
Monday 29 October 2012


Hello beauties!

You may have noticed, at the end of each blog post, I put a little request for you, asking for a huuuge favour from you...asking for your votes...

I'm competing for "FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH" title in the Starcentral's magazine!

I was chosen together with other four girls (my competitors) and whoever gets the most votes, will win this title "Fashionista of the month" and will be featured in Starcentral's magazine!

The contest is open until the 21st. of November, 2012. and you can vote for me every day (if you wish!)
It means sooo much to me, because I'd love to have the opportunity to talk about my work, about my blog and my passion for fashion & beauty...I'd love to be able to reach to more people and make a difference (it's a dream of mine!)

I'm counting on your help to achieve this, and I know this won't be possible without your help, love & support!

I'm really grateful for every single vote that I get, and even though this voting thing doesn't take more than a second, I'm very appreciative of the time you take out of your day to vote for me!
That's just something huuuge you guys are doing for me!
So I wanted to thank you!

Regardless of the final outcome of the contest, I couldn't be happier with the love & support you all showed me so far!
I'm hoping, together, we can make this dream of mine come true! :)

I'll keep you updated :)

Here is the little video I made, talking about this contest and what does it mean to me:

You can vote for me HERE (click to vote for me at the bottom of the page!)

Thank you so much again!

Big kissss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Holiday Gift Guide Series: Soufeel Charm Bracelet ♥

Hello girls!

I've decided to start a new series on my channel, now that the holiday season is approaching...
It's going to be a Holiday Guift Guide, and I hope you'll find these videos helpful & inspiring :)

I'm starting up this series by featuring Soufeel jewellery.
I wanted to start off with them, because currently they are having a big promotions on their web store, running until the 5th.of November, 2012.
So I believe now it's the right timing to buy something from their webstore as a gift to your friend, family member, loved one...
They have buy 1 get 1 free charm deal, and 10% OFF your order, (valid with a coupon code: best)

I talked more about this promotion and showed you how to put in and secure your charms, in my video; you can watch it here:

This is my Soufeel charm bracelet, I love it:

Soufeel is the largest web store selling charms, currently they have 30K charms in their offer!
I now have 8 charms, all picked by me, all representing a certain moment of my life...

The quality can't be questioned: My bracelet and the charms are made of sterling silver.
The little storage box your bracelet comes in, is also very sturdy and just pretty to keep on a display :)

I can honestly recommend Soufeel jewellery as a great present for this upcoming holiday season!
I myself will be getting a new bracelet, I'm just placing my order with Soufeel, and when it arrives, I'll make sure to feature it & tell you all about my newest charm picks! :)

I hope this was helpful!
I'll make sure to film more of these "Holiday Guift Guides" so stay tuned for those in the upcoming weeks!

Kisss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Old Holiday Vlogs Re-uploaded!

Hey guys!

You might know, a few months ago, I've decided to delete my vlog channel, and transfer all my vlogs to my MissFashionKitty channel, where I also upload videos related to fashion, style, food & diet...
If you haven't subscribed to this channel yet, please take a moment to do that NOW, I'm sure you won't be dissappointed, as I upload very frequently, and always try to cover a variety of different topics! :)

Anyway, I had three more old vlogs left to transfer to my MissFashionKitty channel, and I've decided to do this now.
These are old holiday vlogs, about my Christmas and New Year's adventures...I didn't want to delete them, because I'm fond of them (I actually watched them before re-uploading, and remembered some really nice moments!)

Even though, they aren't the newest vlogs, I hope you'll still enjoy watching them :)
I'm hoping to be able to do a new vlog for you guys soon! :)
Maybe on the occasion of my upcoming trip to Croatia...we'll see!

Anyway, here are the three old vlogs, you can hit the play button bellow, to watch:

"The Beginning of 2011.Vlog from the Italian Hills!"

Holiday Vlog (Christmas 2011. in Italy & Croatia)

Happy New Year 2012. Vlog!

I do hope you'll enjoy watching!
Please let me know, do you like watching my vlogs?
Should I film more vlogs?
Thank you very much for your feedback! :) I appreciate it!

Kisss from Italy,

xoxo S.

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Fishtail Braid Hair Tutorial (Pletenica "Riblja Kost")

Drage curke!

Evo za vas jedan "hair tutorial"!
Ova pletenica "riblja kost" savrsena je frizura za one dane kada ne znate sto biste sa vasom kosom, ili kada niste imali vremena oprati ju, a morate ici na posao, ili imate u planu neki izlazak...

Svaki puta kada spletem ovu pletenicu, dobijem bar par komplimenata i upita, kako li sam to napravila...svi misle da je tehnika teska i zakomplicirana, a u biti je vrlo jednostavna!

Mogla bih cak reci da splesti ovu "riblju kost" pletenicu, nije nista teze od obicne pletenice.
Mozda ce vam u pocetku trebati malo vise vremena, dok se ne isprakticirate, ali, vjerujte mi, zaista je jednostavno!

Evo kako takva pletenica izgleda izbliza:

Kada ispletem ovu pletenicu, nezaobilazno dobijem barem par upita kako sam to napravila, i je li to moja kosa, ili umetak! hihi :)

Ova frizura odlicna je za dane kada ne znate bas sto biste s kosom!
Ja ju volim nositi i na posao, obicno kada znam da cu morati dugo raditi i kada ne zelim da mi kosa "smeta" oko lica :)
...te naravno, kada zelim privuci par sigurnih komplimenata! ;)
Za vas, napravila sam mali video tutorijal, u kojem vam pokazujem tehniku "pletenja".
Tutorijal pogledajte ovdje:

Here is the same hairstyle (fistail braid) tutorial, in english language:

(Engleska verzija tutorijala):

I hope this was clear and that you managed to pick up the technique right away!

Nadam se da je tutorijal bio dovoljno jasan, da ste odmah uspijele pokupiti tehniku, i da cete i same isprobati napraviti ovu pletenicu! :)
Ukoliko se odlucite napraviti ovu frizuru, zalijepite mi vasu slicicu na mojoj facebook stranici i budimo tamo prijatelji! :)

Puno vam hvala sto pratite moj blog!

Velika pusa iz Italije,

xoxo, S.

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Podarite mi svoj glas u natjecaju "Fashionista of the month".
Glasati mozete svaki dan, do 21.11.2012.
Kliknite OVDJE kako biste glasali (na kraju stranice, kliknite na moje ime, Sonia Verardo, pa "vote"!)
To mi zaista puno znaci! Puno vam hvala i velika pusa svima :* ♥

DIY Project: Cocktail Vintage Ring

Hello girls!

Lately, I've been creative :)
This was my new DIY project:

I got a pair of clip-on earrings from my granny's jewellery box...

 ...and I've decided to make a statement/ cocktail ring!

You're going to need:
A clip-on earring (look at your granny's jewellery box, or pay a visit to a thrift store!)
A hair elastic (the one without the metal part is the best option)
A thread and a needle

Tie the knot at the very centre of the hair elastic...

Take the earring, open it up, and just slip in the elastic, just like that!
It's super simple!

The ring is done!
Soo easy to do! :)

I hope this gave you an interesting idea :) and that you'll make your own
vintage ring :)

If you do this yourself, post a picture of your DIY vintage cocktail ring on
my facebook page!
And let's be friends there! :)

Don't forget to leave me a comment if you'd like to see more DIY projects from me in the future! :)

Kisss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Products I've Used Up & My Thoughts on Them

Hello girlies!

This is my very first video of this kind!
Over the past month or so, I was patiently gathering the empty containers of the products I've used up.
When I couldn't fit them anymore into my little carrier bag, I knew it's time to make a video and feature them!

I gathered 15 empties and I filmed a quick review on the products, giving you just a quick thoughts on them, and the final verdict: Will I repurchase them again or not?

You can check out my video here:

Here are all the products that I said good-bye to this time:

You may notice, whenever I can, I cut open my containers, just to be able to use up
every single bit of the product!
Nothing goes to waste, lol!

The best products from the bunch:
Macadamia Natural Oil hair mask
Kiko Make Up Milano Brush Cleanser
L'Occitane Honey hand cream
Yves Rocher Pure Calmille cleansing milk

Did you enjoy watching this video, was it useful?
Would you like to see more of this type of videos in the future?
Let me know! :)

Kiss from Italy,
xoxo, S.

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Midseason Sale Haul: H&M, Bershka & Italian Boutiques

Hello lovelies!

I have a fashion haul for you :)
I bought some really nice things at midseason sale in H&M, Bershka and some local boutiques here in Italy...
As always, I was excited to get such amazing deals, and most of these items, if layered, can be worn even in colder days of Fall!

Check out my fashion haul video here:

What did I buy?

Neon flower necklace from H&M
Great statement piece, can be worn on top of any simple T-shirt or top,
to spice it up a bit, and make it more interesting!

Grey dress/ black sleeves, from Young girl's dept. of H&M
(14+ years of age)
Suits me really well!
I love the silver threads this dress has, it's so sparkly!

Rose gold sequin skirt.
I love this item and I wanted to buy it ever since it first came in the stores!
At midseason sale, it was a great deal and I'm so happy with this purchase :)

Matching top, but I like to wear these two items separately!

Beautiful, floral print blouse from H&M

Floral print top, a bit oversized, I bought it to pair it with the military trend, that's so in style this season!
I actually quite like the contrast between the girly, floral print, and rough military style :)

I've been eyeing this top for such a long time!
I love the colour, and the tiny pearl detail on the back!
At 24.95€ it seemed kind of pricey, because I knew autumn is on it's way, so I won't be able to get a lot of use out of it now, but when I saw it on sale at 15€, I've decided to get it!

I'm loving this lace jacket, it was reduced from 39.95€ to 20€
You can wear it everyday, and style it in a casual way, but it's also a great piece for a night out :)

Another item I put on my wish list, ever since it first came in the stores...
I looove it!
Retail price 24.95€, it was reduced to 15€
It's very spacious & great for everyday/casual look.

Grey dress from Lana del Rey for H&M fall fashion campaign.
This wasn't on sale, but the retail price was really great, it cost only 19.95€
This got sold out in a matter of minutes, and I managed to grab a very last one: luckily, it was in a size S and it fits really nice!

Some things I got at Bershka's midseason sale:
Grey cotton/sweater type/ jacket

Grey, denim gilet with studded details.

From my local fashion store here in Italy:
Trendy & warm, wool cape!

To see how all these clothes fits me, don't miss out on my video!
In the second part of it, I'm trying the clothes on, just to give you an idea on how does it fit!

A few pics taken while filming my fashion haul...
The green blouse is from italian open market, and it cost only 3€, I love it! The colour suits me well, and the best part of this blouse is that it doesn't need to be ironed!
It's supposed to be all wrinkly! yeay for that! :))
Black skinny jeans are from Zara (from the past winter's sales) and they fit so perfectly, they're one of my favourite pairs of jeans ♥

Rose gold sequin skirt ♥

Mint green knitted top ♥

I hope you liked this haul!
Maybe it inspired you :)
Do let me know, which one of these items did you like best?

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Kisss from Italy,

xoxo S.

Monday 22 October 2012

Lana del Rey for H&M Fall Fashion Campaign Makeup Tutorial

Hello beauties!

My new make up tutorial was inspired by the ultra glam look of Lana del Rey for the H&M Fall fashion campaign.

Thick, black, winged out eyeliner and full, nude lips, have always been her signature look and so it was for this campaign!

Chanel eyeshadow quad # 14 Mystic eyes
Idoll eyes mascara by Tecnic Beauty
Black cream eyeliner
MAC lipstick "creme de nude"
were my must-haves for this tutorial :)
(You can obviously use different brands, just make sure to use similar colours!)

H&M Fall Fashion campaign was my inspiration for this tutorial!

Lana del Rey
recreating her look...
other "tools" & makeup goodies that I used in this tutorial...

Make Up Tutorial MESS! ;)
haha, it always takes me a while to clean up afterwards...

You can watch my step-by-step make up tutorial here:

Lana's eye make up...
glamourous, mystic eyes...

Lana's sexy, full lips...
Grey nail polish & round, pointy manicured nails...

Her entire styling is soo vintage glamour...

My take on Lana's look...

The pink sweater is exactly the one Lana is wearing for the campaign.
Size XS, 19.95€
Warm & cozy, but super annoying with all the little hairs flying off it! Ughh it was making my face itchy the whole time, lol
A little tip: From a good distance, spray your hairspray all over your sweater, to avoid the fly aways! :)
It works!

Doing the "Lana del Rey" serious/mysterios pose
ha! :)

Complete the look & the styling with the right type of accessories:
Add the statement, sparkly earrings, for the ultimate glam look!

I really hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial!

There is another Lana del Rey inspired look that I did, a couple of months ago, so if you want to check it out, click HERE!
It was the look she wore in her "Born to Die" music video.

If you recreate this look, post a picture of it on my facebook!
And if you have any request for the make up tutorial you'd like me to do (celebrity inspired look, or a look for some sort of an occasion...), leave me your comment!
I'm always happy to hear from you! ♥

Please take a moment to vote for me in Starcentral's magazine FASHIONISTA OF THE MONTH Poll! It really means a lot!
You can vote for me every day :)The contest is open until November, 21st. 2012.
Thank you so much!!! 

Kissss from Italy,
xoxo S.