
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Food & Health: Grocery Haul!

Hello girls!

I was asked a lot of questions about my diet and what do I eat to stay slim...

That's why I thought I would film this quick "Grocery Haul" video, where I basically give you a glimpse of what's in my fridge, showing you all the groceries that I bought for my weekly needs! I do try to vary and get different things every week, but I also do have some things that I always like to have in my diet!
I hope this answered to some of your questions related to what do I eat on a day to day basis, and maybe inspired you in some way!

You can watch my "Grocery Haul" video here:

As you can see, I always need to have plenty of fruits and vegetables in my diet!
I also like different types of cheese :)

Here are a few healthy snack ideas, pics that I've taken in the afternoon hours, during this week, in my breaks from writing a blog post, or editing a video, when I needed an extra energy and something yummy to eat! ;)

My famous seasonal fruit salads:
Bananas, peaches, dates, kamut cereals and extra honey on top of everything!
2 slices of bread with strawberry jam (strawberries & wild strawberries mix)
Chocolate soy milk

Fruit salad: Bananas, peaches, grapes, kamut cereals and honey!

If you would like to see more of these videos/ posts in the future, leave me a comment!
I'd be more than happy to film a receipe video for my famous seasonal fruit salad!
It's so yummy & healthy, you won't be needing or craving any other (unhealthy) snacks!

Kisss from Italy,

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