...njihov tim uciniti ce sve sto je u njihovoj mogucnosti kako bi za vas nabavio zeljeni predmet!

Na njihovom website-u (nedavno su aktivirali i englesku verziju), pronaci cete izvanredno veliku ponudu razlicitog asesoara, a on-line ducan konstantno raste!
Trenutno se na njihovim web stranicama nudi 3716 predmeta pod kategorijom "Jewels" (Nakit), 230 predmeta pod kategorijom "Objects", 2787 predmeta u kategoriji "Watches" (Satovi), a vrijedno je spomenuti i njihovu kategoriju "Outlet" koja trenutno broji 775 predmeta i tu se mogu pronaci poznata dizajnerska imena po povoljnijim cijenama!

Na njihovom website-u pronaci cete i dragocijene savjete kako se brinuti o vasem nakitu, a njihov tim ponudio je i instrukcijske videe, gdje vam objasnjavaju razliku izmedju dijamanta i briljanta, morskog i rijecnog bisera, te odgovaraju na neka zanimljiva pitanja poput: "Zasto je zlato zuto?", ili, "Zasto dijamant sjaji?"...

Placanje putem njihove web stranice sigurno je, a mozete ga izvrsiti putem Pay Pal-a, i svih poznatijih kreditnih kartica.
Robu salju internacionalno, a dostava je izuzetno brza! Ja sam svoju ogrlicu dobila u roku 1 dana (doduse, slali su unutar granica Italije), putem ekspresnog servisa TNT.
U svakom trenutku mozete se obratiti njihovoj "customer's service" koja vam stoji na usluzi svojom ljubaznoscu i profesionalnoscu.

Sve u svemu, moje iskustvo sa ovim web ducanom bilo je izuzetno povoljno i preporucam ga!

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj post! Ostavite mi vase komentare!
Gdje vi volite obavljati vasu bozicnu kupovinu?

I hope this post was helpful! Leave me your comments and let me know where do you like to shop at for your Christmas presents?

Kiss from Italy, xo

Sunday, 24 November 2013

GET READY WITH ME! Autumn Make Up Routine & OOTD!

Hello lovelies!

Today I have a "GET READY WITH ME!" video & post prepared for you :)
This is pretty much how my everyday make up routine looks like this Autumn season!

Danas za vas imam pripremljena dva videa na hrvatskom jeziku; jedan je make up tutorijal gdje vam prikazujem svoju dnevnu make up rutinu i savjetujem kako se nasminkati za svaki dan, skolu, ili posao.

Drugi video, mali je modni uradak, snimila sam jedan outfit kojeg volim nositi u ovo hladnije jesensko doba!

Products that I used to film this make up tutorial (these are pretty much all the products I like to use on a daily basis!)
Proizvodi koje sam koristila pri snimanju ovog make up tutorijala (ovo su vise-manje proizvodi koje volim koristiti svakodnevno!)

On my face, as a base, I like to apply just my Esteé Lauder BB cream, and I cover up the imperfections with my Vichy Dermablend foundation in a stick, that I use as a concealer!
I've done my eyebrows with H&M's eyebrow pencil in "BLONDES" (I'm surprised at how great this product is!)
Na lice, kao podlogu, volim nanijeti samo Esteé Lauder BB kremu, a male nesavrsenosti pokrivam Vichy Dermablend podlogom u sticku, koju koristim kao korektor!
Pri uredivanju obrva, savrsenom se pokazala ova olovka za obrve iz H&M-a, u nijansi "BLONDES"

And, I have also prepared for you an OOTD, so you can see what I like to wear in these colder days, and maybe get inspired!

Check out my make up routine (tutorial) here:

Tutorijal na hrvatskom jeziku pogledajte ovdje:

Outfit of the Day

Guest star in my OOTD video ;)
Isn't she just precious? Just look at her face expression in this pic! lol
Zvijezda mog OOTD videa jest ova cupavka ;)
Zar nije preslatka? Pogledajte joj samo izraz lica! haha

These H&M shoes are super comfy!
Ove H&M cipelice jako su udobne!

Denim shirt: H&M (new)
Belt: from a thrift store in Italy
Jeans: Levi's
Shoes: H&M
Bag: Zara
Faux fur gilet: Zara
Faux leather jacket: Zara

Traper kosulja je iz H&M-a (nova kolekcija). Remen i jeans su iz talijanskog second hand ducana (ali bili su novi, jos sa etiketom kada sam ih kupila jupiii!)
Ove udobne cipelice su iz H&M-a (imam iste takve i u plavoj boji, volim ih jer su udobne i mogu dugo u njima hodati!).
Torba je "shoperica" iz Zare, kao i ovaj gilet i jaknica (volim Zaru ♥).

Nadam se da vam se svidja outfit!

Modni video na hrvatskom jeziku pogledajte ovdje:

I hope you like this outfit!

Check out my OOTD video in english language, CLICK HERE TO WATCH!

Don't forget, you can add me on FACEBOOK to keep up on my daily updates! xo

Ne zaboravite me potraziti na FACEBOOK-u kako bismo ostale u svakodnevnom kontaktu!

Pusa iz Italije ♥

Kiss from Italy ♥

Monday, 18 November 2013

My Top 5 Favourite Fall Lipsticks!

Hello beauties!

We're deep into the Autumn season, so I thought, in my today's blog post/ beauty video, I'd like to share some of my make up favourites for the Autumn!

I'm going to name 5 TOP FAVOURITE LIPSTICKS of the moment, colours that I love to wear in the colder season, and trends of the moment...

Drage ljepotice, duboko smo zakoracili u jesen, tako da sam u danasnjem blog postu/ beauty videu, htjela sa vama podijeliti neke od mojih jesenskih make up favorita!

Izabrala sam TOP 5 najdrazih ruzeva za usne, koje sto zbog boja, sto zbog tekstura, jako volim nositi bas u ovim hladnijim mjesecima...Za neke od ovih ruzeva posezem cesce bas u jesenskim danima, a neki su pak, novi trendovi ove jeseni, koje sam nedavno otkrila!

Making up my mind and choosing only 5 favourite shades, was a very hard task for me!
At the end, I've decided to make my decision based on the availability of the mentioned brands. (I didn't want to include brands that are very hard to get worldwide! All these brands here mentioned should be pretty easy to find, no matter where do you live in this world!) :)

Izabrati samo 5 omiljenih ruzeva, bila je za mene teska zadaca!
Na kraju, odlucila sam donijeti odluku baziranu na tome koliko su ti brandovi dostupni u cijelom svijetu...nisam zeljela preporuciti brandove koje je jako tesko, ili nemoguce nabaviti u ostalim zemljama svijeta (buduci da sam ja vecinu svojih ruzeva kupila u Italiji, gdje i zivim...)
Odluka je pala na ruzeve koji su vrlo lako dostupni, u bilo kojem dijelu svijeta zivjeli! :)

MY TOP 5 FAVOURITES of the current season!

YSL Rouge Volupté #12
YSL Volupté Sheer Candy #5
Benefit Silky- finish lipstick in Skinny Dip
Chanel Coco Rouge #38 Superstition
Inglot #147

pretty packagings ♥
moji favoriti su lijepo "zapakirani", pogotovo YSL ruzevi, nema im premca!

& now, onto swatches...
idemo sad na "swatcheve"...

Find out more about these lipsticks & why I love them so much in my beauty video:

Vise o ovim ruzevima saznajte u mojem beauty videu:

What about YOUR faves this Autumn season?
Share them with me in the comments, or on my FACEBOOK page!

A koji su vasi favoriti ove jeseni?

Podijelite ih sa mnom u komentarima, ili na mojoj FACEBOOK stranici!

Kiss from Italy!
Pusa iz Italije! 

Top 10 Under 10 TAG! (Top 10 proizvoda ispod 100 KN!)

Hi beauties!

Pusa mojim ljepoticama :)

In my today's blog post & beauty video, I'm going to talk about my TOP 10 products that are super affordable!
It's the famous "TOP 10 UNDER 10!" TAG and I think this one is going to be pretty interesting for you guys :)

U danasnjem blog postu i beauty videu, govoriti cu o mojih TOP 10 proizvoda koji su cijenom vrlo povoljni, odlicne kvalitete, a kostaju manje od 100 kn. Radi se o poznatom "TOP 10 UNDER 10!" TAG videu, koji kruzi youtube-om i koji je po mom misljenju, vrlo zanimljiv!
Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti ove moje male preporuke!

First of all, I'd like to recommend a few products from my favourite drugstore, DM (Drogerie Markt)...
Balea and Alverde beauty products are very affordable, yet excellent quality!
These are currently my top products from these brands:

- Balea professional hair repair oil (with argan oil)
- Balea enzym peeling face mask
- Alverde lip balms in a stick

Prije svega, izdvojila bih nekoliko proizvoda iz moje omiljene drogerije, DM-a...
Balea i Alverde proizvodi cijenom su jako pristupacni, a izuzetne kvalitete!
Ovo su trenutno moji top proizvodi od navedenih brandova:

- Balea ulje za kosu (sa arganovim uljem)
- Balea enzym peeling maska za lice
- Alverde balzami za usne (vanilija i mandarina te nevenov balzam u sticku)

Balea, Alverde, L'Oreal, Lush...

I'd also like to mention a few products by L'Oreal, these are my "Go To" products, because they're very affordable yet great at doing their job! ;)

- L'Oreal hairspray Elnett Satin (a true classic, the best among the hairsprays for more than one reason!)
- L'Oreal 3in1 Purifying Micellar Solution (rather new product on the market, but it already became a must-have in a cleansing routine of many beauty bloggers! It's very gentle at removing make up, yet very fast at doing so & with excellent results!)
- L'Oreal Elseve huile extraordinaire (another great hair care oil, somewhat comparable to the famous Elixir K Ultime!)

I do like to shop at Lush, and one of the products I keep repurchasing is their Tea Tree water toner that instantly refreshes and soothes my skin!

Voljela bih vam preporuciti i par proizvoda iz L'Oreala...
Ovo su moji top proizvodi za kojima posezem svaki dan (volim ih jer su jeftini, a odlicno rade svoj posao!):

- L'Oreal Elnett Satin sprej za kosu (pravi "klasik", najbolji lak za kosu kojeg sam ikad isprobala, iz vise razloga...o tome u vise detalja u jednom od narednih postova, iako sam vam vec pricala o tom laku za kosu i zasto ga bas toliko volim!)
- L'Oreal 3in1 Micelarna Voda za skidanje sminke (3in1 Purifying Micellar Solution).
Novija stvar na nasem trzistu; super jer efikasno skida sminku i vrlo je njezan na kozi lica i osjetljivom okoloocnom podrucju!
L'Oreal Elseve huile extraordinaire, ulje za njegu kose koje se moze usporediti sa famoznim Elixir K Ultime uljem od Kerastasa.

Volim i kupovati u Lush-u, a proizvod kojemu se uvijek vracam jest Tea Tree Water tonik za lice.
Instantno osvjezava moju kozu lica, smiruje ju nakon skidanja sminke i daje joj tonus.
To je proizvod kojeg sam vec puno puta potrosila, pa kupila i zaista ga volim, a cijena mu je prilicno ok (oko 50tak kn, ova manja bocica).

And now, onto the make up!

Idemo sada na sminku!

Catrice Pure Shine Colour Lip Balm,
Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder,
Revlon Lip Butters
My top products of the moment are certainly Catrice Pure Shine Colour Lip Balms, Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (watch my review video on this product HERE!, or read my blog post review HERE!), and Rimmel Lip Butters (I have 4, but I like them ALL!).

Sto se sminke tice, trenutni favoriti, koji se cijenom krecu ispod 100 kn, definitivno su Catrice Pure Shine Colour Lip Balm, obojeni balzami za usne koji se mogu usporediti sa Clinique Chubby Stickom (samo sto je Catrice cijenom puno povoljniji...)
O Rimmel Stay Matte kompaktnom puderu napravila sam i video recenziju (POGLEDAJ OVDJE!) i blog post (PROCITAJ OVDJE!).
Rimmel Lip Butters-i su moja opsesija i trenutno ih imam 4, ali zelim ih SVE! haha
Odlicni su, vrlo hidratantni, a prelijepih boja koje su prilicno intenzivne i kada ih nanesete na usnice! Preporucam! ;)

Those were my TOP 10, I hope you enjoyed this post and that you'll try out some of these recommendations!
Don't forget to let me know your "TOP 10 UNDER 10" products, I TAG you to do this video/ blog post, or post a pic of your faves on my FACEBOOK!

To su bili moji TOP 10 proizvodi (ispod 100kn), nadam se da ste uzivali u ovom blog postu i da cete isprobati neke od ovih preporuka!
Nemojte zaboraviti javiti mi vase preporuke, TAGIRAM VAS da snimite ovaj video i/ili blog post, ili mi ostavite slicicu vasih favorita na mojoj FACEBOOK stranici!

Slijedi video, nemojte ga propustiti!

Kiss from Italy!
Pusa iz Italije! xo

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Schoolgirl Style OOTD: Tartan Mini Skirt ♥ Fall Fashion Trend

Hello lovelies!

I have another OOTD video/ post for you :)

This is the outfit I wore at work past weekend, and all my colleagues loved, they thought it's so cute!

The styling is all around my tartan mini skirt, and this mini skirt is a really old piece in my closet! 
I'm so glad I didn't throw it away all these years, because this season it's finally back on trend!

I paired it with my (again, very old!) Sisley riding boots, and a pair of warm tights.

Those boots went through a lot with me (I wore them almost every single day, when I was living in London in 2004./'05.), yet they still seem to be in a perfect condition!

This cute doggy sweater is from a brand Brave Soul and I got it at Nico fashion store in Italy.
I've never heard about this brand before, but then, I looked at their catallogue to get familiar with them, and loved their pieces! Plus, they're pretty reasonably priced too!

I think this sweater is super cute and definitely adds up to the whole "schoolgirl style" look! ;)

My burgundy Hermes style bag is from Italian open market, from a couple of years ago (I still wear it a lot, every fall/winter!).
Denim shirt is from Stradivarius, and my watch is by a brand "Too Special", from Den stores in Italy.

I hope you like this styling!

Now, onto the "FOTD" part...

little joys of everyday life... ;)

I'm in ♥ with my Avon 8in1 eyeshadow palette in neutral tones, the colours are super pigmented & very long lasting!
It's a perfect palette for everyday, and it's pretty affordable too!
On my cheeks I wore Kiko blush in #101 Crystal Rose
On my lips I had a combo of 3 (!!!...yeah...I know, I can't help myself...) lip products:
Clinique Chubby Stick in Whole lotta honey
Benefit lipstick in Skinny Dip
Avon glazewear lipgloss in Mocha latte
On my nails, one of my favourite shades of nail polis for the Fall season: Layla Ceramic Effect nail polish ♥

Perfume of the day:
I felt like Versace Dreamer today ;)
This lovely perfume was a gift from my Mum ♥

If you guys want, I'll do a make up tutorial on this look!
Just let me know in the comments, or on my FACEBOOK page!
I hope you liked this quick OOTD/FOTD post!

Make sure to check out my styling video,CLICK HERE to watch!

Kiss from Italy,

Empties # 10 (Products I've Used Up & Mini Reviews!)

Hi beauties!

Today I have a new "Empties" video & blog post prepared for you!
I have accumulated a whole bunch of empty containers, and was refusing to throw them away, before first making this video/ post & sharing my opinions on these products with you :)

My hubby was looking at me quite puzzled, trying to figure out since when do I collect rubbish (what do I need all these empty containers for?!)...
He just doesn't seem to realize the importance of "Empties" videos & sharing them with the beauty community, lol! ...

You can check out my "Empties" video & find out which of these products would I recommend you to try:

I think he was quite relieved when I finally threw out 15 empty containers (after having filmed this video for you guys!) O_O

Here are all the products I've used up recently (as you can tell, there is a lot of hair care stuff, as usual!)...

The products shown are the following:

- Ziaja Goat's milk body lotion
- Deborah "Corpo Nuovo" body lotion with self tanner
- I Provenzali "Bagno Schiuma Erboristico Al Karité" shower gel with Karité butter
- I Tesori d'Oriente shower gel
- Badedas antibacterial handwash
- Balea Shampoo
- Bourjois Mineral Beauty Deodorant
- Elmex mouthwash
- Curasept mouthwash
- L'Oreal Elnett Santin hairspray
- Aussie 3 min miracle deep conditioning treatment (x2)
- Keune Silver Reflex Shampoo
- Yves Rocher Pure Calmille cleansing milk
- Kerastase Cristalliste hair shampoo for long & fine hair
- Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference face cream

The "Must Try" products for this month are:

- Ziaja Goat's Milk body lotion
- Bourjois Mineral Beauty Deodorant
- Elmex mouthwash
- Curasept mouthwash
- L'Oreal Elnett Satin hairspray
- Aussie 3 min miracle deep conditioning treatment
- Yves Rocher Pure Calmille Cleansing Milk
- Kerastase Cristalliste hair shaampoo (choose the one suitable for your hair type, there is also a version for thick hair!)

Those are the products I'll certainly repurchase, actually, most of these products I already repurchased...several times...because I need them in my beauty routine! :)

Just yesterday I repurchased my trusty Kerastase Cristalliste hair shampoo! ♥♥

I hope you enjoyed these recommendations!

Let me know which products have you used up recently and did you enjoy anything in particular, that you'd like to share as a recommendation?

Leave me your comments, or connect with me on FACEBOOK!

Kiss from Italy,

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