
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Croatia Vlog: Day 3 (The Adriatic Sea & My New Hair Colour!)

Helllooo! :)

Don't miss out on #3 vlog from my trip to Croatia!
Finally, THE BEACH!!!
The Adriatic Sea is gorgeous and you guys always remind me that with your lovely comments of excitment whenever you see such a beautiful colour of the crystal clear sea in my vlogs or pictures!
This reminds me to appreciate more and value more the beauty of the nature that I have right in front of me, and that I sometimes take for granted.


In today's vlog you'll also see my new hair colour!
I went to my hairdresser (I missed her so much, to be honest with you) because I started feeling not very satisfied with the hair colour that I had.
It seemed too light blonde, almost bleached, with my darker roots showing...I needed a colour fix! :)
I wanted to go a slightly bit darker, for more natural & healthy looking colour.
My hairdresser coloured the roots a bit darker (but still lighter than my natural colour), and then she also darkened the length, but just a little bit...
Overall, I'm very happy with the result and I think I'll go again to my croatian hairdresser in August and I won't be going to my italian hairdresser again...
We'll see, but this is how I feel at the moment.
My croatian hairdresser also uses hair colour of a much better quality and less damaging, so this is one of the main reasons why I want to stick with her!
She currently uses only Kemon products.

You can see how I spent my third day in Croatia here:

Here are a couple of pics taken at the beach of Kostrena.
I'll do a video & blog post on this outfit (of the day) soon :) where I'll include more pics!

I took an opportunity of being at this beautiful spot, to film my contest entry for Youtube's NEXT UP contest!
I'm really excited to participate & full of motivation to keep going on with my Youtube beauty & style dedicated channel(s)!!!
You can check out my contest entry here & if you'd like to, leave me a comment :)

Thank you so much for all your support!

The last video vlog of my trip to Croatia will be uploaded tomorrow (well, due to the fact that it's past midnight, technically it'll be uploaded today...)

Kissss & Good Night!
xx Sonja 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Croatia Vlog: Day 2 (Alfa Romeo Car Meeting Rijeka/ Grobnik)

Hello girls!

Day 2 of my trip to Croatia:

Was VERY exciting!
We went to Alfa Romeo car meeting in Rijeka.
Everything started at 10.30 a.m. at the very cener of the town (this was a unique opportunity to drive by car in the centre of the town, Korzo, a pedestrian- only zone, but that morning, it was arranged for us to drive there by cars and then park there and stay in exhibition for cca 2 hours or so...)
Enjoy looking at these beauties:

After the cloudy & windy morning at the centre of Rijeka, we headed off to Grobnik where first we had lunch in one lovely restaurant & then, we went to race at the Grobnik's race track!

On our way to Grobnik:

Look at all these cars!
The meeting was really big & successful!

Parked in Grobnik & ready to go by foot to the restaurant!
It was a short walk up the hill :)

Our friends from Alfa Club Italia

My hubby & I
# 03 was our number for the race!
This pic was taken at the restaurant's terrace

Walking towards our cars, ready for the race! ;)

Yess, the day was super fun & exciting!
The beauty of this meeting was that it was actually international, Alfa clubs & individual Alfa lovers from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy met and we all had so much fun together!
Everything was organised well & we even had a TV coverage!

I hope you guys enjoyed my today's post, more vlogs coming soon!

xx Sonja

Monday 27 June 2011

New Vlog: My Trip to Croatia & Day 1


As you already know, I went to Croatia, the day after I returned home to Italy from London!
I had days off work so I thought it's the perfect occasion for travelling and visiting my family :)

Here is how the trip went & what did I do on a day 1:

& of course, I remembered to prepare a quick OOTD for you ;)

WATCH: Fossil
NAIL VARNISH: MUA (Make Up Academy)
CONNECTOR RING, CHARM BRACELET: My "souveniers" from London
WRAP BRACELETS: Made by moi, for more info go HERE!
EARRINGS: Chanel logo, my "souvenier" from London ;)

Stay tuned for the Day 2 & exciting race on the Grobnik race track with Alfa Romeo cars!
This video should be up today on my MissTrendyKitty vlog channel :)

Have a nice day girls!
Kissss xx

It's Time for London Vlog on MissTrendyKitty Youtube Channel! (Day 3 & 4)

Hello girls!

My busy with work end of the week is behind me, luckily I had the Sunday free & I spent it all day at the beach & then dinner with our friends :)
Laying at the beach was perfection :)
So in the past days I had a very little time to dedicate to my blog, I just managed to check my e-mail & comments & tried to reply to most of them!

Today I'm free but I have ton of housework to do (we haven't been around for almost 3 weeks so everything is all over the place & I have my luggage from Croatia still unpacked in the middle of my room!)
This is, you'll agree, I'm sure, a valid excuse to be MIA even today from my regular internet activities...
I promise, I'll update you soon with what I bought in London, I know this has been requested and I am planning to do it soon, just have a bit more patience pleaseee, ok? ;)

Have you seen my Vlog/Diary from London, (Day 3 & 4) yet?
(You can watch it here, by clicking on the play button)
We went to see Big Ben, Westminster, Camden Town & met our friends at Hammersmith and Fullham!

I hope you'll enjoy watching!
I have other vlogs (from my recent trip to Croatia) in preparation, you'll see what have I been up to :)

Kisss xx

Monday 20 June 2011

It's London Time! (Day 3 & 4)

Hello girls!

Even though I'm already in Croatia since this Friday night and have been vlogging about my mini-vacation (I still need to edit everything, probably when I return to Italy...) I still needed to do a blog post about my London trip, days 3 & 4, just as I've said I would!
So let's do that now!
Day 3 & 4 were reserved for Big Ben & Westminster, Camden Town, Hammersmith & Fulham!
So here are the pics:

On our way to Central London...

Close to Victoria Station...
heading towards Big Ben!


Big Ben!

London Eye in the background

Waiting for the Big Ben to start ringing at 12.30 p.m.

Close to the river Thames...
thinking about going to Camden Town!

Lunch at Camden Town.
Eating delicious indian cuisine, chicken korma &
vegetable samosas :) yummy!

I love indian cuisine!
So delicious!

Cute bags & stuff from Camden Town market

Enjoying my walk around Camden...

Wearing my new connector ring that I bought the first day of my
trip at Claire's accessories in Oxford Street!

Fulham, waiting for our Polish friend...
feeling exhausted, lol!

My hubby loves taking pics of cars that deserve it!

Day 4, on our way to Gloucester Square where we took the
Easy Bus to Stansted Airport...

Waiting for the Easy Bus to take us to Stansted airport.
We had a flight home at 19.05 p.m.

In the meanwhile, we were eating this yummy cheesecake in a pub
at Gloucester Square.
Outside was quite chilly & windy, so it was better to wait for the bus inside
of the pub!
I hope you guys enjoyed my post/vlog about my London trip!
We really enjoyed every minute of it & would like to go back again soon :)
I'll upload the Day 3& 4 vlog on MissTrendyKitty youtube channel soon, it's already edited, I just have to find a bit of time to upload it! I'm in Croatia now, so I'm really busy, out & about from the mornings till night!
Enjoying my days off!!! :)

Big kiss to you all!
xoxo Sonja