
Friday 30 November 2012

Empties #2 Products I've Used Up & My Thoughts On Them

Hello beauties!

I have a whole bunch of empties that I wanted to share with you today!
Actually, I have 15 empty containers of a different beauty products that I've used up over the past couple of weeks...or months? ;)
So I've decided to film my "Empties" video # 2, where I'm also giving you 15 mini- reviews (of all the products mentioned), and telling you my experience with these products, would I recommend them and why, and will I be repurchasing them!

Sounds like interesting & informative, doesn't it?

You can watch my video here:

Here are all the 15 containers, some of them I even cut open, just to be able to really use up every little bit of the product, lol! I really am that obsessed when it comes to using up products! None of it goes to waste! lol

Am I happy, or am I sad to have used up these products?
Find it out in my video! :)

I usually film "Empties" videos whenever I have 15 empty containers, so something tells me I'm going to put up "Empties #3" soon enough!
I have been using my beauty products diligently and I think soon I'll have plenty of material for a new video of this kind, and 15 new mini reviews!
That's the reason why I like doing "Empties" videos so much: I get to quickly tell you all about the products I was testing out and give you my opinions on them, we're really talking about 15 product reviews within only one video! :)

If you have a product that you've recently used up, but it's already again on your list of products to buy, share it with me!
I'd love to hear why do you love it so much, why would you recommend it?

I have already repurchased "I Provenzali Olio di semi di lino", "Roberts Rose Water" and "Nivea Pure & Natural deodorant"...and I have some other products already on my list "To Buy"... :)

I hope this was interesting!
Let me know, do you like videos of this kind/ blog post about the products I've used up?

Love from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Confessions of a Beauty Guru TAG

Hello lovelies!

I really enjoy doing TAG videos, so this time I filmed a fairly new one, "Confessions of a Beauty Guru".
I hope you're going to enjoy watching this one, as I answered to some really personal questions and at some point it really felt as if I was confessing, and I was even kind of emotional when giving answers to some of the questions!

I'm always very honest with you guys, because I see you as my internet friends :)
When I film, there's no faking, it's 100% real me! 
Who you see on the film is who I am in the real life :)

You can watch my new TAG here (it's a bit longer one, so sit comfortably in your armchairs, sip on a cup of a warm tea & enjoy!)

I'd love to see you guys answering to these questions and doing this TAG!
If you make a video, leave it under mine, as a video response!

Here are the questions:

1. How many hours a week do you spend filming/ editing videos?
2. Are you a spender or a saver?
3. When is it easiest for you to film?
4. What makes talking in front of the camera comfortable for you?
5. What's your worst makeup/ hair habit?
6. One quote that you wish the world would live by?
7. How long do you spend getting ready everyday?
8. Your favorite video on youtube?
9. A youtuber that you watch who deserves more views/ subscribers than they have?
10. One thing your excited about in the upcoming year?
11. Your most awkward filming moment?
12. How long does it take you to prep for a video?
13. Are you wearing pants (jeans/skirt) right now or are you actually wearing pajama bottoms?
14. What are you most proud of in your life?

Me filming this TAG

Wearing my Dad's old sweater & my H&M necklace that I got a few seasons ago at sales, for only 0.70€!

Have you seen a TUTORIAL on this hairstyle?
It's a quick fix for a bad hair day! :) Definitely check it out!

Love from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Mascara Monday! LANCOME Hypnose Star Review

Hello beautiful!

I know, I know, it's not Monday today, but this Monday (besides sleeping!) I uploaded a new video review on my youtube channel.
I'm starting out this new video- series of mascara reviews, and, if I can, I'll be uploading one every Monday!
Hence the title "Mascara Monday"!
I'm however, running slightly behind with this blog post, but oh well, this is how things turned out for me this week!

I got a chance to try out the new Lancome Hypnose Star mascara, thanks to "Grazia", italian fashion magazine, that handed these samples sizes as a free gift with a purchase!
I always liked Lancome mascaras, so I knew this one wouldn't be a disappointment either!

New Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara

sample size in "Midnight Black"

I'm really in love with this mascara!
It goes into each and every one of your lashes, and it lenghtens and separates them in a perfect way! (no spidery lashes effect)
It won't smudge or transfer onto your eyelids, and it will give you this "Star- the longest lashes ever!" effect :)

For a more in-depth review on this mascara, watch my full video review, here:

I hope this was helpful!
Next monday, check back for MAC Zoom Lash mascara review!

Kissss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Biotherm Aqua Source Skin Perfection Kit REVIEW

Hello beauties!

It's already Wednesday! I can't believe how the time flies by so quickly! I had scheduled to do a few product reviews this past Monday, but then, Monday I kind of spent the whole day sleeping & just chilling, relaxing, testing out some new beauty products and watching other gurus on youtube!
Tuesday came & I had to do some major grocery shopping (the fridge was completely empty!) and later on went with my friend Stefania thrifting (yes, there will be a vlog about that!), and in the evening we were celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday at our favourite pizza place, so the day was quite full!
When I arrived home I watched the latest Gossip Girl episode, and I was done for the day!
This evening we have invited my hubby's cousin and his family to dinner at our place, which means I have to get things in order here and do some much needed cleaning!
But before I hop onto that, I wanted to film for my youtube channel :)...However, the weather outside is so gloomy, the lighting isn't cooperating with me at all, so I think I'll just concentrate myself on my blog today!
Ughhh I hate this rainy, bad weather! Yesterday I was almost soaking wet, when, at thrift store, somebody stole our umbrellas from Stefania and me! I hate people who steal! I would spit on their ugly faces, lol was I mad! (And I still am!) 

Anyway, back on topic!
This blog post was supposed to be about Biotherm AquaSource Skin Perfection kit, not my random life updates!

This kit, in my opinion, is perfect for travellings, as you'll get 4 mini-sizes of all the products you'll need for your skincare (face wash, toner, moisturizer, under-eye cream!)
Or, if you want to test out the products, to see how do you like them, before purchasing the full sizes!
I got this kit at my local Douglas beauty store (Italy) at the price of 12€ (which, I believe, is an awesome price for this kit!)

In the kit, you'll get:
Biotherm Biosource Hydra-Mineral Cleanser Toning Mousse (20ml)
Biotherm Aquasource 24h Moisturizer High Definition Perfecting Care (20ml)
Biotherm Biosource Hydra Mineral Lotion Toning Water (30ml)
Biotherm Aquasource Eye Perfection 360° hydra-massager for eyes (4ml)
I already used up this product!
I actually cut it open, to be able to extract all of the product from the container, I don't want to waste anything!
This will be soon featured in my Empties videos :)
I'm considering purchasing this in a full size!
Great skin cleanser!

Biotherm Aquasource moisturizer: Very light on my skin, very hydrating, refreshing, absorbs into my skin really quickly!
Great make up base!

Soothing toner for my skin, I apply it after cleansing.
Designed for normal to combination skin.

Under eye cream with metal massager, very refreshing and hydrating!
360° hydra-massager is an innovation in the skincare, this cream is designed for eye contours and you can apply it morning and evening.
Skin will feel refreshed, smoother and unified.

Biotherm Aquasource deep hydration replenishing cream wasn't a part of this kit, but this is an extra gift with my purchase!
24h deep hydration replenishing cream with thermal plankton cellular water.
Paraben free, mineral oil free, designed for normal to combination skin.

Full- in depth review of all these products is on my blog, watch it here:

If you have any questions about this kit, feel free to leave me your comment!

Kissss from Italy,

xoxo S.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Bad Hair Day? Quick Fix!

Hello lovelies!

You always ask me to do more hair tutorials, so this week I filmed one that is going to fix your "bad hair day" problems! :)

This is a quick & chic hairstyle that I like to do, on the days my hair is "acting up", or whenever I'm working long hours so I prefer to have my hair away from my face!

Simple, yet chic, voluminous hair bun:

You can check out my step-by-step hair tutorial here:

In this video, I'm also showing you all the things you're going to need, to create this hairstyle!

I hope you liked this hairstyle!
If you have any other "quick fix" hairstyling ideas, post them on my personal facebook page...& let's be friends there!

Tomorrow I start my busy working weekend, so I'm guessing I'll talk to you again next week!
Happy weekend to you all :)

Love from Italy,
xoxo, S.

Profesionalna manikura kod kuce ♥

Bok curke!

Evo jedan mali blog post za sve moje drage citateljice koje razumiju hrvatski jezik! :)

Za vas danas imam novi video na mojem hrvatskom youtube kanalu, a radi se o...manikuri! :)
U ovom videu cu vam pokazati kako lako mozete napraviti profesionalnu manikuru kod kuce!
Dok sam zivjela u Hrvatskoj, odlazila sam na manikuru kod kozmeticarke, no od kada zivim u Italiji, vise volim ustedjeti novac i raditi sama manikuru jednom tjedno kod kuce!
Od moje kozmeticarke pokupila sam par interesantnih savjeta i malih trikova, pa ih ovdje zelim podijeliti sa vama, kako biste i vi lako mogli napraviti savrsenu manikuru kod kuce i lijepo njegovali svoje nokte i ruke!

Video tutorijal u kojem vam pokazujem kako napraviti profesionalnu manikuru kod kuce, pogledajte ovdje:

Za danasnju manikuru izabrala sam ovu "denim plavu" nijansu laka za nokte koju jednostavno obozavam!
Misljenja sam da ove tamnije boje lakova za nokte lijepse izgledaju na kracim noktima, pa sam za potrebe ove manikure svoje nokte danas i prilicno skratila!

Plavi lak za nokte talijanske je marke "Liabel" (u mom supermarketu kosta samo 0,99 cent!), a obecava
"7 days long" trajnost!

Vec nakon prvog sloja, boja je bila intenzivna, lak se brzo susi i lagano, ravnomjerno nanosi, zahvaljujuci
prikladnoj cetkici!

Plavu manikuru odlucila sam ukrasiti prstenom ("connector" ring) u obliku zmije, sa plavim perlicama i cirkonicima!

Veliki osmijeh jer snimam na hrvatskom jeziku! :)

Jeste li se vec "pretplatili" na moj novi, hrvatski youtube kanal?
Pratite me tamo, jer imam novi video svaki tjedan!
Rado primam i vase sugestije i zahtjeve :)
Ukoliko imate ideju za temu mojeg iduceg videa, javite mi! Sto biste voljeli vidjeti na mojem kanalu?

Slicice vase profi manikure koju ste sami obavili kod kuce postajte na moju facebook stranicu!
Budimo tamo prijatelji! :) Cekam vas :)

Velika pusa iz Italije,

xoxo, S.


TAG: About Me! | MissFashionKitty / Sonia Verardo

Hi guys!

I have filmed a fun TAG video!
I was actually tagged to do this, by one of my lovely subscribers! ;)
The other day, I had some time free on my hands, so I thought I'd film this TAG video & answer to these questions that will, in a way, allow you to get to know me a bit better!

You can watch my TAG video here:
(for the entertainment purposes only! haha)

A few pics that I've taken while filming this video...(I'm sorry for the red eyes & slightly shiny face, the lighting wasn't collaborating with me that day, lol!)

I really had fun filming this video & answering to all these questions! If you'd like to do this TAG, please post it as a video response under my video, I'd love to see it & get to know my subbies a bit better! :)

Kissss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Review: Dior Rosy Glow (Healthy Glow Awakening Blush)

Hello beauties!

Today I'd like to talk more about one product that absolutely won me over recently!
It's Dior Rosy Glow Healthy Glow Awakening Blush (001) and I got it a couple of weeks ago at my local Sephora.

Dior Rosy Glow comes in a posh velvet pouch :)

The colour is really pretty!

Want to hear more about this product?
Check out my video review here:

What makes this blush so special?

This is kind of a "magical" product, it's Dior's first blush that enhances your unique cheek colour for an ultra-natural and customized healthy glow effect.
The colour of the blush, once put on your cheeks, actually adjusts to your skin tone and skin type!
Rosy Glow adjusts to the moisture of each skin to make the cheeks blush in a very natural way, as if touched by a breath of fresh air!

Dior Rosy glow has got an ultra-fine powder texture and delicate rose fragrance.
The application of it is a moment of pure indulgence! :)

Dior Rosy Glow Swatch
Upon application, Rosy Glow reveals fresh and luminous colour that develops a rosy radiance to match each skin tone for an all-day ultra-natural, customized and healthy glow effect.

How to apply it?

Sweep the powder brush over the product a single time to take just the right amount of product, then apply delicately to the top of cheekbones.
The colour gradually intensifies as if by magic!
The result is ultra-natural, "customized" rosy glow.
If you want to accentuate the makeup result, sweep the powder over the cheekbones with the brush a second time (for a more vibrant colour result!)

I got this blush at my local Sephora, the product retails at 38€ (but I did have a 10%OFF coupon, luckily!)
It is an expensive product, but definitely worth it, if you're about to pamper yourself and treat yourself with a pure indulgence makeup :)
Every once in a while, we deserve it!
I do recommend it, I'm just sad it's so expensive, but this is what you can expect from a high end always comes with a high price too :(

I hope this review was helpful!
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me & I'll be happy to answer :)

On the other subject...just a quick, little update...

I mentioned yesterday, that I'm going to see my dr. about my thumb that I hurt a few weeks ago at work, and recently it got infected, it hurt bad and it was swollen...
Luckily, it's getting better, it doesn't hurt anymore, my doctor treated it, but it's still kind of weird feeling & swollen.
I guess that's the normal recovery process...
I should have been more careful and I should have taken the proper care of it as soon as I got injured! But it was such a tiny little cut that I overlooked it, I never thought this would be the result :(
Thank you all so much for keeping your fingers crossed for me! It meant a lot, as I do tend to freak out in these moments!

I'll talk to you soon, thanks for stopping by!

Kisss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5

Drage curke!

Vrijeme je za blog post na hrvatskom jeziku!
Danasnja recenzija zatrazena je od moje drage citateljice pod nickom Bellen557 pa krenimo odmah na "posao" :)

(My today's blog post + product review is in croatian language, but I'm preparing this review in english language too, together with some other products from La Roche Posay that I'm currently trying out! So stay tuned!)

Danasnja recenzija posvecena je La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 kremici.
Video- recenziju mozete pogledati ovdje:

Cicaplast Baume umirujuca je i obnavljajuca krema koja se moze koristiti na licu i drugim dijelovima tijela, prije svega na podrucjima koja su lagano iritirana, isusena, nadrazena.
Ja ga u ovo hladno jesenje/ zimsko vrijeme volim koristiti i na usnicama jer ih bogato hidratizira i obnavlja raspucalu kozu.
Nanosim ga u obilnom sloju prije spavanja, a ujutro mi je koza usnica meka te same usnice izgledaju punije.
Zbog svojih sastojaka, a jedan od njih je i cink, ova krema ima i antibakterijsko djelovanje, pa ju volim nanjeti na lice u periodu kada imam problema sa pristicima.
Buduci da je kremica prilicno gusta i hranjiva, nanosim ju na lice iskljucivo prije spavanja, osobno mi nije pogodna kao podloga za sminku, jer mi previse "zasjaji" lice (iako, ne brinite se, nece vam dodatno izazvati pristice, vec nasuprot, sprijeciti ce ih i isusiti!)

bijela kremica guste teksture i vrlo hranjiva

Ima dobar ucinak i na oziljcima jer potpomaze brzoj regeneraciji tkiva. Nemojte ju koristiti na podrucje okolo ociju te na otvorene rane (nije za to prikladna!).

Smatram da je La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 krema jedna univerzalna krema koju je uvijek dobro imati u vasem kozmetickom ormaricu, te ju mozete koristiti prema potrebi, bez obzira na vas tip koze.
Krema, tj. balzam, prikladan je i za osjetljivu/ nadrazenu djecju kozu.

Ovu balzam/kremu kupila sam u ljekarni u Italiji (La Roche Posay dostupan je i u vecini hrvatskih ljekarni)
Cijena: oko 11€

Od kada mi se, radi hladnog vremena, koza na rukama pocela pretjerano isusivati, otkrila sam da je cak i mala kolicina ove kreme idealna za rijesenje mojih problema!
Vraca kozi vlagu te ruke djeluju njegovano, a efekt je dugotrajan.

Presuda: Jako sam zadovoljna ovom kremom i preporucam je!

Nadam se da vam je ova recenzija bila od koristi!
Koju biste temu voljeli vidjeti na mojem hrvatskom youtube kanalu? Ostavite mi vas komentar!

Lijep pozdrav i velika pusa iz Italije!

xoxo, S.

Monday 19 November 2012

Bornprettystore, Croatia & Italy Beauty Haul

Hello beauties!

New week, new blog post!

I was so exhausted by work this weekend, I couldn't wait for the Sunday evening to arrive, to snuggle up in my bed and sleep for at least good 12 hours!

I had developed a slight infection on my thumb (I hurt myself at work a few weeks ago and didn't treat it properly!), so tomorrow I'm going to see my doctor about it!
I'm already treating the area with an antibiotic cream that was given to me in my local pharmacy, but I'm still worried and I'll feel more at ease once my dr. has a say on it!
Please keep your fingers crossed it's nothing serious!
I'll keep you posted!

Anyway, back on topic of this post...Beauty haul! A big one!
Over these past couple of weeks I gathered quite a few new goodies! So I thought I'd share, especially because I'm very happy with all of the things I picked up :)

So here we go...

(click on the play button above, to watch my new haul video!)

at bornprettystore I got a few things that were on my wish list for a while now!
I was especially looking forward to trying out the real B.B.cream (we all know that asian B.B. creams are the real thing, and the B.B. creams of, mostly european famous brands, that have overflown the market these days, are just another word for regular tinted moisturizers! Aren't they?)

You can shop at bornprettystore with 10%OFF your entire purchase + FREE SHIPPING with this coupon code: SONJAK31
2 way nail art pens

Lohashill B.B. cream
VOV Blush

Croatia Haul

As usual, I went to my favourite drugstore, Drogerie Markt, picked up some nice things there, but I also stopped by Kozmo drugstore and got some of the best croatian skincare products!

Catrice Multi Colour Blush
in "Strawberry Frappuccino"

Flormar Pretty compact blush-on
Such a gorgeous blush!

Elmex gelée
extra protection from cavities

Catrice prime and fine
translucent loose powder for a perfect matte effect all day long!

Some hair care goodies by Schwarzkopf & Subrina

Weleda Iris cream

The best of Croatian skincare, exclusively at Kozmo drugstores.
Natural products with lavender & marigold.
Lip balm with honey & royal jelly

Italy Haul

My new blushes!
I got the Dior Rosy Glow at my local Sephora store in Italy

Dior Rosy Glow, swatch.
Such a gorgeous product (review + more swatches coming up soon!)

My essential, hair care MUST- HAVES from my local supermarket.
Nothing can compete with "I Provenzali" natural oils.
I use them once a week as a pre-shampooing treatments.

Melem all purpose balm is a part of my Croatia haul, but other two products are bought here in  Italy.
Kiko Make Up brush cleanser (I've repurchased it, it's really efficient yet good priced).
Mavala #92 New Dehli the perfect autumn shade!

A sample size of Lancome Hypnose Star mascara from "Grazia" italian fashion magazine.

L'oreal rouge caresse (from Sephora) & my new sample size mascara (that, btw, I love!)

Very delicate, everyday colour.
#01 fashionista pink.
These rouge caresse lipsticks are very moisturizing, on your lips they feel as a lip balms!

That was my haul!
I hope you girls enjoyed watching this one! All of the products that I bought, I love & could recommend :)
If you'd like to hear a detailed review on any of these products, feel free to leave me a comment, I'd love to do it!

Also, just a quick reminder:
I'm still competing for the "Fashionista of the month" title!
The contest is open for anoter 2 days and then the winner will be chosen! I'd like to thank to all of you who are voting for me & supporting me in this contest, it really means so much to me,and regardless of the final outcome, you guys are THE BEST!!!
I <3 you so much!!! ♥♥
You can still vote for me until November 21st. HERE!

xoxo from Italy,
