
Monday 20 February 2012

Adele Grammy Inspired Makeup Tutorial

Hello beauties!

I was inspired to do another make up tutorial and to recreate the look Adele was wearing at the recent Grammy Awards!
Her make up was so classic and sophisticated, very feminine and the overall result was that she looked stunning!

I'm trying to film a lot of videos & post frequently in this period of time, because soon I'll be moving so I'm pretty sure I'll have to go MIA for a while (at least until I get settled in and get an internet connection!).
More about my moving plans in another blog post, as this is going to be about the make up only! ;)

This is the look I created:

and this is our lovely & talented Adele at Grammys:

image source: internet

image source: internet
She looked so glam!

You can watch my step-by-step make up tutorial, to find out how I created this look, here:

Looking glam with this make up!
I'll have to wear this look for my next special occasion as I  like it so much!

The make up:

And that's my tutorial!
I hope you girls liked it!
If you have any special event coming soon, this is definitely a look to try out!
You'll feel so glam & feminine :)

Kisss from Italy!
xoxo Sonja


  1. obožavam te gledati kako se šminkaš! daj više takvih videa! a mogla bi i malo o tome što jedeš, da li vježbaš i što, kako održavaš tu svoju besprijekornu liniju. ja nakon poroda nikako doći sebi, 15 kilica viška! a valjda će i to ća! pozdrav iz zadra!

    1. Bas ti puno hvala na tako prekrasnom komentaru! Puno mi to znaci :)
      Sto se prehrane i vjezbanja tice, mislim da cu poraditi na tim temama kada se konacno preselim u novi dom, selidba me ceka u nadolazecim tjednima! ;)
      Ja jos nisam mama, a tko zna kako cu ja sa kg viska, ako jednog dana rodim, buduci da sam prilicno lijena sto se vjezbanja tice ;) Ma moje cure mi govore da od kad su postale mame, toliko "trce" za svojom djecom, da se kg sami otope bez vjezbanja hehe ;)


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